Forged By Fire, Entrepreneurial Awakening - (Dragon Reborn + Emperor + Rotating Third Subs) - Billions

Dragon Reborn 15 min - dec 22

Giving myself overexposure and recon for Christmas.

Happy holidays everybody!

Cheers to being forged by fire in the flames of recon hell


Have listened to 2 loops of paragon and 1 loop of love Bomb for humanity, all at 15 minutes each.

It seems DR has helped me process subliminals better.

Love Bomb for humanity usually sends me into a spiral of recon, but now I’m fine.

However… I’m also with family and my gf for Christmas, so, that’s a shield from recon as well.

15 more mins of paragon last night.

My swollen tonsils and all symptoms are 95% healed, amazingly. Paragon was one of the most important factors to me having a merry Christmas.

Overall this Christmas is a testament

To all the work and success I’ve had this year. I got to take a lot of time off, got to buy amazing Christmas presents for my fam, got to be relaxed enough about work to spend almost a week straight with my gf and not stress about the impending doom of my financial and work situations.

2023 will be an interesting year…

Not a year of transformation.

Because I’ve already transformed.

2023 will be my first full year as a radically transformed human being

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Ready for Dragon Reborn ST 2

You know that feeling when you hear a riddle, can’t imagine what the answer could POSSIBLY be, it then it sounds so obvious once you hear the answer?

That’s what listening to DR ST1 feels like.

Reading the sales page of DR1 makes sense in a way that you can only understand AFTER having experienced it.

I got benefits that I never thought I would experience, never expected, never thought I even needed.

Dr ST1 early results


I’m grounded, calm, mature, stoic, in touch with my emotions, congruent, loving to my partner, unfazed by challenges, optimistic


I’ve started the deep process of moving my business away from a singular goal of money to a holistic goal of helping others, meeting my passions,


I find it hard to even believe that this is an effect of DR, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes…

I’ve had a life long, very intense gluten allergy, and it’s almost entirely cleared up.

Before… a few slices of pizza and I’d be in bed for three days having a mental breakdown. Literally, my mindset would become SO dark and depressed and malfunctioning after eating bread, if someone spoke to me I wouldn’t be able to fully comprehend what they were saying, and I’d be in bed for 3 days going through wave after wave of depression, knowing once the gluten passed through my system it’d be all over and I’d be happy as normal again.

Now, I am eating a bunch of bread and having almost no symptoms. I had one day where I was irrationally angry, which taught me not to overdo the bread, but since then I’ve had bread every 2-3 days and noticed almost no adverse effects. Just a bit of itchiness and bloat.

It makes sense in hindsight,

because DR heals “the physical, emotional, spiritual” domains… gluten was a terrible physical-emotional downward spiral

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Yes, I’m realizing now how much I wouldn’t ever have been able to achieve the level of success I wanted while being so limited in my thinking and so narrow in my goals.

Absolutely - never thought this would be so complete, but it is.

Stage 1

This is the riddle that made no sense before experienced DR, but now seems obvious.

Perhaps there’s no logical way to explain it, but experiencing it, it seems so natural, hence the impossibility to explain the experience apart from “total cleansing”

Oof… sounds scary. But I’m ready! I have a better sense of what to expect but I feel it’ll be more intense. Maybe the winter cabin retreat I’m going on is the perfect place to begin this journey.

One of the only useful full reports on DR ST2 that I’ve found so far. DR reports in general abound but stage 2/3 ones specifically aren’t so easy to find

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Thanks for digging that post up. I feel too relatable to his post even though I’m on stage 4. It was weird and surreal reading above. DR is just beyond words for me. He explained his state well, I struggle to give any concise details like that. Even on this washout my brain feels zapped.

Congrats on such clarity and progress man. Amazing.

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Listened to stage 2

For the full 15 minutes

like it was nothing

Made that program my bitch

Will stack it with GLM instead of emperor in honor of @Sub.Zero (I miss your original username but the transformations have all been epic)

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I’ve been listening to so many subs

and having a totally fine time.

I’m on vacation, essentially, and going through very little stress, and so I think that when I’m under little stress and have little responsibility, I can handle a pretty decent subliminal load without issue.

It’s just when I’m working 60 hour weeks that I have to be very careful to only listen to the tiniest amount of subs possible

Notes on sanguine

Also, good for procrastination anxiety? Cool

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I always want to play subliminals for other people when I’m around them.

Reading that sanguine is good for anxiety and procrastination and overall joy and quality of life

PLUS the fact that it doesn’t take a spot in my stack or increase my stack density (much)

AND the fact that I can listen to it on a rest day

Just makes me think this is the sub I should constantly play around people to help them with their long term goals

Plus if I pick one sub and run it consistently, it’ll have the best effect.

Many people I know suffer from anxiety

And the ones I know that don’t suffer from anxiety probably suffer from procrastination.

Or at least stress

So, sanguine more often - noted

Dragon Reborn Stage 2

Recon definitely hit hard last night.

I don’t remember specifics, but I remember a lot of doubts and stress while falling asleep.

Dreams were also intense and stressful.

When I woke up, I was much more sick, all of the healing I’d done over the past few days reversed and I’m back to square one… this is probably from sleeping in an extremely cold room, not DR2.

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St2 can be very unpredictable from what I remember. I went from smooth sailing one day to the weirdest and most bizarre dreams the next, which was then followed by insane moments of flow. Take it easy my friend on recon and adjust mindfully :muscle: :slightly_smiling_face:

How many cycles of st1 did you do @Billions ?

I ran it for 5 or 6 loops.

You can count every loop I did if you look back the past month or so.

I definitely think I’ll wait a few days before another round of ST2. I’m due for a washout as well, especially after giving myself overexposure for christmas (which was fun, no regrets, I can handle paragon well especially when im on vacay)

I am quite negative today, just a very low mood, but unfortunately that’s most likely due to being sick, which is most likely due to sleeping in a cold room, so I can’t say for sure what the effect of DR2 has been.

Planning for the possibility that DR is what’s messing me up, though, so I’m going slow

Some core wound thoughts are coming up.

But I’m just noticing them like a passive observer, not involved at all.

I had sex with my gf and she came in about 30 seconds, which caused me to come in 30 seconds, which is pretty much what she wanted - for us to do it at the same time.

So normally I would be fine with that because it’s literally what she wanted.

Plus I’m sick, so really who gives a flying F.

But this time I had a thought cross my mind after I came.

”wow it’s a good thing I’m with my girlfriend, I shouldn’t ever leave her, She’s the only woman I could ever satisfy while only lasting 30 seconds.”

I’ve definitely thought that for real before, that you can’t be loved or be in a relationship if you ever come quickly. But I really haven’t thought that in a long time.

I know there are still layers to be healed, but I’ve already healed almost a lot of that feeling of not being good enough if I bust quick.

(Which is what stopped me busting quick - once I realized I would be accepted even if I did bust quick, it stopped happening).

So I’m familiar with the pattern. This time, the thought didn’t seem like my own, it seemed very foreign, and it didn’t have any emotion attached to it at all.

Is DR2 bringing up wounded thoughts for me to observe more objectively?


Sanguine 5 minutes

Paragon 5 minutes

Dec 26


What does sanguine do for you? I know you don’t feel great, so no need to rush a reply. Just curious