Falling into the light (thought and observations about Khan's Journey)

would request both @rising and @GoldenTiger to kindly take a look at my new post " Ass Emperor VS Ascened Mogul", where i have detailed my reasons. :pray:

3 instances? Are you insane? :joy:
I suppose you can handle it after, what 4 months on ST4, is that right?

So far it’s doing what Khan is supposed to - more respect, dominance and vagina. Any improvement on the money side?

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what do you think of the results so far?

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I have the same query as michel

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Not much on the money side, searched for business, but right now I don’t have that much hope for it. Doing well at my job, have a bonus and raise, working on a promotion. I also started to learn how to dj two weeks ago, I spend like 10 hours a week on it haha


@GoldenTiger yeh, no real results with money, nothing doing…

Oh, just got a bonus and a raise.



What kind of music are you spinning? :smiley:

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actually that is pretty sweet

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Yeah, I know, I am always comparing myself to my family… my father is a doctor and my brother is finishing his studies as a doctor xD

But hey! you guys are right!

@Baphomet currently mixing anything, I am practicing, latino music, trying to make it fit with mixing EDM and rock music dropping a good ol’ Bon Jovi’s It’s my life between two Martin Garrix track.

Mixing only EDM is pretty easy to do a decent transition, when I try to mix two track with lyrics, it’s a little bit harder! I am thinking on investing 2000$ on a xdj-rx2 at christmas so I don’t have to have my laptop with me. I am not earning money with that for now, but eventually who knows haha


@GoldenTiger any results with Power can Corrupt?


I’d say I am less needy… I speak less, listen to people a lot more. I let them come to me and don’t care if people do not come…!


Do you think this is PCC effect or more like Khan’s effect?

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I have been running Khan since the beginning of summer, PCC only when it got out, it is the main difference I’ve seen since starting to run it.


Great results, sounds like a refined extension of Khan. Not too severe.


I agree with you. I think it is mainly Khan’s effect

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Ok! Officially started to drop Khan St4 to go into a more winter mode since it started snowing and getting really cold outside.

My new stack is the following (on my three audio player)
Player 1 : Khan St1 (for healing and destroying negative belifs)
Player 2 : Emperor
Player 3 : Emperor x1, Power Can Corrupt x 1, Primal seduction x 2

I hope to heal differents stuff this winter so I can come back stronger for next summer! I want to use emperor to work on my dominance and carefreeness attitude. Primal seduction is only to keep an edge on social cues and girls if I meet some :wink:


What is the timing of your playlist?

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I just start one audio player after the other.

First dream I had was about getting late to my job haha, I guess I still have fear of letting people down. Which is bad because people might expect things from you which will not make you happy! Sometime you need to face your old belifs to allow new belifs to be implemented.


Officially transitionned to Emperor. Tryed to do three playlist at the same time, to emotionnaly draining for what I want to do in my life. So switched to one player.

My friend invited me to go and meet two girls, flirted witg both of them and took their contact, saying we’ll be seeing each other soon! I was working the next day so I didn’t want to stay up too late, il was already 10h30 PM when my buddy texted me, and I work at 8AM. I decided to go out anyway, not horny or anything, I just remember to push myself out of my comfort zone!

This week was really emotionnal, lots of strong, violent and wierd dreams. Lots of anger, tierdness, sadness… Way too much emotion to be natural… Or to fast of a change to be changing naturally. Tell me, how is emperor V4 working for you? I’m curious about how people interpret all these emotions they are living! Might be the new beginning module adjustinf my vision of myself!


Hey WhiteTiger,

I’m on Kahn ST1 again, almost 2 weeks down, and am facing the continual awareness that my stuff/choices/decisions just aren’t moving me forward. I’m only into your ST2 posts so far (July), but it feels good to know better thinking and choices will be prompted. My inner dialogue while reading your posts is me saying “look what HE’s doing!”, and I’m like “I know. I know”.

This is the first time I opened your journal, and I’m glad I did. It says loudly “I have other choices”. You quitting nicotine is a mirror to me of many small choices I’m making which aren’t helping. I’m grateful to have these awarenesses, and I’m grateful I’m reading your journal. “Thanks” doesn’t fully express my thoughts here, as I have a ton of gratitude for reading what I have so far :slight_smile:


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