Foxdie's (first: QLQ + AscensionQ) QL + Primal Seduction + Dragon Reborn

Incel means unattractive you know, what is your excuse? this guy literally wrote in his tinder bio that he is a child rapist and woman still want to be with him.

Maybe the problem is not your trauma towards woman.

He is a good looking guy. That help him a lot. Look at how much text he have to write. Is the girl that is doing the work, that is reacting more to him, that trying to seduce him.
Also the problem with law is associated with bad boy behaviors and women love it. Women are not logical. A lot of them doesn’t even care if you’re a killer. Ever heard of criminals with lovers?
However the good look is not the point of the thing.

You ask me which is my excuse. I’ve never talked about excuses, at least on a conscious level.:slightly_smiling_face:
Only thing I can say is that my problem is more behavioral

I’m trying to find out.

QL Q - 2nd Rest Day of the week
AscensionQ - 2nd Rest Day of the week

What I want to write today is just one thing I have noticed over time while listening to subs since the time of Khan (when I ran it) until today that I am listening to Ascension + QL.

The thing I noticed is my handwriting. This last has changed a lot from before. The changes I see the most is an extreme order and organization of writing, compared to before I was writing in a completely messy way. One other thing I noticed is the body of the writing: much straighter and more uniform than the slanted and uneven way of the past. Above all, now I write in a very pressed way while before I wrote in a delicate way.

I make all these clarifications because the science (if it can be defined as a that) of graphology describes every structure of writing by associating it with behavioral and subconscious traits. Seeing my writing changed tells me that something has changed compared to the past many days and I have also consciously noticed this.
I still have a few things to change / improve, but so far the change in my writing shows me some variations within me.

For example: my writing which is now straighter means self-confidence and self-control (I confirm). The fact that I press more on the sheet indicates an increase in my motivation and energy to do things (I confirm).

Just nice QL is rely nice, like to hear this since i sould also like to improve my handwriting also

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I don’t know if it is a direct consequence of QL or a change caused by the evolution of my subconscious but this change is there.

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Your on stage one right, it has healing when it comes to your brain so thing you already know are probably getting improve but maybe it the evolution of your usage lol

Yeah good point. It may be as you say

I’m noticing a very important thing about AscensionQ. The sub is trying to get me to notice my Nice Guy behaviors more and more and is fueling the desire to destroy them.
I started reading No More Mister Nice Guy having caught it in a forum post by sheer chance (but I don’t think that’s the case, it’s Ascension at work). I’ve noticed that I have some of these Nice Guy behaviors, a few, but I don’t like them. In the past when I was a teenager I was much worse but now I have improved a lot and I am much freer in my expressiveness and I want to improve further.

It’s time to destroy all weakness.
It’s time to fight.


QL Q - Day 21 (2 loops)
RegenerationQ - Day 1 (2 loops)
AscensionQ - Day 16 (2 loops)

I added today RegenerationQ to my stack. Just now when I am writing I am listening to the first loop and I am experiencing that sense of euphoria that is spoken of when your subconscious likes what it is listening to. My subconscious like the script.:grinning:

Regarding QL. I notice that the motivation for studying has increased. Now I can study for much longer without getting tired. I am more motivated.

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Thank you @Apollo you are really made the thing crystal clear.

Yes we are in the Fight Club. Cool way to see it.

We are here to empower ourselfs and as you do I am feeling more powerful and healtier everyday that passes. I learned a lot of things on myself too that I was never considerated.

I know I had a lot of frustration and weak moment but I am feeling better than before. Sometimes is like magic, but don’t get me wrong the real magic ingredient is action!

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Yeah that the spirit, we all improving brick by brick. Subliminal help us to change what we need the extra help with in owe life

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today I noticed another thing that has been happening to me for a couple of days.

I can say that I love video games and I love to play, but lately I am losing the desire to do it and I almost feel like it is a waste of time. I find myself much more focused on the things I have to do (particularly studying).

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QLQ - Day 23 (2 loops)
RegenerationQ - Day 3 (1 loops)
AscensionQ - Day 18 (2 loops)

I started following the new rules for listening to stacks effectively published recently.

Today I went out for a bit to have lunch with a friend and then I joined my typical group of people.
Generally I felt emotionally vulnerable, weak.

My mind now notices one thing mostly when I am around: the fact that everywhere I see only people who are engaged.

In my head my image of myself, my image of a seducer does not exist.
I don’t see myself as a seducer. I feel helpless with women and don’t feel I have the skills to seduce them. Yet they are around wherever I go …

With university studies, however, it goes very well. The motivation is there and also the application. Everything is alright

QLQ - Day 24 (2 loops)
RegenerationQ - Day 4 (2 loops)
AscensionQ - Day 19 (1 loops)

I accomplished an other thing today about myself.

I realized that for most of my life I have tried to show many people what I really wasn’t. I have tried to prove to others that I am something that I am not. Most likely I did it out of a subconscious fear of not being accepted or loved for who I was. Maybe I thought I wasn’t worth enough or that I didn’t live up to people’s expectations. Consciously I said to myself that I didn’t care about the others, that I could do without them, but the subtleties of my behavior and what I wrote just before I would say that prove the opposite.

Maybe it is time to show everyone who I really am without hiding myself although some people won’t like me. I must be true.


another thing I’m starting to understand is that in life you will always find someone who doesn’t like you. Before I was sorry and I felt bad when someone did not like me (man or especially woman) but I realized that trying to please them is useless and is only counterproductive and a waste of energy. the best thing is to get over it and leave them alone.


Seems like Ascension is really kicking in properly.

Well done.


Yes. It’s really does his work


Absolutely Ascension! Also, QL and Regeneration healing your mind is helping. Way to go!


there is one thing that is happening to me with Ascension and that has already happened to me with Khan. Listening to these two programs I started having this instinct or way of expressing my sentences in a short, straight to the point, giving little information. I used to speak in a more “naive” way, expressing a concept and repeating it several times in various ways and with different words. Now there is this sense of brevity, where I feel more to say one thing in a single sentence rather than in 3 and leave the interlocutor curious for the lack but at the same time for the presence (the minimum necessary) of information in the sentence.

Am I the only one who happens to such a thing or does it happen to others?


I notice that I post a lot on this journal Hahaha. I do it because I want to write down every change or feeling I have.

For example, now I find myself in a really strange emotional situation. Inside me I hear a strong voice, which wants to go forward and act, but then I feel another part of me trying to hinder me. I hear it as a whimpering, weak voice trying to make excuses for why I can’t excel in life (or with women), the latter being the beast to be erased. Luckily I hear the strong voice countering and finding reasons and examples from my life to move forward. It almost seems like there are two personalities inside of me Hahaha but the truth is that I feel an absurd emotional turmoil now. I feel fragile, weak and vulnerable.

Part of me is afraid and another is trying to cheer me up. Which of the two will win?


The one you feed …