Finding My Original Face

More and more people are waking up, and not necessarily to the state of the world which is always in flux, but to the true power of themselves and their own minds…


The first one was Shakespeare… and the second one beneath was… me :grin:


I don’t remember. I just remember it was earlier this year.

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You know it!

I think some existential psychologist believed that alienation from nature (as in living in big cities) can lead to mental health issues.

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This isn’t interrupting. This helps with clarification. Thank you for posting. (I didn’t see the Obama booing incident.)


One thing that I found is very peculiar as you grow on your path, is that almost all of your old friends seem act like you have died or something. Ok, I understand that we might not share the same values anymore, and we might not be on the same path… I’m fine by that… but when I as today sent a heartful message wishing them (5 dudes) a happy midsummer (Swedish tradition,) and no one replied… it makes me wonder…

I get it we’re not besties anymore, but why the complete ignorance? But I guess that’s just human nature in a way, and I know I have to find a new tribe… And here’s the thing… I don’t feel left out… But more perplexed about the complete silence I get back…

So this is my area of growth going forward… As I became an almost complete Kermit over the last 3 years, I have become so ridiculously comfortable with being alone that I have completely neglected making new friends… friends that actually match my current level of development and vibe…

Inner Circle are you calling me? :thinking: :thinking: :crazy_face: :laughing:


I just realized something… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

During and after the so called Plandemic… kind of got tired of the BS in the world and I closed down my computer… But I actually never rebooted it, you know when you press Shut Down instead of Shut Down and restart button haha…

So I went downstairs and had a cup of tea, but my computer never came back alive… (3 years laaaater…) what’s that blinknig in the darkened room? Oh… Lenovo want’s you to reboot… well hello…

Hello world… hello Africa… Hello Dr.Alban… How ya dooing?

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I’m weird… And I’m loving it…

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The longer I live… the less I care… the less I care… the happier I am… Boyya :melon: :melon:


If the Saint guy said in a post that they get up to 100K viewers on the forum a week, like that must mean that like 1004 different people click my journal… I feel honored… I mean it… like I feel so inclusive and cool… 1004 warriors… all reading these words about words on a very cool forum… cool… awesome… end of post… :robot: :robot: :robot:


What seem to be the problem guys :wink:



lol someone cleaned up here :broom::broom::broom::broom::broom:

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My father always played this song when I was a kid, Slave to love by Bryan Ferry.

To me it kind of sums up the rhythm of life as we all are slaves to love in one way or another. The boy meeting girl and the girl meeting boy are slaves, the cute puppy waves it’s tail at you makes you a slave, the most unwholesome acts by people in the world are slaves to love (the love they feel they didn’t get from their parents and desperately seeking,) sitting in the sun soaking up the sun makes you a slave, etc… etc…

Ten one can say that the word slave has a negative tone to it, but isn’t it just we humans who has made it so? Slave to love does not sound like a particularly bad thing lol…


Vad är ven en bal på slottet…

I attest to this!

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I’ve always found it kind of hilarious that people often find me a bit hard to get close to, like i have this invisible force field around me that keeps strangers away :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But when people get to know me it’s like the opposite is true. Why I find this a bit funny is because I’m one that jokes about everything, can talk about everything… in other words I don’t take myself all that serious…

Maybe I should start wearing a Winnie The Pooh t-shirt at all times, maybe that will soften things up :thinking: Nah, I’m being too serious again, gotta stop this madness :laughing:



Updating my stack as I feel a strong urge to get something going again. I have been living on the fringe on my own little island since late 2020, and it’s crazy just how isolated from others I feel at the moment because I just left everything behind. The inertia I’m experiencing right now is crazy high, but it’s also a mix of desire to go out and create something again. The irritation comes from having to go back into the system again, the same system that I left to find inner peace a long time ago now.

I just pondered just how crazy it is that I have had close to zero social and also dating life for almost three years now, and also not been part of any kind of group dynamic or occupation to earn a living in the same time span. I’ve had months in the beginning where I lived on 3 dollars a week, and I’ve had months where I was living pretty nicely through my apartment getting sold, but the confusion was still there all the way. It was a pretty big crash… and I did not have a healthy masculine base to stand on as it happened, but subs have really given my one.

During the whole Rona thing when I moved out into a cabin in the middle of the woods, I really though about not returning and become a zombie again… I did not want to be part of a hive mind full of fear and void of critical thinking it seemed. I wanted to be an individual and express my uniqueness, the one I did hide away as I was growing up, never wanting to fit in.

But what I also learned was the extent of the control of information, and that there really were tons of free thinkers out there, but they just weren’t visible in my old headspace…

Even crazier is that I have not been involved in what I wrote above about social groups since starting Subclub and subliminals :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: That means I have not gotten used to the new me through subliminals in the company of others and different groups. You could say that I have embodied the out-group bias for the last 3 years, almost no warm connections, but instead having most meetings be cold connections where I don’t know anyone almost. Living up to my true INFP nature :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But on the other hand I have gone very deep into the spiritual side of me, and I have reconnected with mother nature again, I have a robust mediation practice and acquired many other tools on the way. I have grown in ways that I have never thought possible in these three years. It’s going to be interesting to see just how much of a difference it will be when I’m actually out in groups socializing or in a work environment, because there has been quite a lot of subliminal programming going into my ears lately.

After consulting some OG in this community I have landed on this stack to start with :point_down:

Mogul ZP
Genesis ZP
Godlike Masculinity ZP

My first priority is starting to earn a living again so I can become self-sufficient again, and that means settling my absence with the government in my home country. The system is built upon this control and is so tied into the monetary system, that I will have to give in for a while…

Like if money is not a problem the system has not leverage over you.

I’m not even currently written on an adress and I’m in another country, and getting back into searching for opportunities, they almost always want an adress which I don’t have :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Ah it’s funny how the system is build to keep you stuck.

But ultimately I will find my own way and live on my own terms. Get out of the claws of the monetary system and have enough to get by, and all of a sudden you have the freedom to move around. But that means digging deeper into bad programming in my head eventually, there’s still a lot of BS in there.

So from here on I will enjoy seeing all the crazy reactions I’m not used to as I make friends from almost three years of different subliminals…


So about two hours after I had my new stack the new GLM the Commander came out, and as it was a free upgrade to GLM I guess I try it and see how it goes. I might switch or I might just keep going with the old GLM.

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