First Year Of Focus Wealth 2021

1 loop of QL st 4 and RM. We report tmr on benefits since that’s when it usual kicks in. I’ve decide to jump to st 4 since it was in a custom that I ran for the whole year last year, feel like adding Eog st 4. I’ve alway talk about the lottery and trying to win it but I looked at st1 eog an realized that is what I needed smh.

Today I notice my thinking is a bit faster.
Am able to focus my attention more.
There wasn’t any brain fog there before bit head feels clear.
I feel like a lot of benefits from RM has improve a bit.
Almost forgot my dreams have change, with RM they were dreams about meeting people also certain thing I studied would bleed over into the dream example I studied female anatomy about 1 week ago then had a dream with a female dance, someone I’ve never seen in real life of course I don’t know that for sure, her face was vivid I could see a lot of her features. On QL my dream have me in some sort of interaction with these people like am learning thing and we are discussing ideas of course there no sound but it feel that way.

I’ve made a plan moving forward that I plan on sticking to. Let see what happens but it really solid to me.

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Tried a little experiment Rich and Eog st3 for 1 loop each which lead me to winning some money later that day.

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I did 2 loops of saguine as a experiment just check some stuff out.

@SaintSovereign and @Fire does saguine have some kind of blockage removal?

Also I woke up early this morning with a flood of information that am wondering if it the truth related to a certain situation, can I truths this info?

Note: I watch a couple videos night before that had information in it that would have change perspective on this situation am in.

Going on a early 6 day washout from today

Also started to workout again and found a book with some cognitive techniques so I’ll be adding 3 of them to my schdule.

Finish with the washout. Just ran 2 loops of eog st3 and will add in Ascension chamber when released.

Been feeling really relax since after running Ascension chamber, nothing big has manifested as yet but am trying.
My biggest question is to add in a new zp title since 2 loop of eog st3 or any zp title give me recon even if it’s small, am thinking commander or going back to RICH. Will have to see since tomorrow is back to listening.

@SaintSovereign @Fire
Does Eog st3 has the same amount or strength when it come to manifestation as RICH?

Updated stack: mind’s eye + RICH + Ascension chamber(once a week)
Feel like mind eye will be keep into the my 8 month of focus on relationships.

Saw a sign that something big is coming. Hope whatever it is it come very soon.

Keep seeing signs that my goal for Ascension chamber is about to come true.


Am noticing better coordination with my left hand, this is something that always happens on cognitive sub but am not on any right now.

Are you right or left hand dominant?

Right hand dominant, but I have noticed in the past that am good with my left hand. But anytime am on cognitive sub I become better with my left hand but lately it’s been really noticeable.

I see. Thank you.

Will be taking a second rest day today, just want to see how my recon lessens.

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Woke up today with less recon, decided to only run MINDS eye alone today. RICH + ASCENSION CHAMBER TMR THEN TWO DAY OFF.

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Ran RICH AND ASCENSION CHAMBER today. Lately since running mind eyes I realize how much it put me in my head, am usual in NY head lost in what going in my mind or speaking out loud not even realizing it till it too late. These are both problems I’ve had before the sub but this sub bring it out more and I have to consciously stop it which is helping me work on these problems.

If you didn’t get your questions answered, please send a support ticket.

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Been noticing some changes in behavior. Gotten over couple thing feel like am moving in the right direction now.

What changes have you noticed?

Been dropping some bad habits that I have.
Sticking to plans seem easier.
Been taking less time to think on that I can control.
Taking steps toward my goal and visualizing them daily.
Better thinking processing. Am much sharper.

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My dream uave gotten even more vivid, if anyone here thinks that it’s vivid on the normal listeninh pattern then try 2 days rest. I had two dreams and I can remember the beginning and end of both of them lol.