With good journalling, if you take action to support the subs, you should see a constant growth. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but you should notice stuff happening.
If you don’t, you’re either not taking any action (in which case the pressure to do so will start building inside you, making you more and more restless over time) or you’re not listening enough to overcome the habits and rituals you are trying to change.
As for when you should slow down, that depends on how well you can listen to your subconscious.
Some people get a “feeling” that they need a break. They stop listening for a day or so and get a rush of clarity and energy when they do. In some cases, they actually make great improvements during their “off-time”.
Others don’t need any signs, their subconscious makes them “forget” to listen (like how you can sometimes turn off your alarm and go back to sleep, but don’t remember turning it off). They get so busy doing something they forget to turn the audio player on, or they forget to take it with them or forget to charge it.
Most people probably just feel very tired all the time or get a constant light headache (not to be confused with a stronger, short-duration headache that can sometimes happen during reconciliation).
Since most of SubClub’s subs work on increasing your intuition as part of the core script, you’ll slowly move towards becoming that first group.
I am somewhere between the first and second group.