Glory to the BUILDERS! (Malkuth)

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Screenshot 2024-02-21 12.54.58
Screenshot 2024-02-21 13.03.29

Glory To The Builders!


Nice pics. What is it about?


New Stack, thus New Journal

My stack is now comprised of two customs.


The Revelation of Mind
The Revelation of Spirit
Eagle Eye
Mercy Protocol
Way of Understanding
Whispered Power
Ultimate Writer
Technological Prodigy
Instant Business Tactician
Carpe Diem Ascended
Victory’s Call
Mountain Breaker
You Are Not Alone



Genesis: Mogul
Nouveau RICH
Khan Black 4
Product Lab
One Purpose
Destiny Directive
Debt Annihilator
Safety Net
AI Whisperer
New Learning Experience
Book Blitz
Free Pass
The Lines
The Way of ROI
Cosmic Navigator
New Dawn
Radiating Health
Cashflow Catalyst

Today I downloaded BUILD and did my first exposure. Just 1 minute 8 seconds.

For now, in each play period, I will play one custom. They’re loaded, and so it seems prudent.


Today is my next scheduled play-day. Eager and willing (and a little desperate) to continue to my second loop of BUILD, after my first 1 minute micro-loop,


The night before I played it the first time, I got 3 hours of sleep. And last night, I got about 4 or 4.5 hours.


looks like Malkuth is going to take one more rest day, get a good night’s sleep, and then start fresh tomorrow.


2nd loop of BUILD completed.

2 minutes 34 seconds.

I knew that I was going to do up to 3 minutes, so I just followed my intuition as to when to stop.

So far, I feel that I’ve noticed, since running the first loop on Wednesday, some expression from Dynasty and Destiny Directive. Those modules work with parts of my life that are well-exercised and that get pretty frequent opportunities for development. I can imagine that I may have higher flow with regard to those two.

Hmm…interesting. And now, I’m noticing that I feel quite good. That pleasant, stimulated, internally light and circulating feeling that I sometimes get after some subliminal exposure sessions. Interesting.

That makes me glad that I stayed to 2.5 minutes.

I think that this kind of light high is often followed by an ebb. And it’s good to know that the whole thing won’t be as intense.

Let me remember the modules.

Genesis: Mogul
Nouveau RICH
Khan Black 4
Product Lab
One Purpose
Destiny Directive
Debt Annihilator
Safety Net
AI Whisperer
New Learning Experience
Book Blitz
Free Pass
The Lines
The Way of RoI
Cosmic Navigator
New Dawn
Radiating Health
Cashflow Catalyst

Let’s get it.


I’m going to add Inner Circle to my stack.

Now that I’m playing only one primary program during each 3-week play period, it gives me a little space to work with.

Inner Circle addresses one of the main issues holding me back/holding me in place.

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How do you decide when to press stop? I do it when I feel a sensation of warmth and vibration in my chest, like Im fulfilled.
Ive noticed that if I continue to listen after that, I get headaches.


It’s pretty distant for me.

I’m not usually aware of strong, immediate process-related signals as you are. I think that sounds amazing.

But I’m learning to trust my intuition. Often it’s just a distant thought or impression. That’s how it was yesterday. Just an impulse to check how long it had been playing and the thought, ‘What if I stopped now?’

I think I could have listened to the whole 15 minutes and not felt much in the moment.

But it’s the period afterwards that I’m more concerned about.

I don’t get a lot of physical discomfort generally. But what I do seem to get sometimes are external, life disruptions.

I don’t think that’s the subs particularly, I think it’s more me. I think it’s just how my life works now.

The border between Within and Without is becoming more permeable.

I suspect that I’ve kind of asked for it and made it happen through my choices and practices.

And I’ve got so much upheaval going on that I don’t want any more. So I’m trying to apply moderation.

But sometimes the Inside/Outside thing is nice or funny.

For example,

You know that my custom is called BUILD, right?

Well, last week Wednesday morning, it was my next scheduled play day (after 5 processing days). I thought the custom might not arrive in time. So I planned to play a stack of Genesis: Mogul and Nouveau RICH instead. But before getting to that, I sat down at the computer to play the day’s Wordle puzzle.

As I was sitting there, I suddenly got the notification that my custom was ready for download, just at the perfect time.

And that’s all very well and good.

But at that exact same time, I solved the Wordle puzzle for that day.

Here’s a screen-capture:


That actually happened.

Pretty amazing.

But anyway, the takeway is: ‘Take it gradually, Malkuth’


First stirrings of what feels like Genesis Mogul, Nouveau RICH, and Cashflow Catalyst.

In the form of an idea.

Will develop the idea and then try.


Strategizing around BLINDSPOTS.

This is an important topic that I’m thinking about right now.

Blind spots register subjectively as absences.

They are not absences; or, rather, they are absences of information, perception, understanding, not of existence.

I have blind spots when it comes to my interpersonal worth.


I just had an a-ha moment and became aware of a subliminal result that has been building over the past 4 to 6 months.

Part of my work involves advising and supervising people as they develop professionally. I have been noticing increasing feelings of warmth and love for the people I work with, and a sense of connectedness.

It just dawned on me that this change was very likely an expression of the subliminals that I have been playing during that time. It was a little subtle to notice because I am not running any obviously love-oriented programs (Love Bomb, Love Bomb for Humanity, Chosen, etc.,). To be honest, I really did not think about it much.

But, my main custom since August 2023 was PHENOMENAUT. Its program core modules are The Revelation of Mind, The Revelation of Spirit, and Genesis. All of those are about alignment with the soul and the deep purpose of who you really are. Even more on the nose, the custom modules include: Empath, Mercy Protocol, Way of Understanding, in addition to Entranced, Eagle Eye, Whispered Power, and Chiron.

Once again, I was so busy looking for an envelope to arrive at the mailbox at my front door, that I missed a whole pile of boxes that had been dropped off on the steps at the back door.

How interesting.


Tomorrow is my next play day.

I wonder how long of a loop I will play.

Last one was 3 and a half minutes.

Maybe 5? 7?


Yesterday I had 5 relatively back-to-back consultation meetings. Starting at 10 am, ending at 8:30 pm. There were some spaces in the middle there during which I was eating or traveling from point A to point B.

Interestingly, I thought I would be tired or drained, but I was not. I found myself (mostly) interested and stimulated.


Was awakened early again today by various internal and external factors. I think I’m probably a bit exhausted, so I’ve decided to take an additional break-day from subliminal exposure.

I don’t actually feel terrible, but I’m just trying to apply balanced judgment. We’ll see what today and tomorrow bring.


Turn the shit around!

Thanks, Bill.


I’m suspecting that nostalgia might also (at times) be expressive of an underlying fear of The Present.

Growing, Learning, Experiencing, Unfolding: NOW

Nostalgia is, in fact, a misguided longing for The Present.

Remember when I felt so connected?

Remember when I had such meaningful experiences?

Remember when I read this book and it changed me?

Remember when the world seemed to hold mystery and promise?

Those experiences that are being longed for are the results of engaging and absorbing into The Present. The Now.

It can be scary to connect to The Now.

What if it doesn’t work?

As babies, we had the resilience to try to stand and walk hundreds of times until it worked. That’s the only reason we stood and walked.

As we get older, we sometimes grow to prefer safer bets.

But the juice is in engagement. We’ve got to find ways to connect meaningfully to Now.

We are ever so much aware of the cost of each disappointment and of every falling short.

But the answer to this is not avoidance, it’s enhanced Recovery.

We need to get better at RECOVERING, so that we do not need to fear every bump or setback.


Just played 3:24 of PHENOMENAUT Genesis.

Why does it feel like I just reconnected with an old friend?

How long has it been?

40 days! (just checked)

Was playing full loops back then. But now, I’ve decided to return gradually.

Made another change:
Rather than alternating my two customs every Play-Period (i.e., every 21 play days + 5 processing days), I’m alternating my two customs every week.

1 week - BUILD
1 week - PHENOMENAUT Genesis

The point was and is to give them each space to breathe.

For now, BUILD seems to need some space after about a week.

(Translation: for now, my mind seems to require some time to process and integrate after about a week of exposure to BUILD.)


Don’t floor the gas when you’re sitting on mud.;

And don’t do intense exposure to your subliminals if you haven’t yet built a foundation for the changes you seek?


My mind was very happy for the exposure to PHENOMENAUT Genesis yesterday. It was striking.

I could feel the positive reaction lasting over the rest of the day, and if I pay attention, it’s still there at a low level right now.


(This could almost go on to Sub Club Black; but it’s more archetypal than mystical.)

The River Styx

The river Styx is the boundary between the Conscious and Unconscious minds. It is a liminal zone. And having a little understanding of it is helpful.

When there is a concept or information that you are learning, a skill that you are practicing, or even a desired reality that you are building, there comes a moment where it will cross this river–this boundary zone. At that moment, it seems to disappear. You were practicing and making improvements, but now there’s a sense of having lost it.

What happened?

It is making the journey into a deeper part of you. Once there it will be even stronger.

This is the difference between someone who can say things in a language and someone who knows the language. In order for the language to become known, the body must embrace and learn it, in addition to the verbal-analytic thought process. The language must, in other words, cross the river Styx.

Understanding and cooperating with this process will remove unnecessary stress from the learning process.

Funny that the above just came to me this morning. I’ll attribute it to New Learning Experience.