Finding my own path (CFW, Genesis, others)

May 19, 2023
Rest day

CFW has clearly done something in me from day one. It’s motivated me to act.

Reason: I’ve relied upon fear to keep me from acting. It’s been mostly subconscious, but CFW has consistently shown me this.

To clarify, many fears have focused on preserving my victim mentality. I’ll give thought to doing something positive and productive, but I’ll instantly be hit with fears of feeling inferior… or sudden sadness over losing this known “norm” in my life. Those tactics have been used for decades to keep me from changing, and I submitted.

Yeah. I did this. Feeling a little bit of sadness now. Old norms.

I’ve purposely not journaled here regularly like in old times. Most of my old reasons were to have people like me so… I’d have someone to lean on and possibly turn to in hard times. I realize this has always been my aim when around men. That’s been my most used survival strategy, both here in the forum, and always at work.

I’ve not resolved this. No. But CFW is helping remove this. I’ve felt whiny at times, but I pulled away from dumping it on others here (still trying to hang on to an old role of being the little brother). Yeah. Not dumping has been my main challenge.

It’s kind of scary. That’s something I just have to face. Not dead yet :slight_smile:

Edit: I said it ‘removes’ the victim mentality. I’ve used subs that attempt to do this, sometimes forcefully. That ‘free will’ feature in ZP allows me to be much more involved in its removal, though it feels like there are positive aspects in it, like strength and persistence. I can choose to keep those attributes, reframed by Rebirth. The whole process is so much smoother.

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May 20, 2023
Listened to CFW and GLM this morning

I read @Invictus’ thread on achieving a higher flow factor, and I’m going to share some signs CFW is working. Most of my recent growth pertains to the victim mindset I’ve used for a lot of my life.

  1. I’m sensing me having power over my negative thinking habits now. Had it happen today at work twice.
  2. Something I mentioned before and is still happening is my willingness to act, to move, to not accept a helpless mindset when faced with negative thinking.
  3. Attached to the last point is I’m beginning to see myself as “responsible”.
  4. And a major one: I’m not seeing myself as a victim, but a man who can act to change things in my life. This is empowering!
  5. One major “little” thing (obvious to me): I wrote those points above, and after each I habitually wanted to lament old ways my life has been. I’d been reading materials online about the victim mentality yesterday, and one indicator of one steeped in victim thinking is thinking “even when things go right, you find things to complain about”. I’ve done this time and time again…(funny, I almost dumped some “proof of my victimhood”)

So yeah, CFW is working in me. I did loops this morning, I feel a battle going on now, and this is good. Tomorrow, my rest day, bloom often starts and I look forward to it


Gotta add this, as I’m seeing change happen in me here at home.

I’ve lived in my new place almost 2 months, and from early on, I found things I didn’t like about my 90 year old housemate. I got good and pissed, avoiding responsiblity for it (blaming him in my mind), all in a victim mindset.

Note: a reason he was nitpicking me has been my indifference to his discomfort with my laziness.

In the last week, I’ve been proactive about cleaning up after myself–but also I’ve become more “present” when he’s around. I’m not seeing him as the bad guy griping at me. And damn, I’ve been nice to him, from the heart. My mindset is changing, and it’s giving me hope–and ease when around him. This is cool.


Something else has been happening since starting CFW. It’s not dramatic, but it is very obvious to me.

I’m not able to mentally hide from life (like “check out”). I usually do this a couple times each day, sliding in and out of reality. It’s been my most used coping strategy for a couple of years now.

I’ve noticed lately that my normal escapes like movies aren’t drawing me in. I’m home on a Saturday night without the desperate need to hide from reality. I’ve been reading more today.

Just a “small” change CFW is encouraging. It seems to go with me feeling more responsible lately. When all my energy is used trying to block reality, I have little left to face normal, daily challenges.

Nah, this is a MAJOR change. Yeah, I’ve had desires to change this, but old fears and feelings have often overpowered the desire. With Rebirth, Limit Destroyer, and Sanguine working together in CFW, something is actually shifting.

This is a beautiful experience.


May 21, 2023
Rest day

CFW is working in me this morning.

I woke up, hearing the TV on, and I began feeling sorry for myself since I’ve given power over to my housemate many times in my head. He leaves loud TV’s on all the time, and it reminds me of my childhood. So CFW is digging a little since only on healing subs do I go back to roots so quickly.

I challenged this in my head, and …I chose to get up. I’d considered hiding, and that was surrender to me. I didn’t want that.

I got up, began making coffee, and he came out of his room. I was paying attention to my internal reactions, as I was still wanting to avoid him completely (old tapes going).

I said good morning, He responded. Quiet. I didn’t want to put on a false front. Seconds later he reminded me of a watermelon I brought home yesterday, saying I could bring it out of the refrigerator at any time.

My mindset went to old ways–and I felt uncomfortable about it–so I didn’t respond in the subservient way I normally have. I was feeling a mix of anger and sadness, being unsure of how to defend the part of me which felt vulnerable. I didn’t reply much, I finished making coffee, and departed.

Here’s what is different in me. I’m looking for and seeing I can make a change, that I can take action,. Whereas before, I’d simply give in to his wants and allow myself to go downhill quickly. He seems to talk to me like I need to be told what to do constantly. I don’t know where he got that thinking, that’s his shit, and I’ll have to address him soon enough. But when i’m feeling vulnerable, I won’t address him. GLM is actually activating in me. It’s telling me I’m important. He’s got his shit, I’ve got mine. I’m growing angry allowing him to talk to me like this.

But now isn’t the best time to approach him. I’ll follow recon rules and allow this to cook before speaking up. Not now, maybe not today. But maybe. Still cooking.


Less than an hour after writing that, I re-read my last post.

And a belief popped up which directly comes from CFW: I am not a victim here. I can take action to make wanted changes in my life. (I feel like dancing now :blush: )


May 22, 2023

I listened to CFW and GLM 20 minutes ago.

I should be sleeping. But thoughts came up last night while lying in bed. They’re on my mind. I’m writing to say I’m scared.

In short, CFW has quietly been chipping away at barriers I’ve kept up to keep me from remembering or feeling painful stuff. I’m also not sure it’s the barriers it’s eroding; maybe it’s the memories. Maybe it’s the pain associated with it.

The picture I see in my mind is this large glob of gelatin, like that soft putty they sell to young kids, but 100x bigger. This represents my past and everything I’ve been afraid of.

And I’m in my high school parking lot for some reason, looking away from the school and any kids. This glob is in my sight, but I’m not wanting to pay attention to it. This feels like my history. I didn’t want to associate with this. I didn’t want people to know me and what was normal for me. I distanced myself mentally and emotionally. That’s why I didn’t know who I was. I did this, and God, I still do it.

I feel ashamed of this. I’m feeling like I’m owning it (by writing this). Truthfully, I froze after writing that last sentence. I’ll stop here since I keep trying to backpeddle.

Back. This is Rebirth in action. I sense a shift. Before, I’ve always seen these memories as the enemy; they represented a complete lack of joy and happiness. Facing them meant I’d feel like a failure.

The shift is I’m seeing I can frame this differently. I’m seeing myself with my head high, walking out of that parking lot, not owned by the glob of my past. I’m also feeling I can do this now, in my present.



Sounds like CFW is working.

What are your thoughts on Genesis?

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Thanks for the question RV. I have been wondering about it.

I’m liking that CFW is digging in and challenging my thinking. My hesitancy about Genesis is due to me seeing it like another shiny object. More specifically, I don’t want to miss what CFW is teaching me.

I’ve been thinking I’d like to jump on it. I just don’t think now is the best time due to CFW working nonstop on major issues.

However, Rebirth in CFW has been shifting my thinking. I don’t want to hold on to unfounded fears.

What do you see if I were to stack it?

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My day has been rich. Unexpected…but right on time.

I had 3 temporary workers in my area today, and I dropped any attempts at controlling them (in that “I’m right! You’re wrong!!” approach I’ve hid behind before). This resulted in a couple of good things.

  • It took down their defensiveness, so talking wasn’t stressful.
    2 of the guys were willing to return and help me tomorrow.
    I took a younger guy’s example and allowed one of the workers to work at his own (much slower) speed. The younger guy had been sharing his father’s example of allowing people to learn from their mistakes, and honestly, this was my only struggle all day: not “fixing” the situation. A valuable lesson I’d like to practice more.
    I ended up sharing some personal truths with one who stayed later due to needing hours.

The one who stayed was nerdy, but very open to cultural and spiritual discussions. I enjoyed it and opened more discussion doors which are normally kept closed. I ended up sharing how I used subliminals purposely to challenge old pain-making thoughts, and that I was right in the middle of that while we spoke.

I did share one thing (which my conscious mind is trying to stuff away now). I shared how I’d kept my spiritual door closed in my life–and I heard myself. I’ve just not felt honest or caring at all when vocalizing my spiritual truths to people in recent years. Something connected in me. Even now as I’m writing. (tears broke)

I had been reading indicators of victim thinking online last Friday, and I still have that page open on my phone. One indicator was acting like I’m superior to others. Ouch.

I did this a LOT during my many years in church. I have not been back in a home church since that norm is not what I want to resurrect in any form or fashion. Hell no.

I realized I’d put God in this codependent role, seeking Him to rescue me constantly while I remained inactive. (aw… poor me). But it also kept people away via a thick iron cage around my heart and mind. So, no, I’ve not wanted to return to that mindset. I slowly but surely dwindled while keeping those cages up. I slowly distanced myself from God…and everyone else. And while I was on a sub from another vendor during that time, I made my break. While becoming more honest with myself, I began seeing so clearly how I was constantly hiding behind masks…I was lying to everybody since I was lying to myself first, and upon seeing it, I couldn’t tolerate it. So I bailed on all of it. Completely. I haven’t been back but 3 or 4 times since ~2017. I’ve had imaginations of returning. It’s just different now. Now…I’d actually seek to know my Creator. Sounds ridiculous stating that, but my focus was primarily on me seeking other people’s love. I did this.

I’m gonna sleep on this now. I’ve reread this twice, still trying to make it perfect (…so you’ll see someone who’s NOT me…my old norm). Goodnight.


Wise thought.

More wisdom, with a healthy helping of self-discipline.

I think the best way to answer this is: I thought it might augment the work you have already been doing, giving context to how it fits in to your life’s purpose. In other words, it’s one thing to do healing, it’s another thing to do healing in service to one’s life’s purpose.

What about setting a time limit for CFW?

Just as a hypothetical example, what if you said, “I’ll run my current stack until July 1 2023. On June 20, I will re-evaluate, and perhaps run Genesis exclusively for 60 days, then decide whether to add back in CFW to run concurrently with Genesis.”

Something like that. What do you think?


That’s a good idea. I will run my stack until July 1st, then run Genesis for 60 days. This allows sufficient time for solo use while being open to stacking them later.

Good suggestion. :+1:

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Just don’t forget to reevaluate on June 20 like RV said. :heart:


Yes as @Sub.Zero reminded, the re-evaluation.

I should have emphasized the re-evaluation more in what I previously said.

I say re-evaluate on June 20 because that will give you more than a week to have a think about it. It should be enough time. Maybe you’ll think Genesis plus CFW, or Genesis solo, or Genesis with another of the new releases. (Remember there are still some more releases planned.)


Wow. I’m at lunch, and a little act of kindness seems to be opening me up. Will write later

I did have something pop up today, but I’m holding off. Why? I feel it’s all a whine. I’m changing this pattern.

If you can, can you point me to threads or users who have shared their evaluation experience? Thanks.

Maybe this could help:


Thanks for sharing that @Sub.Zero. I will look into it.

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May 25th, 2023
Rest day

I had an absolutely amazing experience today.

Yesterday, I did a loop of CFW with a loop of Ascension Chamber in the morning, then I did another loop of CFW in the evening. I sensed AC working, but CFW was quiet.

Then, this morning, I noticed an uncomfortableness with my demeanor towards people. I sensed myself in that victim mentality–usually shown by some sad, needy look I’d give people, even in passing. (Honestly, I’ve only been paying attention to this recently).

I was very aware of this heaviness on me this morning, and I kept myself distant from others. I felt pain, but I couldn’t identify it. I could find no normal mental boxes to put it in.

And during our morning meeting, I noticed the district manager looking at me, and I felt some shame since I wasn’t really emotionally there. CFW was doing something, and me hiding wasn’t a part of the plan. My mind was working on something,

About an hour later, I was on our route, on the back of a garbage truck, and I saw in my mind what I’d been feeling that morning. I was in my crib, I was less than 2 years old, and I had my arms up, wanting and seeking my mother so she’d love me. My mom walked by the bedroom door, but she looked really traumatized and forsaken. She turned and walked away.

I realized I had been throwing this childhood need for love onto others. I saw myself back at the shop in present day, holding my arms up, crying for someone to love me. Feeling helpless in all of it. Exactly like I’ve been treating others.

However, during this manifestation, I wasn’t scared. It was like fear had been turned off. So I stayed with it, quite willingly. I quickly saw that a victim mindset is only a fruit. The trauma of feeling unwanted and ignored was the root.

I found I had a really good day following that. As if some fear had been broke. I’m incredulous. I realized that some people pay 1000’s of dollars with therapists (taking years), and may open these memories up. I spent about $27 on a subliminal. And maybe 3 weeks. DAAAMMMMNNNNN.

Gonna sleep now. I’ll do 2 loops of CFW tomorrow morning.

P.S. This experience made me realize Genesis is a must. Emotional healing has been my goal, and with Genesis’ success scripting, I’m definitely going that route.