Foundation V2 - A Boundary Pushing Journal -- Genesis, The Revelation of Mind, The Ecstasy of Gold, Physical Shifting, Romance, and Adventure

7/12/2023: Day 11 - Stack 1 - Cycle 1 - The Aesthete

Had some more Genesis anger last night and I suppose that’s just what I’m gonna call it moving forward. My bones say that I might need 2-3 more cycles on Genesis before EoG. It’s tempting to jump the gun and head into EoG, but the more Genesis time, the better the EoG run will be. The wealth scripting in Gen is nothing to scoff at anyway. Just got a job that ought to, yet again, pay me more than I’ve ever made before. So this will be the third career level up since starting subclub.

Feeling pretty good. Started working out again.

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7/13/2023: Day 12 - Stack 1 - Cycle 1 - Rest

We got that mid cycle confusion again. It’s tough, but it’s all good.

Being someone that responds well to these programs isn’t always east. This is now the third time I’ve had to change jobs in the last year or so, not to mention my other adventures.

It’s great, because I keep moving uphill, but it’s jarring. It’s jarring to keep changing so much…

And that’s why I’m going to stay on Genesis for a while, I’ve already reached another point of no return, so I need to see where this road takes me before I do anything crazy.

Like, I just need to be prepared for anything. Friends will come and go, social situations will change, jobs can change. Everything can change so quick…I’m here for it, but I guess I’m saying I’m going to try to enjoy what I have before I go and change it all again, lol.

Money, money, money.

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7/14/2023: Day 13 - Stack 1 - Cycle 1 - Genesis and RoM

Anger cleared again and broke way for some pretty damn cool results and maybe even a buisness partnership.

That’s just how Genesis seems to work for me: anger > action > results.

Will be sticking with Genesis for a while. As much as the anger annoys me, it’s really pushing me forward.

Isn’t this Foundation journal about breaking boundaries and limits?

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Am I ready for Wanted Black, that’s the question I really gotta ask myself.

Is it recon or is it Wisdom? Like, what’s gonna change if I run Wanted Black? Hmm… I mean I can always just…TEST IT and see what happens.

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7/15/2023: Day 14 - Stack 1 - Cycle 1 - Rest

Hmm. Kay, gonna try Wanted Black tomorrow for a test loop then end the cycle early. What do we have to lose?

Or not.

Here’s what I know. I’m feeling a HUGE FUCKING PUSH TO LOOKS MAX.

Like, I’m attractive, but why am I not perfect? Why am I not at my maximum physical potential.

If WB shifts me away from the strive toward physical perfection, I might need to drop it.


I believe my Genesis Test drive is now over. Maybe. Tomorrow I’ll run a loop of WB and see what happens.

The vibe that I get from WB is that it might be exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I hope that the self love and life of the party scripting gives me the softness I need mixed with all the skill.

As of now, Genesis, RoM, WB.

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I think we all know what will happen… :smirk: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


7/16/2023: Day 15 - Stack 1.1 - Cycle 1 - Wanted Black

Just ran a full loop of Wanted Black, now the washout begins…or does it?

I felt an enormous surge of energy the second I took the head phones off. I’ll be interested to see how this unfolds for me.

The next stack is very much undecided, but I will likely want to test Genesis and RoM with Wanted Black for at least one cycle to finish my journey with Genesis that’s already begun.

Stack 3 will be

RoM, Wanted Black (or my current custom), and RICH or EoG.

Stack four RoM, WB, EoG, then we move forward.

Interesting first day on WB.

2 women came out of the woodwork. Nothing happened, not really, but they did appear. Interesting.

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7/17/2023: Day 16 - Stack 1.1 - Cycle 1 - Rest

Hmm. Not sure how I feel, but I feel pretty good.

On my first loop two women came out of the wood work, today, a third came out of the woodwork, this time because I followed an intuitive nudge to reach out.

Today in the store I felt very attractive.

I’m pretty confident that the next stack will be Wanted Black, RoM, and RICH for a while. EoG will be stage two of the wealth focus. I already own RICH and never gave it the time it needed to prove itself, so dedicating time to RICH first, seems like a good idea.

Regardless of what I’ve said previously, I’m now feeling that two cycles of Genesis has been enough for this stage in my life. Perhaps, moving forward I’ll cycle off the normal stack for a cycle or two of Genesis before going back on to the normal stack.

What I’m most curious about is running Wanted Black as my core personality title. One loop just isn’t enough to know, a full cycle should give more data.

Beep boop.

Nothing is ever final with me, at least I embrace it. Tomorrow, I’ll probably just end my Genesis run and start RICH. I’m feeling that deep pull and it’s not normal recon.


7/17/2023: Day 16 - Stack 1.1 - Cycle 1 - Rest - End of Cycle 1.1

Update. AND here’s the recon. A little bit of boredom and lack of interest in life. Cycle ends now.

That’s cool. I ran a full loop of Wanted Black because I like to test stuff out. Going to move my body, try and get ahead of the recon, and treat myself well.

I’ll give it 5 days standard, then use my washout insights to finalize the new stack.


7/18/2023: Day 17 - Stack 1.2 - Cycle 1 - R.I.C.H - Okay NOW the cycle is over…maybe

Okay…well, look why not? Skipping RoM today, skipping Genesis, and running R.I.C.H for a loop.

Wanted Black awakened a strange desire in me, a burning desire for a private jet. It happened after the first loop, I just had this sudden realization that I want a private jet. I’ve never been the one to care about opulent purchases like that, quite the opposite, I tend to have more laid back wealth dreams, but the more I thought about it, the more I fell in love with the idea.

I don’t need sports cars and mansions…but a dope home in a beautiful city and a private jet to go wherever I please whenever I please…yeah, that’s more my style.

It came with a vision too. I saw myself sitting in my private jet, smiling and nodding at the pilot as he asked if I was ready. Yeah, I’m ready for the private jet.

Also, I’m writing this update WHILE listening to RICH and I just fulfilled a career manifestation. I’ve been waiting to hear back from a new employer, well they just texted, interrupting my lovely brain programming water sounds.


Wanted Black, RICH, RoM.

Seems like it’s everything I want and need.

Single Loop Review of Wanted Black

Healing masculinity:
first day I ran it, I noticed a guy checking out this girl but not making a move. I had a burning desire to go give him a pep talk. I felt like the Chad meme, a kind hearted, supportive bro. Never felt like that in my life.

Women coming out of the woodwork/healing wounds from women:
Day 1 I had 2 women come out of the wood work and appear at work. Day 2 I reached out to an old lover and healed the wounds that I gave her by offering her friendship and support. Who knew that John Wingless was so kind hearted?

More on the healing women wounds, today I woke up thinking about my ex, and I can say with full honesty that I hope that how I treated her makes her a better person and that she finds love from a man that will treat her right. Again, who knew John Wingless was so kind?

Self love
I want a private jet and I deserve it.

Brotherly love
I’ve been putting headphones on my brother and playing subs for him. It’s consensual, he knows what it is and wants it, but he cannot sick to them for the life of him. So I’m like, alright, I’ll track your cycle, just listen when I tell you. I’ve had him on RoM and he’s already noticed the intuitive learning with his art. Yesterday I put him on RICH because after talking to him extensively, I think he’d do best on skill based titles for now. The personality stuff is too much for him.

Friend of women
A relationship with one of my female friends has deepened significantly in just the last few days since running.

Summary of Wanted Black

Wanted Black is so much LOVE it’s perfect for me. It has all the magic of Wanted, without the darkness.


Do not forget about climate change

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Pfff… most of one’s pushing that agenda are the one’s actually flying private jet everywhere :laughing: But watch out for the farting cows, they should clearly breed climate smart cows in the future :cow2: :gun:


I solemly swear I do not have any private jet or helicopter

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Also no possesions of any cow

I’m a vegetarian that drives a japanese car, I think it’ll balance out. :rofl:


That was close :slight_smile: but no more private jet

Mark my words friend, I will be on a private jet very soon. Will I buy or rent? Probably rent, but I’m gonna be on that private jet. :laughing:

Well, I feel weird. Might be the 5 titles.

I just feel bored, like life is pointless.