Finding my True North

I’ve got Primal on overnight, playing with the idea of adding AscensionQ back. We’ll see. :+1:

What’s changed your mind about Primal Seduction, is Primal within Sex & Seduction indifferent from the regular Primal?

I’ve always had a similar effect with Ascension compared to Ascended Mogul since they are intrinsically interwoven to have a deeper, wider, and more profound effect, which is affecting the overall feel, however, both Ascension and Mogul are still very much present, I’d even dare to say Ascension within Ascended Mogul has a more elaborate effect.

So, how does Primal compare to Primal Seduction then?

@Michel, from all of our fellow comrades here on the forum, I’ve always felt your energy resonate the most with me – the description you give of the programs are very similar to experiences of my own, hence I always come to you for these question, hehe.

Hope you doing good, by the way :slight_smile:


Good question and thanks @hermit.
Primal is all about unleashing the “real man”. Yes, it has a sexual element to it, but for me, it was more about getting to the core as quickly as possible. It’s no different from PS, just quicker.

Shame is a big part of my own history, so any sub that counters that and validates the raw untapped potential beneath the surface will have a major impact for me.

I remember @SaintSovereign saying scripting Primal was difficult for that very reason. I’d suggest that most looking to get laid with subs (me included) are actually looking to be delivered from difficult emotional baggage.

I feel at the moment the PS seduction techniques aren’t quite needed just yet. They take a certain level of genuine confidence that I thought I had, but was really hiding and kidding myself. I still feel utterly worthless (maybe 20%) so the Primal work has to be done before the additional step of PS can be reinstated.
A good reiki session has taken away most of the worthlessness, so the reprogramming can be unobstructed.

Walking before running (easier said than done of course).


I think you have wisdom and insight in this above post. Thank you for writing this!


@Michel, how does Primal compare to Stark in terms of ‘flow’, being in flow, feeling the flow and channeling information in a feeling like manner?

You know what I mean… :slight_smile:

Ares is the best module to fix any issues related to shame and guilt, to be honest ^, it’s in Ascension as you’ve probably noticed, might be in Primal as well.

Or easier done than said – the law of polarity, just flip it around :wink:

I must agree with @RVconsultant, thank you for taking your time and sharing these insights with us @Michel.

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Being loud, impatient and impulsive are really not the qualities I would encourage anyone to exercise. People like that are usually spoilt kids or who have been bullied as a child and feel that the only way to get back at the world is to verbally abuse others.


Agreed. Because most of society is so passive, having qualities like going for what you want, assertiveness, go getter, not waiting for permission, tend to make one very successful. It’s like playing tag- when your the only one whose foot is not nailed to the ground. But one doesn’t need to be rude, or inconsiderate in a loud, impatient, and impulsive way to do this. People with those negative attributes can sometimes have the positive mentioned above included out of delusional narcissistic confidence.

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The wisdom of Azriel is once again here. Thanks man!

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Primal does have its own type of flow, but it’s more of a sexual flavour - from the sacral chakra out. A desire to live and move without thinking too much about it, with pleasure and relationships a key part of it. It’s similar to how children between 3 and 8 behave - a kind of “selfish - but still curious towards others”.

Stark is more of a child between 8-12: semi-know-it-all, popular with his peers, girls are on his radar for the first time. In this case the flow is more of an personality forming and validating type.

I guess the difference in flow is the direction: Primal goes one way (outwards), Stark is more interested in an equal exchange.


This is so well said.

Now I’m wondering what, if these become both integrated and healthy capacities (3-12 year old) an adult would act like lol

edit: healthy adult/ adult know in general means put everyone before you, and pretend nothing bad is happening, responsibility gets collapsed with burden and is the reason you can’t have the life you want.

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Dey be rich tho…

Man, that Khan episode of life was crazy, aspiring to be an “alpha” who runs shit, then being surrounded by actual assholes with money was an eye-opener. Nature was asking me how alpha did I really want to be?

I just want to be able to be proud of myself, not shrink in the face of criticism and not be intimidated by dickhead men and bitchy women. That’s all!

Speaking of which - Primal and AscensionQ should do the trick…


I like reading your journal. This particular snippet right here popped for me.

Come to think of it, if I retained the mindset I had at this age, I probably would have been better off. I didn’t have a lot of baggage, and it felt like the world was my oyster, everyday was an adventure and I was obnoxiously optimistic.

Thanks for these descriptions, and congratulations on your ever improving journey.


Brilliant. Is this because of Primal?

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Why does Khan do that?
I have noticed the same…

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Yeah by Khan 4 it gets too much for me everytime. I love that Khan feeling though so I’m just gonna run it again when it’s name-bedded lol.


@Lion No, another competing modality did that.

Primal and AscensionQ is more for replacing shame with self esteem and confidence.

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First Ascension result

I do phone appointments for energy healing, by invite only, sometimes I get recommended clients who would initially agree but then not go through with it.

I got a rejected call from one client today, usually this is my thought pattern:

I’m no good, What did I do wrong? I should just quit this, what’s the point

Now this is how I think:

I know what I offer is good, if you don’t have the basic courtesy to answer, then you’re not the type of person I want to speak to. Absolutely no chasing. Other people are glad to receive my services.

Now it’s MY TURN to refuse and feel real damn good about it. Be gone.


More Ascending realisations

I put way too much needless effort into things for no reward.

For example, being trained in energy healing, I’m adding more details to my student portfolio than necessary to prove that I work extra hard and I’m smart and please love me for it. That earned me a little reprimand - now the tutors want a little more work from me to prove I’m doing their system right.

Funny how that works…

AscensionQ has changed my thoughts. Now I’m angry about voluntarily going the extra mile for brownie points only to be given extra miles in return. They’ve pissed me right off. Now I’ll be supplying them their absolute minimum, not one unit of energy more and I don’t give two fucks either.

AscensionQ is showing me how I cheaply and habitually give away my power to others in such pathetic ways. It will take time and training but goddamn if that isn’t a good start.


Insight and the angry reconciliation that can go with it.

Hang in there man! It’s working and so are you!


the tail wagging the dog

Apart from reconciliation so bad I almost vomited, AscensionQ is changing the dynamic between family and myself.

I’ve started being a little more demanding of my mother - who’s a strong controlling personality. Now I’m standing up for myself, being strong and taking control of little things in the house. I even demanded she few replace a few household items, to my surprise she actually did!

If I could theorise the new dynamic, the increase of my masculine energy is shifting polarities in her. I’ve done so effortlessly.

recon moments

Of course it comes as a cost @RVconsultant… This post right here does explain a lot:

No kidding about the reconciliation. Saint would be legally obliged to redirect me to a doctor, however this explains so much regarding physical recon that it should be a sticky/FAQ on the forum.