Finding my True North



Sometimes, you overlook shit and it’s stil causing silent damage: had a Zoom reiki session where the practitioner stated that self confidence is still an issue. Sure enough, using another modality, there they were - a list of traumas still lingering in the system relating to self trust.

It must have been spot on because clearing them away has knocked me tf out for a few days. How on earth did I manage to overlook this?

Now I’ll need to review my stack and possibly switch to a self-confidence focused playlist. Just another setback.


Doesn’t Primal and/or PS support with self confidence or you thinking more Ascension/PCC?


@azriel Most likely both. Primal is perfect for sacral chakra issues like self confidence, trust and relationships with women. AscensionQ is more of a solar plexus self-confidence, will and power idea.

I’ve already got exposure to PS, so maybe I’ll add Ascension and postpone the rest.


I found myself on intuition using this technique with some of the other subliminals, like following Diamond with Alchemist. Also have had a push to use it at other times that would seem out of line with the sales page, you could say on advice from guides. Something to do with the magnetism or raw power being generated, or perhaps the focused nature of the energy.


A mini update:

Doing much better nowadays thanks to the other modality I’m using to “take out the emotional trash” and am feeling a heck of a lot lighter than in decades. It’s a wonderful relief to be finally free of “stuff”. I even managed to release several intergenerational curses :flushed:.

It should be said again: getting the foundation right is easy once past energies get cleaned up.

Anyways, back on track with Primal to keep things simple. Time to feel like a man again!


Does Power Can Corrupt make your relationships with others better when running Ascension, instead of making others fearful – handling situations in peace and with love?

Fearful? No. Ascension isn’t like that in my experience. PCC can add charm. If you want to be gentle with others, Love Bomb and PCC would be a better combination.


This is really good.


Although I’ve never tried Primal, I definitely agree with Ascension having a really powerful take on the Solar Plexus – it’s almost unbelievable what Ascension can do, it makes you unimaginably strong from within.

I love it! But as I’m a Scorpio, perhaps Primal fits me better for the inner-game because I prefer the Sacral over the Solar energy center.

How would you describe the difference in power from these programs, @Michel?


Hi ! … sorry to drop in like this :slight_smile: , but I have been running ascension, with starkq and pcc for a couple of weeks now. I am way more bold, smart and smooth when I want to. But I have this sense of power in myself and awareness of the interaction with the outer. Like the play of magnets in a way, if that makes sense.

The combination of starkq with ascenion and pcc leads to a harmony power based flow. The punch to assert one self(ascension) but the healing/recovery to make it flow more my way(starkq and pcc).

Ascension gives me a very strong feeling in my solar plexus but also solid/centered feeling, like a heavy earthy gorilla.

Personally, I prefer watery too, but it goes against my nature - or at least how I have habitually built myself in an unconscious way.

I think HoM with daredevil will give me that water like flow and more of an ability to generate more income, but it just doesn’t seem to fit my circumstances right now.

In my gut, I feel that subs are not for me, because I don’t need healing or ‘fixing’ in this way. My way seems to be that of meditation, qi gong, yoga – exploring the power of the subtle body to progress and improving myself through self-awareness. It saddens me to say this because it is not the path i wished for but what I need most. With these subs, I have become more strong and shrewd but not what I needed most, more vulnerability.

Having said this I am in such awe of the changes you guys are making. The journal of @Michel is a great example of this.


Well, I think it’s a good idea to follow your gut; at the same time, I also want to say that the dominant narratives on this discussion forum around subliminals do not by any means need to be the paradigm within which you work with subliminals.

Taoist/Daoist teachings sometimes speak in terms of a Fire path and a Water path. The Fire path is about forceful, dominant assertion of Will. In contrast, the Water path is about gentle, gradual harmonization of the elements of the external and internal environments.

It sounds like you’re just saying that you prefer to follow the Water path.

I follow the Water path—in meditation, in personal change, in life development. That is my preferred nature. And I’ve found that subliminals are quite able to work with me.

Instead of typical Alpha programming, the program that has made the biggest difference for me has been Alchemist and another subtle but important element has been Mind’s Eye. These programs have empowered my Water style of development and growth. It’s more of a Feeling-based process. (In line with this, Mind’s Eye has, for me, been less about mental visual imagery and more about somatic feelings and deepening.)

So what I’m saying is that possibly it may be more a matter of adjusting your style and view of working with subliminals rather than dropping them completely. But that’s just a possibility.

If your intuition is telling you to move on without this stimulus, I’d listen to that. They’ll still be here if and when you ever want to come back. Maybe your mind wants to get familiar with its own internal rhythms, patterns, and processes.


The water path is Stark and the Fire path is definitely Khan, it’s the difference between magnetism and electricity.

I’m a natural Water person being Scorpio hence why Stark enhances those aspects within me tremendously. On Stark people start to take control over your Will as you’re not as strong in the Solar Plexus on that subliminal.

Ultimately, balance is key – both Fire and Water are necessary but for the evolution of our species, we should lean towards Water. As you can see, Femininity (Water energy) has been massively suppressed for many different reasons, among which connection to the Universe is one of them, Feminity keeps us united while Masculinity keeps us divided.

If you have a lot of Water energy, you’ll easily be able to channel, intuit, have astounding memory, great reasoning, etc.

I’d rather not be the ‘force of nature’ that @SaintSovereign has been referred to as, lol. That’s totally Khan, someone who’ll get want he wills no matter the situation.

See it as magnets, someone living in Flow will always be repelled by someone with extreme Will as the magnetized person will be pushed away while he attracts towards him/her that what he or she wants, while the Fire person will go after what he or she wants.

Difference between electricity and magnetism, a good example would be the ‘elegance’ module, walking on clouds, moving in flow – all of those are results in physical movement caused by magnetic water energy. While Fire energy would lean more towards forceful movements, being more blocky and your body would feel very powerful like it is charged or buffed up with strength.

When I walked in a store on Khan, people would move out of my way because they were magnetic, or even electric persons because I was stronger than them. With masculinity, you’d always see individual leadership and it would be more of a chain mechanism, the one with most masculinity will always tell those with less what to do – look at women vs men relationships. Watery energy is different, it’s teamwork, the united and organized effort towards the attainment of a goal.

This same imbalance in energies caused the fall of Atlantis (Masculinity) and Lemuria (Feminity). The former wanted to rule the latter, while Lemuria wanted cohesion and cooperation. A person with Feminine can more easily transmit belief through persuasion and manipulation while a person with Masculinity will do so with force of will.

But as I said, ultimately balance is key and that’s what I’m looking to acquire with Ascended Stark.

Anyhow, life is just so much more fun through Water energy, you experience the inner-world much more and are able to live two lives – one on the outside and one on the inside, everything is way more emotionally intense and people live lives for emotions, right? As @SaintSovereign mentioned in another post, his colleague cannot visualize at all, that’s because his energy is too externally focused because his a masculine person, a more feminine person (introvert) can easily visualize, is way more creative and sensitive.

That does not mean his colleague does not have a functional Pineal Gland, it is just a matter of energy; the way in which his awareness is shaped and formed within his own consciousness of reality, as we are all observers and experience life differently in accordance without awareness.

See for example, when smoking weed you become more feminine it’s much easier to visualize, in some occasions the same happens with alcohol, and so on. Only a change in energy is required to be able to unlock the psychic abilities of our brain.


I also considered Khan to be very forceful and masculine enough to polarise even the most alpha of men. It didn’t fully suit my own energy but it was one hell of a ride. Lots of fire and water. Stark felt more receptive and more in line with my own Water/Air makeup. Ascension felt more like a fixed fire foundational energy on its own, without the Khan steam driving it.

Our dilemma seems to be becoming more masculine without the raw, brutal external drive that encompasses the main alpha concept here. Or in @SaintSovereign parlance, learning to become the ‘B-type’ social alpha.

Generally I would like to become an “alpha” without neither being an high energy steamroller or a soft weak-willed pussy. A combination of one water/one fixed sub might be a way to gradually integrate those opposites, like @hermit said.

Seems like a gentle reinforcement of our own flow energy is the way forward. I used to think I needed the missing opposite energy in order to succeed with the subs, but going with flow causes a lot less friction. Personally, Primal and PCC helped a lot with flow in ways that Emperor and Ascension didn’t.


Have never tried Primal as it does not seem to align with my goal of becoming successful and conquering my goals. Seems to be more oriented around pleasure and enjoyment, however, it might embody that Divine Masculine archetype.

It’s really like Sanguine and Iron Frame, both are tools to keep your cool or firmness in banter, and begging only the method of execution is different because Sanguine is Water and Iron Frame is Fire energy.

My name Customs has its purpose in balancing Water and Fire energies, although it is leaning towards Water.

Let’s hope it’ll work out that way.

Totally agree.

And I’m also more Airy Water, interesting that is.

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What would Libra be in your opinion?

That whole post was beautiful.

Alchemist has helped me in this area.



What would you say have been the 3 most important changes for you since January 2021?

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I’ll will give you two:

  1. Lost weight (don’t laugh!)
  2. Uncovered and cleared a shit ton of past émotions (linked to #1)

I’m amazed at the weight loss as it’s been a long term stubborn thing to shift since my teens, all concentrated around the stomach. No diet, no exercise regime came close to the amount lost from 42’ to 34’ and continuing. When you able to say “I can see my feet” while standing up, that’s a very good sign.

Further than that, dealing with all of the emotional baggage that has blocked my creativity - I had problems with feeling motivated and getting seen with my art, releasing it has also freed up my creative voice, no longer stopping and hesitating.

Both are adding to my overall self confidence. It may be superficial but the ego boost one gets for looking at a new person in the mirror is huge for me.

I am the combination of ugly duckling, scapegoat and late starter, since the age of six. Now approaching 40 can I genuinely enjoy what’s left of my life in relative peace.





Ego boosts are important, especially if they have been missing from life.


What are you currently listening to on your playlist this week?

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