Finding My Original Face

Probably subs like Genesis, RM, etc.

Genesis helps you discover your purpose and RM for self-expression.

You don’t really need a subliminal, just go out in nature and spend some time alone.


Just letting you know that I lost the battle… but not the war :shield: :crossed_swords:

Ok let’s not talk about me losing to a bug that’s 22.5 times smaller than me… I did my best…



- You can’t make people exist in the way that you want them to exist.

I find it very interesting when Saint mentioned the free will will script in the subliminals, and frankly I don’t understand why one would ever want to force someone in the first place…? The world is populated enough for you to find the people that you wibe with anyways.


Nothing to be embarassed about most people would loose to the said bug.


you’re right! you’re very wise i remember your khan stage 1 journal when you went out to live in the wild and get to the bottom of your soul, you’re as real an alpha as they come


wow I love this.


Haha thanks man :pray: It was a wild ride for sure. I believe we’re all Alpha’s when we pursue something with our pure heart intentions, and then we break through the barriers and grow from it. All the trash we clean and filter through our being then becomes wisdom, and that’s when we truly can be an inspiration for others :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, it’s so simple in a way. If you feel lost or feel stuck, just reconnect with mother nature. It’s the ultimate balancer of our energies.


I’m coming to the end of a pretty chill cycle with mostly Genesis ZP. I’m planning the next cycle to most likely consist of EoG St1, Genesis ZP, and my Khan/Chosen custom Essence of Man.

I feel more than ready now to really whip the Llama’s ass :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: This year I have gotten my fitness back to a healthy level after neglecting it a bit during my big woo woo period last couple of years. I have always been doing a lot of sports, so I was never worried.

Genesis ZP has a strange way of working I have noticed also. It’s very under the radar kind of thingy… It is like it goes under the hood for a while and then it pops up as an equation in your conscious mind. What I mean by that is that I can easily reason away old habits and patterns that did not serve me, but for some reason has been part of my life as a unconscious habit.


DIspassion is an interesting word in the English vocabulary. To the structure of the mind that I would like to call “self” it is frightening and means something akin to death. Also in my mediation I am using that exact thing to move past mental phenomena arising, like in the moment I feel a pull, a craving, and then I have to remind myself not to get entangled, to just brush it aside and keep going deeper.

It is just like it is the key to actually enjoying life in a way, but even that is passion, so in a way it’s kind of the key past a lot of the illusions… but nothing really is an illusion, and at the same time everything is kind of like an illusion, and ultimately the mind tries to trick you to choose between them…

So dispassion is a great teacher, a tool to use, but not actually something to get stuck on… but that’s part of the journey of discovery… and in the end… it all seem to be just that… a great journey… a sand castle built just as the tide is rising… will it stand… probably not… but the effort is still… just like a wave of mental energy being asserted into nothing… that is ultimately all but at the same nothing… ok so we’re back at square one… cool :ok_hand:


The way you talk about Dispassion. I was wondering is it similar to stoicism?

Not quite… stoicism to me is more like control over your own mind in a way of achieving mastery and flourishing in life, the life I see with my senses. Dispassion the way I rambled was more meant as a way of abandoning all reasoning and movements of mind until it becomes more and more still.


So, it is mindfulness then?

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Yeah in a way I guess. First part of mindfulness is just remembering to be aware :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: … and the second part is doing whatever you were supposed to be mindful of in the first place :thinking::sunglasses:

So be mindful of the cravings of mind and mental objects. Dispassion is just the acceptance of the impermanence of all mental phenomena :upside_down_face: That to me means less suffering and less taking life so seriously all the time :innocent:


One thing that is mind boggling to me, is that the so called leaders and other high ranking people of society that most people sign up to and vote for… do they look happy :thinking: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: … like even the slightest? Do they look like they are having fun and celebrating life, or do they look 20 years older than they actually are, and are they behaving like 12-year old kids that were denied Saturday sweets by their parents…

Not that I care that much anymore as I mostly only follow myself nowadays, but it would be nice to have actual leaders :grin: More LBfH to the people :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m a bit USA-centric… ever look at Bill Clinton or Obama before and after they were president?

Whatever is going on in that big white house must be stressful. No joke.

I think for the first time in US history (at least as far as I know) the congress was boo-ing a president. It was when Biden (the current president) was giving a speech this year. I was a bit stunned… never seen that before.


They have the biggest responsibility that is to look after their country and think of all the people who live in it. Sure, we could argue as to how competent or incompetent they are. But that is stressful job any way you look at it.


I’m not from USA that’s why I am asking when did that happen? :thinking:

Hehe not saying it’s not stressful. But even stress can be good for you if you are in shape, you enjoy what you are doing, and you meditate for an hour or two a day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But the world has turned quite comical over the last couple of years, it’s like all the hidden weird stuff all is bubbling up to the surface now…

I don’t blame them or say it’s not stressful. But the whole system is quite rigged anyways and the leaders we have are just a representation of the state of our collective unconscious. Just look at the level of mental illnesses generally today in most countries, and that many has lost connection to nature, happened to me too.

If men and women today would start working on themself for real, they would not tolerate leaders and world orders that are as they are right now. The many are always oppressed by the few because they allow it.

Most leaders today are highly traumatized just as most of people today, but the leaders IMO should be the one’s that has done the work on themselves, or we’ll have leaders acting like 12 year old bullies.

That’s why I don’t feed my energy towards it, I don’t try to change it through the system that is in place already because that is giving my precocious energy towards something that I don’t believe in. Inwards is the game, just that people go home and do their inner homework for a while. But nature seem to be making sure that is slowly happening regardless, I was thrown into a big awakening just by me doing the work for like a decade…

In the end IMO everything is in divine order. Everyday I’m seeing more and more that suffering is optional, as it’s not what happens to us in life, but rather how we respond to what happens to us.

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Another president being booed at by congressmen :smiley:

Sorry for interupting.

‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.’
