Foxdie's (first: QLQ + AscensionQ) QL + Primal Seduction + Dragon Reborn

QLQ ST2 - Day 13
Primal Seduction Q - Day 9
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Day 9

I’ve been experiencing a new sensation for 2-3 days. I could define this feeling as little peaks of sensuality inside me during the day. But it’s not only that, together with sensuality I feel a subtle desire to spread my love to women, through my words and my touch.
It is perhaps difficult to imagine what I have described but it is what I am feeling now, in a subtle way in the “depth” of myself.

Another thing I notice deriving from these feelings is that emotionally I feel more open, I feel like I can show my vulnerabilities with open arms to whoever I am in front of (naturally I mean the girls I am attracted to). In other words, I feel I can open up.
In the past, I recognize and understand now that I have been closed into myself due to past events and people who have hurt me. The latter made me close in a shell to protect myself.
But now I begin to feel that this shell is dissipating. Perhaps this feeling is what it feels like to be emotionally and sexually free.

I haven’t left home yet to try these new discoveries of myself with girls and people in general, but I expect something positive.

Another thing I noticed is that I eat a lot lately :joy: is it normal?
I know some say to stay hydrated because the sub makes you consume mental energy. But does the same apply to food? Or maybe in QL there is some script to maintain your brain fed and fit?

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You require more energy. Basically food converts to energy. Therefore more food. :slight_smile:

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QLQ ST2 - Day 15
Primal Seduction Q - Day 11
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Day 11

Today I noticed a couple of things:

• I am more likely to say what I think or want more easily without worrying too much about others.
I didn’t have female presences on which to verify the effects of PS today, but tomorrow I should solve the problem.

• My motivation for studying is high. I love the fact that every time I progress in a piece of study I feel a little charge of euphoria on me.
I also feel that the fluency in the study has increased, I no longer have the usual blocks.


Nice like hearing this, when you say usual block you mean not being able to figure something out or learning/understanding something immediately?

Yes exactly. Also the willingness to fo ahead in studing.

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QLQ ST2 - Rest Day 1
Primal Seduction Q - Rest Day 1
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Rest Day 1

Today I have some reconciliation. I have some doubts about my ability with women and doubts about myself. I asked myself “what I don’t have that others have?”

I feel powerless and frustrated.

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Keep on keeping on, this too shall pass.

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QLQ ST2 - Rest Day 2
Primal Seduction Q - Rest Day 2
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Rest Day 2

This morning I woke up with a sense of anger in my body and a desire to improve my look because I dress too normally.

Again as yesterday I feel frustration. And I feel a hole indide me as something is missing.

QLQ ST2 - Day 16
Primal Seduction Q - Day 12
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Day 12

Today it’s another reconciliation day.
After listening to Primal Seduction I felt a bit of sadness.

The good thing is that my motivation to study is high. My workflow is better and my reading speed + conprehension I feel that it is increased.

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Nice the benefits of QL at it best, how long you keeping this stack for?

I was thinking of switching to QL ST3 after 30 days of ST2 and the same for DR from ST1 to ST2. For PS I continue until I reach the results described by the title.

Ok nice will keep pushinh will keep updated with you progress

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QLQ ST2 - Day 17
Primal Seduction Q - Day 13
Dragon Reborn ST1 - Day 13

After listening to a Primal Seduction loop this morning, I felt angry and pissed off. I came out with this rage in my body and it seemed that I was waiting for a prey to devour. Today, every slightest disrespect from anyone made me mad, but I held back and did not respond badly to anyone.

Then it happened …

The wrong person (a girl) did something disrespecting me and there I exploded. When the situation seemed to have calmed down she came back for the encore and this pissed me off even more and so I replied badly saying “I do and say what I want!” her boyfriend intervened after hearing this, and taken by inner fury I started to argue with him as well (but although I was pissed off, I answered in a calm tone). They separated us and it ended with him screaming alone and me, thanks to a friend, I ignored him. If there weren’t those people holding me I think I would have reacted physically out of anger.

It’s been a long time since I got so angry. It was as if a volcano had exploded.

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of course :grin:

Perhaps another rest day and/or fewer loops.

I think it is normal reconciliation. I am already alternating between 2 and 1 loops for DR and PS as the manual says.

Not that it happens that much anymore, but when I get angry at someone I look inward. Anger is enraged sadness within me, that’s why you often regret the outlash or see people start crying afterwards. I remind myself that it’s not that person that is at fault, they are just triggering something repressed on the inside. So actually it’s a good thing if I am willing to see the lesson it contains :slight_smile:


@Fire and @SaintSovereign Is this normal reconciliation?

@FoxDie how did you conclude something such as this is normal reconciliation?

Even if it was normal, do you want to be feeling and acting like this… or perhaps getting into physical fights?

As you say, the subs certainly triggered something inside me that then came out like anger, caused by something inside me. Whether it’s sadness or something else, yesterday’s reaction taught me that it’s better not to behave like this again and it would be better to stay in control, despite the irritation.

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Yesterday’s anger and irritation certainly was reconciliation in response to the subs, while how I reacted was my choice. I could have done differently and I was wrong.

Typically I am a friendly and warm person, but yesterday I was not into myself.

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