Glitching&Unlocking the Matrix (DR +RoS+RoM)

Was thinking about the name for journal then remembered seeing yesterday my post on another topic was at exact 3333# and when i saw it was at 3hours ago mark then a couple hours after i check a random game on yb image one of players at rank 6 with 66.6% winrate what’s the statistical chance of that happening?

Made me think of ‘carrier anomaly’ from Matrix, what do these synchronicities(matrix glitches) mean? In a nutshell this: Buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is going bye-bye. - YouTube

Every time there’s something happening or about to related to inner-outer/ subjective-objective, a breakthrough ,awakening or big insights then synchronicities start pouring through , disruption of everyday patterns.

This year will be intense al tho should be lucky for capricorns :goat: , not only sublims but intense initiations and potent tools coming in following months. So a journal is nice to put down insights and breakthroughs to digital paper to keep up .

DR to clean up the simulation avatar from accumulated junk and malware and RoS+RoM to unlock the inner code. No particular goal , let the theater unfold it self as it should.


Nice. Will be watching this with keen interest :eyes:


Oh boy it’s been a while .

I recently had a dream of being a dragon and uplifting my wings(a bit wobbly but kept going) and taking flight as an expression of my potential, instantly knew it was visual manifestation of DR ST3
Ever since i started revelation of spirit i felt i needed a break from forums decide to update journal due to dream.

Current update i played DR ST1 4-5 cycle dr ST2 4-5cycle and now im currently in DR ST3 third cycle and gonna go likely to mid october before DR4.
I stopped Revelation of mind as i felt intuitively i didnt need it anymore and i did mind eye for 1 cycle and my manifestation and visual skill were off the charts.
Revelation of spirit since 2weeks after its release and its been amazing dont think i will quit this one anytime soon.

So im currently running DR ST3 and Revelation of Spirit, not an easy combo by any means i feel recon hitting hard depressive,tired but not angry and anxious as i was several months ago.
By the end of DR S2+ROS back to back felt incredible ,i felt like an enlightened visionary billionaire working for greater good of humanity.
Then the hard recon of DR ST3 hit , i been doing earth grounding,getting more sun,more outdoor exercise(swimming),more drinking water, no unhealthy habits and doing my spiritual practice.

So far i manifested lots of positive stuff , the bs that i was stuck in before doesnt have a hold over me anymore ,broke several energetic inner prisons. All the blocks that felt impossible and set in stone like karmic and astrological ones now feel malleable and flexible,i dont have accept these imposed limitations anymore.
I feel like im just at the beginning of next phase of massive self growth and potential(especially in spiritual area) and all the years of previous self development were just the foundation.

Tho i still feel a bit blocked in my financial aspect ,i had several opportunities come by but were not in integrity with me and RoS just amplified those feelings.I dont really feel drawn to any subliminal in finance area, just have to find another way to work this out.

RoS i cant put this subliminal into words so i will keep it short, it makes me feel saintlike . I would usually do a blessing(from my spiritual practice) out of kindness towards strangers passing by that look like they need it. It lifts you up from lower vibrational bs into higher states and more connected to source, the limitations and impulses from ego become from evident and clear.
Slowly purging the corruption( descent from Eden) and alchemizing inner lead into gold and water to wine.

More compassion ,forgiveness toward one self and others.

I manifested so many courses now, it’s hard to keep up and i been procrastinating as well tho getting better at this, but wouldnt mind some tips on fixing procrastination as well.
That’s short recap of journey on sublims so far and synchronicities are always off the charts like neo in matrix.


So i added sage immortal to ros and dr3 and oh boy did it hilariously take me to a place where i might find a serious upgrade a massive lifechanging one but is serious high sorcery pacting for a long time . Sage dont play around coy.


Started dr4 recently and finally starting to get some real answers . Wont lie i was getting quite dissapointed with dr and RoS as it didnt seem to be delivering what it promised and effects last only shortly after playing and sometimes the recon feels as turbulent as riding a cataclysmic ocean storm in a small boat but its fine as long as it delivers but it barely does feels like getting just minimum scraps of results and revereting back to dog eat dog cruel mental paradigm which doesnt make sense with this combo.

As i mentioned at start i got a real answer from a highly credible reader that i had a malevolent entity following me since birth , which would explain all consistent blockages and problems and badluck for my whole life that defy logic or health issues that medical equpment cant scan.

It took me 5cycle per dr stage just to get to this point lol… hard not to get a bit jaded overall at life . The solution of course is expensive and god knows when getting over financial blockages will happen as there is a lot of resistance from the entity.
Sublim did lead me to a solution but it is currently unrealistic for my current situation but will see what happens by end of dr4.


Was in a bit of a huge ditch of despair,anger and turmoil probably all that accumulated recon, climbing out now.

Did 3min dr4 and 15min emperor dark and HOLY FUQ emperor dark feels like RAW power injection to my subconsciousness, this is a king among sublims

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Did a 3min ascension chamber into 15min dr4 into 5min emperor black, feels heavy but amazing, feeling closer to natural person according to my blueprint with spiritual benefits and evolution as well

Feeling a mountain of potential, an empire of higher consciousness kind of work that wants to materialize from inner to external world.

Reminded to this song that captures my current state from for all mankind serie

Have to start khan black in near future need a nuclear powerhouse to power up inner vision to life.

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Its the hardest energy to conquer and master.

Sexual energy is our most primal and biological drive.The world is partly run by economy based on manipulating and taking advantage of that, as how many billions are spent on porn, sexual imagery in all kinds of ads, all types of services onlyfans, camming etc… Its all about vampirising sexual energy for lowest pleasure instead of mastering and developing it for higher goals and higher bliss and overall life vitality, satisfaction and feeling alive.

Theres a reason spiritual awakening experiences like kundalini is associated with rise and cultivation of sexual energy along the spine and transmutation of it from lower to higher state.


The roots of AC’s pyramid of exploitation of the holy living energy run deep into these areas. In fact any exploitation of this energy for personal pleasure rather than for its intended purpose of being creative (in the sense of multiplying creation) runs the risk of co-opting the energy. This is their secret, to push material pleasure and the sensory input over useful output.

It is most epitomised in their worst form of pornography (other than illegal types) sanctioned on modern day porn sites, which is often found in the trending nowadays. The type where a male (or a female) shares their partner with another person, and often engages in risky behavior with regards to contraception. Many can see the clear connection between this type of imagery and pushing the depop agenda upon the world.

They do this because it breaks the commandment to “be fruitful and multiply”. That’s the whole rationale behind the depop agenda. The enemy when they engage to try to bring these ends about do so through means of the human imagination, because it is only through leading the victim to NOT engage with reality that they can compromise their divine nature. Therefore they take every opportunity to waylay the creative mind with imaginary things, including tv shows, movies, and especially pornography.

Khan Black is definitely a great tool to help combat that agenda of weakening the creative force of human potential. I’ve run it for several months since its release and it still hasn’t left my stack, which tells me its as special as everyone else is letting on in the other thread :wink:


I would say the purpose of this energy like maslows pyramid of needs starts from lower biological needs like pleasure and procreation, higher paradigms creative work, vitality, manifestation and up the pyramid kundalini awakening, conversion of sex energy into bliss.

Even porn addicts can impregnate someone but they cant utilize it for higher things.
To utilize it higher up the pyramid, there needs to be cultivation and transmutation, that cant happen if its wasted.

As for cinema depends on state from which it originates from theres lots of garbage but the gems inspire a catharsis, a shift and expansion in perspective, consciousness and higher mental paradigms to elevate people out of states they are stuck in and open up to new pathways.

Pleasure is not a need. It’s a feeling, a body sensation, an indicator of a pleasing or pleasant interaction. The problem comes when we train ourselves, through ordinary life, to avoid painful situations and seek pleasant ones and use our mind to justify doing so. You don’t “need” to avoid fighting that guy on the train that’s terrorising everyone around him, but you don’t want to challenge him (intellectual interpretation of an emotional state) because you might have all your teeth knocked out (imagination, projection of a hypothetical future).

This is why in real tantra (like the Shaivite traditions) emphasis is put on being able to seize every sensation like a tiger and engage with it. The goal is to be able to obtain one pointed concentration without being distracted by addiction to the sensation.

That assumes that they want to. The example paradigm I was talking about earlier often involves deliberately playing on dominance and submission to convince the victim that its not right for them to procreate and that they should just continue to fuel the addiction of good feeling by watching more videos. And this is the least of the psychological tricks being used to try to steer the existing replacement of one group of willing slaves with another. But for me to go much further here on this forum would be dangerous and wouldn’t serve my original point of talking about the subs.

I’m not dumping on imagination, it has its positive aspects, but again this is about how the potency of the human being to act is controlled, through this bullshit pleasure and pain dilemma. The more you can engage people with the magic trick of “look over here at this shiny thing” and allow them to make a voluntary choice to ignore other things going on, the easier you can hide the truth in plain sight. It’s more fun to play this shoot-em-up game and engage with this virtual world where I solve puzzles someone else has dreamed up than it is to execute a plan to earn money, or figure out how to write that puzzle game myself. Etcetera. Or more to the point, go watch your favourite tv series and forget about what’s going on in the Middle East and the resource grab that’s going on. “Do you think this episode Barry Allen will finally figure out how to be a good partner to Iris? Will they live happily ever after? Will Felicity finally get the recognition she deserves?” (LOL)

But if you run the sub you’ll probably start having your own insights like this.

Edit to add: And some of this post might be the result of me running Emperor: Will to Power once or twice :wink:

Loving dr4 its been 3 cycles but i feel several more cycles will be needed to get in deeper, to be honest not sure if there is a point in getting off this sub seems like endless value and success mixed with healing energy state i get

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Short update doing dr4 and kb1 holy shit, still feeling leftovers of RoS too but feels like kb put dr4 into another gear massive motivation and confidence.

Feels like i have an empire to build from within to project and manifest outwards, kb will be the fuel resource factory and dragon the guiding principle and direction.


Oof recon from kb1 brutal mass sexual energy slept like 2 hours a day and havent fapped like this maybe ever lol but i withdraw it along spine so it feels good and useful energy for spiritual practice, gotta start lust detox soon,just to get it out of my system…

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Recent manifestation someone sent me this event.
I plan in few months to attend a" Krishna and Devi Shaktipat initiations, which are only given in person. Additionally, a seed or imprint of enlightenment called Shivapat is planted deep within the individual during shaktipat, eventually granting liberation (Mukti) "

Retreat since its in my country. If anyone has any advice on preparation for this let me know.

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I would be quite wary about these shaktipat things. Historically, there are genuine yogis that give such things and they can lead to profound changes, but to my knowledge, there were never commercial and today’s gurus from India are almost all fake and business-minded, even with their own people.
Besides, you can definitely open your meridians/pranic channels and circulate a ton of energy yourself. For example, you could try Wim Hof’s method, and progress to tummo with long breath holds.
Now, if you combined that with Khan Black and Revelation of Spirit/Dreams, you’d be up in the clouds.

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Hes from Copenhagen but i heard great experiences from someone trusted. You are definitely right about india being the spiritual guru industry tho.

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Great dreams tonight, training with 3cute beautiful girls that want to spoil me lol and after that a dream where i won a competition and enjoyed that winner energy vibe. Woke up feeling great.
Seeing some good manifestations irl and building connections with high integrity people to grow further.

Been drawn to some extra tools lately and experimenting with this, seeing good results. Interesting tech.

Short update. I started khan st1 a week after gmx, now im running khan and khan black and gmx.
Honestly i miss how dragon 4 stage made me feel will probably return to it in future after updates or in custom stack.

Honestly not feeling as much recon from khan1 as i expected and i did like other day 2 15mim loops and khan black loop.

I also been experimenting and i feel its succesful so far of using moon pentancle as its energies are associated with opening the subconscious mind before playing subliminals and using affirmations related to subliminal goals by putting them on print out of moon pentancle and i feel it goes smoother and stays grounded in my subconscious.

If anyone is curious its this First Pentacle of the Moon: Unlock Mystical Doors to P

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