Fear of Cold Approaching Women. Always In My head

I have this limiting beliefs on women, I don’t know maybe due to porn or societal programming.

I find it difficult to express my attraction or sexuality to women even when they make interest I f**k it up. Am always in my head when in comes to Approaching women.

This limiting belief of If the girl is taller than me, super hot or very feminine even the ones am way older than I tend to think am not enough or it doesn’t matter now or this is not the right time.

I don’t know how to fix this ,I have ran a healing sub in the past , currently on Wanted but am more of a laid-back, passive guy.

What can I do to learn how to get my ass up and get active in meeting any attractive woman that come across my way?

Your inputs please!!


Primal seduction


Primal seduction and rebirth.


Stop watching porn first off. It’s neither good or bad (my opinion) however, I feel that it exacerbates fear of women because it trains us (men) to look at women as sexual objects and forget that they are people. This isn’t a political thing and I’m not making any value judgments, all I’m getting at is that you need to remember that women ARE PEOPLE which means that THEY feel fear, anxiety, and all the shit you feel.

How this played out for me was the realization that a lot of women that I’ve been hitting on are just as “scared” of me as I was of them, once you understand that, it helps you regain some power over the situation and helps them feel more comfortable because you can be the person that overcomes your own fear, freeing them to feel comfortable around you. Sometimes a woman is nervous because she likes you and she’s terrified of looking like an idiot, sound familiar? Women, no matter how attractive or tall they are, are people and feel all the same feelings you feel, once you really understand that, you don’t need to be scared of women anymore. Forget how pretty she is, forget how intimidated you are, and remember that she’s just like you on some level and you don’t need to be scared.

Next time you are in public, pay close attention to the couples you see at the supermart, the mall, or walking around town. Notice how many beautiful, tall women are holding hands with shorter, pudgy dudes. Notice also how many beautiful men are walking hand in hand with less attractive women. If you keep your eyes open, you’ll notice these things quite often and it should hopefully remind you that physical attraction is not the ultimate factor in love and romance, which, given your insecurities should help you further overcome your fears.

Read “The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene or listen to the audiobook. If you really want to understand how to overcome your fears, read the book. Some of the most seductive people in history were NOT the most beautiful people to have lived, nor the tallest, nor the wealthiest. Cleopatra, though wealthy and powerful, was apparently not much to look at, yet she destroyed empires and put a spell on powerful men that could have any woman they wanted.

Run Primal Seduction while reading the book above if you really want to overcome this issue, that’s exactly what I did to start overcoming the exact issue.

Take action every single day and journal every single day about the action you took and look for ways to improve. Trust the subs to work on your insides and dedicate yourself to taking action outside in the material world.

Hope some of this helps! You can do this bro!


I like it but to be absolutely sure, hey @lrw are you, women, the same as us men, with all that feelings, insecurities, etc :)?


That one should be a given
Women are still humans after all :rofl:

Are they?


The question is beyond science


Hi Swicth,

Firstly, kindly stop porn. You are programming your mind to get pleasure by watching another man fuck a women. You think in reality you will attract women that you will be fucking?

You are also blessed with this issue which is related to self esteem and self worth. You are automatically taking the inferior role.

I’m not suggesting titles because you need to read the sales pages and find what addresses your issues.
I just identified your issues for you which make it easy for you to find a sub that fits.
If I suggest you will have 55 suggestion which is worse than going through the store yourself :wink:


Make no mistake about it, the answers to that question can get very deep. Everybody has insecurities, of course. Men are used to chasing and women are used to getting hit on. Women send signals, and while the guys are doing most of the approaching, it is usually the women who lead the pace :slight_smile:


Run PS . It will push you to approach .

Take one step at a time .

  1. Opener ( Hello or similar )
  2. Stack ( Say what you see , if you have guts tease :smiling_imp:)
  3. Boring convo ( what you do , what I do )
  4. Close ( number / idate / sex )

All these 4 have no power unless you start to touch :wink:

It’s okay to have a structure at beginning . Later , the sub will guide you what suits for you.

If you are cold approaching , volume is everything . Open as much as possible .
Initially every girl is a practise .

After an approach , you should feel - you have done your best . PS will definitely help with this .
Her reaction is not in your hands.

Keep Approaching !! All the best :slightly_smiling_face:

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Primal Seduction, Elixir and Rebirth.

Elixir is like a sniper when it comes to healing, if you already know what your problem is, Elixir is a great choice for diving deep into your specific issue and solving it fast.

“When used in a stack, it will focus on the greatest issues that block you in tandem with the subliminal you are running. Running it with Mogul for example, Elixir will be finding and dissolving the greatest wealth limits.”

I used it with Stark and Sanguine this month and I’m amazed at how well it worked.


Am actually putting my best to put off porn completely from my life!!


@SWITCH Probably for the best, haha. Good for you, man!

Primal Seduction + WANTED → you’ll be swimming in girls.

Girls will be way more receptive to you when you say hi.


@Switch please read this post like 10 times. Lol

Go with Primal.

This is the order:

Personality → Social Fluidity → Escalation → Seduction → Technique

S&S is primarily focused on Escalation, Seduction and Technique.

None of that matters if your Personality, Social Fluidity and potential for Escalation is weak.

Having any type of focus on your outer game right now will be inefficient as it will detract from the focus of developing what you’re lacking the most.

It’s equivalent to learning how to run when you’re too out of shape to even walk.

The first step is Personality. That’s the internal framework.
If you don’t have that, then you’ve already lost.

Personality objectives:
- Eliminate all mental and emotional blockages preventing you from becoming a highly sexual, sensual and sexy man.
- Develop a highly sexual, sensual, sexy, carefree attitude with women.
- Enhance and improve your naturally charismatic attributes.
- Generate a sense of natural, very attractive dominance.

Okay, now you have charisma and attractive dominance.
You’re a highly sexual and sensual man.

Personality, check.

The next step is Social Fluidity.
This focuses on the pathways of expression for your Personality, making your expression of it more receptive to others while increasing your potential for escalation.

Social Fluidity is the bridge between Personality and Escalation.

Social Fluidity objectives:
- Eradication of social anxiety and approach anxiety in particular (mental worry and anxiousness over every detail in the interaction).
- Experience complete nonchalance and enjoyment of everything you do, especially in social situations.
- Develop a sense of relaxed optimism, knowing that all is well.
- Enhance your ability to have fun and be a fun person.
- Experience masterful automatic calibration in social situations.
- Automatic passing of social testing.
- Extremely accurate social intuition and calibration.
- Betterment of social status.

Social Fluidity, check.

The next step is Escalation.
Primal doesn’t focus on fully developing Escalation. It gives you that initial momentum/push to get you going. The Escalation in Primal is foundational, meaning it focuses on removing obstacles of Escalation more than it does enhancing/developing Escalation itself (S&S).

The main obstacles of Escalation, are Anxiety and Fear of Rejection.

Escalation objectives:
- Eradication of social anxiety and approach anxiety in particular (mental worry and anxiousness over every detail in the interaction).
- Create a mental shield against any and all forms of perceived rejection — never feel sad after -rejection, or let a past rejection prevent future romance / social attempts.
- The uncanny ability to be physically and mentally completely relaxed at any moment.
- Easy kino and verbal escalation.

There’s also a cherry on top to allow you opportunities for Escalation.
Romance manifestation — find yourself around women who are madly attracted to you.

Personality → Social Fluidity → Escalation (foundational) are all covered in Primal enough to the point where you should be able to get your foot in the door.

So when you approach a woman, it will be natural, they’ll be receptive to you and you won’t be in your head, nervous or fearful of rejection. You’ll be present in the moment and have fun.

Once you have your foot in the door and have approached a woman. THEN you can focus on Sex & Seduction to take your Escalation, Seduction and Technique to the next level.

Or you can run Primal Seduction and focus on development of the whole package:
Personality → Social Fluidity → Escalation → Seduction → Technique

So Primal for Inner Game.
Then branch out into S&S or PS when you’re ready to focus on outer game and you feel like your inner game isn’t severely holding you back as it currently is.


You like to use the term “limiting belief” a lot.

Limit Destroyer description:
Limit Destroyer has a very specific purpose in mind — destroying, dissolving and removing any and all internalized limitations, including those you may even know existed. With each loop, Limit Destroyer will drill deeper and deeper into your subconscious, removing the fears and limits that hold you back from greatness.

These could be beliefs along the lines of “I am not good enough”, “I cannot do this”, or even “she is too good for me,” Limitations we have can manifest in many scenarios.

Limit Destroyer should also help you with PMO as well…

Voytek (verified owner of Limit Destroyer) – July 18, 2021

I’ve broken out of the nasty addiction of watching porn and masturbating after almost 30 years of doing so on a daily basis. I attribute it to Limit Destroyer

I would run Wanted, Primal, Limit Destroyer as a stack.
Swap Primal with S&S or PS when your Inner Game is better.

That’s all I got


Surprised noone here has mentioned Khan at 1.

I would probably agree with Luther that Primal is a much better choice than PS, for all the reasons he mentioned.

But Khan 1 is PURELY focused on those beliefs.

It would make more sense to go Khan ST 1, then Primal, then PS.

Or, for an extremely light title that would hit fast, GLM


I always forget about Primal.


be careful with this area man.

i suspect everyone will just jump in and say…




but this is flawed and UNSCIENTIFIC reasoning


everyone has different body chemistry and biological make up

for example, i knew this guy who jerked off and watched porn regularly but was also very successful with women in real life.


im neither telling you to do it and im also NOT telling you to stop

what im telling you is to NOT just assume one way or the other is good.

my advise is always the same, test different approaches and see what works best for you.

if you have any specific questions let me know, i have a lot of information in this area as i spent years very seriously tracking the impact of porn and masturbation on my life. and i even went as far as consulting with experts in this area to get the best info available.

unfortunately i have similar issues that i have yet to really find a solution to so im not much help with this.

but one thing i would suggest that might help indirectly is to try and get girls to approach you.

Libertine should have some girls approaching you in the nightlife.

i have also heard wanted gets girls approaching you but i have never used that product so im not speaking from actual experience.

But for libertine i have a lot of experience with that product and if you have issues going up to girls then you can test libertine in the nightlife and it should get girls coming up to you.


I agree with @Luther24. I also recommend Primal based on your description of your current reality. None of the outer game stuff will matter if your inner game is not solid. Confidence in yourself and in your approach is the foundation of it all if you lack that then the battle is lost before you even open your mouth.

My final answer is Primal


but there is also the aspect that some of these things intersect.

for example, i actually consider muscle to be an inner game element of success with women while most people think of it as outer game.

why do i think this?

because in my experience the most valuable thing by far that gaining muscle can do for a guy is improve his dominance, assertiveness, etc…