Gateway To Divinity untangling the mysteries of creation

So my new custom is here, And Journaling about women and business does not really interest me anymore. As it’s very easy for ego to get involved in it. Might add some here and there.

But this is a custom I am interested to journal about.

Build QTKS
Ascension Chamber Core
Mind’s Eye Core
Current Invoker
The Architect
Void of Creation
Fortune’s Favorite
Divine Will
The Merger of Worlds
Wheel of Creation
Sands of Time
Joie de Vivre
Inner Voice
The Flow


Will start with a 3 minute loop then go from there, Will also make a business custom later and women but waiting for new love experience

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Ran a 5 min loop yesterday this one feels very different than all subs I did. Reality feels very malleable but I also kinda feel like I’m on a microdose of mushrooms. Mind is completetely still.

This one seem to take some energy to run though as I can’t stop eating on it XD.

Still considering the density of this one it does not feel that hard to run. QTKS is legit.

THe audio clip I used for qtks was even me going on a rant for some clients XD.


Also just had dreams that all women wanteed me and I constantly got money. No matter what I did.

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It’s very interesting the effect this one has. I feel like a curious awareness exploring the world. Taste in enhanced sound is enhanced everything just have more intensity.

It’s a bit ungrounding though for me. But to be fair groundedness was really never my strength.

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More money manifested, Money seem to very effortless now a days. I just win on gambling huge amounts without really trying. Wins that are one in a million chance on that bet size.

For the manifestation of women, There’s still a tiny conflict in my mind between just becoming a manwhore and wanting something deeper. But going for something deeper when all I do is travel right now is quite pointless.

Already left 2 girls behind that I loved. Well that cleared that up.

Subclub really have changed my life along with changework and meditation. Like in the kind of changework I do. It always start with the question so what’s the problem.

I can’t even come up with a problem atm. Well maybe how much I don’t like outreach but who cares.

Most wealth blocks just seem to have evaporated with mindfulness and subs.


Like seriously subclub plus a changework session now and then for problem that’s a bit more stuck and confusing + meditation. Total game changer of life and perspective

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once the next 2 customs are coming I proly just stay with this stack for a long time.

Can’t come up with anything more to add now I just have an intention to get some more cashflow from my coaching and more lovely women that I connect with.

Life feels kinda done in a nice way.

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Life is a bit intense after this sub but to be fair it kinda has always been a bit intense for me.

I feel like a floating awareness just enjoying the mysteries of life. Fresh fruit seem to help a lot with tiredness. How lucky that I am in a place in the world where they have the best fruit.

So you are having manifestation QTKS, building that 5 core custom and also third custom?


This sub gets me sooo high XD. Did therapy over text on a client in 3 minutes and fixed his problem. So crazy intution next level

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Mind sharing here again that second one and also the third one?

Have not ordered them yet as new love experience is not out yet. And stark prolly gets a update soon

I had three QTKS custom, everyone one 2 cores, but was not sure about the effect but had no recon though.

I am asking because I am currently building one and just would like to maybe some inspiration.

Oh damm how was it having 3 qtks customs ?

Ah here’s the idea of them, Feel 0 need for the spiritual one atm though.


wanted black/ sex and seduction/khan black st 4/ ,
Transcdental connection
New love experience
New romance experince.
Chosen of venus
Sex manifestation
Divine self image
Love without attachment
Long range seduction
Etheral Presence
Focused arousal
instant spark
seducers gaze
kings radiance
Enchanting smile
Harmonic singularity
blue skies


Noveau Rich/true sell/Chosen
new wealth experience
Cosmic wealth
cash flow catalyst
Perfect avatar
Revelation of Product
Value proposition
Unrelenting wealth and motivation
Emperor voice
Subconcious flow
Dragon Tounge
Ultimate writer
Awakened perception
All seeing
Eagle eye
Eyes of zenith
Destiny directive

Love bomb for humanity
Chosen of venus
Depths of love
Deep state
elemental opus
Energetic restoration
Energetic augmentation
Faith unyielding
Formless clarity
Fusion optimized
light of humility
Mystic osmosis
Radiating health
starfilled night
The wonder
song of joy
Enchanting smile

They money one is not gonna have all those cores it’s more that I have not decided XD

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I do not honestly know I also have a very bad sense of spotting changes, I am not good at it.
Did 3 minutes for all of them, no recon, no shitty sleep, and not many changes in my life but it could be due to the overall dense stack.
So rn I do two normal titles and one custom(2 cores).

Oh interesting, High level of mindfulness is super cool to have developed with subs.

Like I can notice if my thought patterns are different and perception and even senses.

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What subs are you running now?