First Year Of Focus Wealth 2021

There is definitely is something goings on with Time Perception on ZP. 5th Dimension Beings from Interstellar.


Definitely 5th dimension stuff going on over here. Canā€™t wait to see more going forward. Have to report back at the end of the day but I realize that am being a bit more efficient at my daily task and planning ahead too.


So I woke up and the went back to bed awhile ago, yesterday zp made me sleep once I got back from doing some work. this is the first time Iā€™ve had a dream where after waking up and going back to bed I continued the dream plus it was quite vivid.

The first was related to money and the second was a lot sexually, donā€™t know what they mean but am happy to see such results. Playing ultrasonic today so let see what happens Iā€™ve decided to play them fist thing in the morning, there will be a 3 to 4 hour gap before I have to drive.

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Iā€™ve noticed behavior changes lately:

Stopping habit that Iā€™ve wanted to stop for awhile now
Staying away from the internet and waste of time
My mind been extremely clear
I have more control over my thought
I feel like I understand some of my module an what they were doing even more now looking at you mastermind, machine action and rest
My dream are some vivid it just feel like a day that I lived out

Everyday is new benefits.
I notice that my situation awareness have improved when it come to drive and just day to day movements.

My thinking is a lot faster I try this really hard mental technique an got results from eve tho I havenā€™t tried it 2-3 weeks.

Iā€™ve been getting important task done fast instead of wasting time.

Also am wondering if I should drop ultrasonic day but let see how I feel later on. I find ultrasonic to feel lighter.

Had a sexual dream even tho am not on anything related to that.
As soon as I woke up my mind started to calculate on a problem I had yesterday, I quickly stop it then move on to using a advance cognitive technique. So 2 point I want to make:

  1. My mind has never been this clear before it quite amazing.
  2. The changes are compounding am notice small changes that are adding up.

Edit: also forgot to mention that my visual skills have improved I can manipulate and create images way easier than before

Have you been doing anything specific to improve your visual skills?

Well I have this one technique which has me utilizing my mind eye to solve problems, also I had Mindā€™s eye in my custom since the start of this year

Cool. Iā€™m considering adding Mindā€™s Eye to my stack at some point.

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You should just to try it out, can only imagine how the manifestation will be up to the max now on zp

I got a special number that will allow me to put my app onto the Apple store so I inching closer to release, am counting this as a RICH manifestation since it will lead to my game releasing.

Also just a quick update on my rest day today I notice that am more focus and my thinking is a lot faster.

Thereā€™s no effect like headaches or anything else from listening to the subs, still noticing behavior changes.

Got a RICH manifestation today so am documenting it. I realize now that RICH will never leave without money in you hand, so am grateful for this sub.

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Iā€™ve been trying to manifest a large some of money with lottery so far Iā€™ve been running limitless + RICH for 1 loop per every other day. Do you think @SaintSovereign that I should drop limitless for this week only to get the manifestation?

Also the technique Iā€™ve been using that had me getting 3 out of 6 number pick is a cognitive demanding technique, Iā€™ve also noticed every week Iā€™ve been getting closer to winning

Edit: just realized thereā€™s only 4 more run listening days left before the washout

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Iā€™ve been seeing some coincidences lately around money so I know RICH is going to work, hoping for a huge manifestation.

I replace limitless just for 2 listening day yesterday ran regeneration for 1 loop but today ran 1 rich and 1 regeneration. The amount of result Iā€™ve gotten from zp in this short amount of time is just incredible its far more than qv2, will be on my rest days now let see if the bloom gets me out of the pickle am in right now lol

Oh I notice that alot of thought that were constantly bothering have disappeared and that past trauma that happen to now are lessen I I think about them.

Just say the number 888 show up also been seeing 444 lately

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Stating back today with 1 loop of diamond with me just to see how it works, but my stack is the same limitless + RICH.

Oh I forgot to mention that while on my 5 day washout i saw events get cancel and some happen, all to make things work out in my favor.

New stack moving forward for the remainder of the 21 day run
Minds Eyes

Need to complete some of the goal I didnā€™t for 2021


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Already getting benefits from MINDS EYE
Images are clear with more color
More control over my thinking
Am a bit more productive (be planning and executing some idea recently)