Experimental Listening Pattern

I commend Sub Club for doing this research.

For me, I just get my listening stations up and running and let them run for weeks or months on end. Research may show that strategy not to be the most efficient, but it is a very low maintenance strategy.

I personally do not want to be watching schedules to turn things on and off, but if somebody likes to do that then I think it is great.


I try to listen as much as possible during the day but it’s not always easy. I was thinking that not listening at night and letting your brain process or rest may be a good idea


Doesn’t seem to make a difference between those running a singular title vs. an entire stack.

More noticeable and prominent results, in various ways, depending on the person. The consensus is that the subliminals “work better” this way.

No notable difference between the two.

I agree. I still maintain that “set and forget” is the easiest way to get benefits. We’re just exploring alternative listening patterns to see what happens.


Can you tell us which subs you were using during the test?


How many hours of exposure during the day are needed to make playing them at night inferior? 4, 8, 12+ hrs during the day?


A wide assortment, no pattern based on title was discovered, though most of the testers have a multi-stage as their “base.”

No less than 6 during testing.


@SaintSovereign have you also tried different volumes measured at ear level? so eg. -80db vs -60db for ultrasonic?


Ok, so to make things clear:

A person who listens to subs for 6 hours per day, for 6 days a week, will get much better results than someone listening 24/7?

Well, I am open minded. I hope a bunch of us test this pattern and notice whether it makes a difference. The importance thing is the results, not being married to one way of thinking.


Maybe its the same concept to bodybuilding, your muscles grow when you are resting/asleep, if you keep on training you burn out and sometimes have the reverse effects, maybe its the same with the mind, not sure though


I’m also curious about the average listening hours this group puts in. As well as the average hours of sleep they get. And the conditions, as it seems logical to me that if your exposure happens when you are in a repetitive state, doing things that aren’t too challenging, the programming is easier to incorporate as compared to being in something new, like new classes in school or a new job, or physically strenuous activities.

In other words, what are the testing parameters and how well have they been followed?

I actually notice this behavior in myself. At least once a week I have every intent from turning on the masked tracks when I go to sleep, but something stops me from doing so. And there are days when I’m so busy my exposure is minimal.

I can imagine there are a lot of people that simply can’t expose themselves all that much during the day. I myself do not like playing it out in the open where it would expose others. So I’m stuck to having headphones, which may not always be possible at work.


No, not necessarily. What I reported was that those who tried the experimental listening pattern and listened only during reported more pronounced results than those who listened while sleeping. Also, those who took a “rest day” noted pronounced results too. That being said, this is all subjective, but I’d imagine that there’s something as “too much” listening, just like going to the gym. I believe there needs to be a period where the mind is processing.


Interesting. Was the listening uninterrupted listening? I’d be willing to give this a shot, but my exposure time is pretty inconsistent during the day depending on what pops up. I feel like listening at night with no interruption guarantees me a certain amount of hours.


What is the reason for the more pronounced results when listening to the subs awake?
In theory it shouldnt make a difference because the sub targets the subconscious which is working 24/7 right?


But during the day the subconscious also has to process everything that comes in from your consciousness and your environment. When you sleep, it can work uninterrupted.

I imagine it is like digestion. Never stops, but if you keep eating, it keeps having to process the new stuff before it is done with the existing stuff.

Elementary, good question about the uninterrupted listening. It’ll always be a question what the effects are if you keep walking out of the room while subs are playing.


But @SaintSovereign is saying that listening during the day, awake (not at night) produces better results…


Maybe it’s one of those things that can’t be understood by thinking about it, but rather by doing it and noticing the difference. Whether positive or not.


Listening during the day creates a pile of stuff to work through (like physical exercise), which is then processed more efficiently at night because you’re not listening then (like exercise recovery).

In contrast, distracting the subconscious during the day with all the messages that reach it as you go about your day while subjecting the subconscious with subliminals at night leaves it no “quiet time” to process.

In other words, working through the pile of messages is easier and faster for the subconscious when you are not consciously performing an activity (like when you are asleep in bed receiving minimal sensory input).

Did I explain it better now?


I can see that.

I wonder about listening to at night at leaving it to process during the day…


Up to this point, I was only trying to discover the variables that explain Saint’s results, without considering alternatives.

I do suppose we could check off some pros and cons to each.

  • We can take action to support the subs during the day. Would it then be more effective to also run them during the day? Or would that make no difference?
  • The subconscious is being bombarded all day long by both our conscious actions and subliminal messages & suggestions coming from our environment. This would theoretically distract it from processing the subs effectively, resulting in this process taking longer. Unknown variables would be how much this distraction actually affects the subconscious, as well as how much our physical tiredness affects it.
  • The subconscious is able to process more effectively during off-periods like sleep. This could mean that listening during sleep but not during the day would allow it to do more work faster and do whatever is left over during the early part of the next day. Provided you did not also listen during the day.

I suppose you do have a valid question, Sir.

When supposing a fixed amount of listening hours, such as 6, what would be the effective difference be between 6 hours of exposure at night and 18 hours of non-exposure during the day, versus 6 hours exposure during the day and 18 hours of non-exposure the remainder of the day and night?

Perhaps there is a cut-off point. Meaning that if we suppose that when the subconscious is “under load”, meaning during the day when it is bombarded with messages, it will be slower to process the subliminals, can we then determine that it would take for example 1 hour of non-exposure to completely process 1 hour of exposure.

In other words, could we say that as soon as we get more than 12 hours of exposure, it would also take the subconscious more than 12 hours to process that exposure? And since there are only 24 hours in a day, this would indicate things start piling up and we need a rest-day to catch up.

If this is the case, you might see relatively few improvements in people that only listen for 6 hours as opposed to people that listen for 14 hours, for example.

Finally, given the premise that the subconscious communicates with us using the medium of dreams, would it do so more vividly/readily if you were being exposed to subliminals at the time, or if you were not being exposed? Saint’s deduction is that it gives better dreams if the subconscious is in “processing” mode instead of “listening” mode.

I guess you’d need to do far more clinical testing to figure it all out.

So for now, absorb what Saint said and try it out. If you already get more than 6 hours at day, turn them off at night. And take a day off, like Saturday or Sunday. Or that one day in the week where everybody is always planning their meetings.

And of course, journal, journal, journal.


So I’m on Day 8 of Emperor. My dreams are either non-existent or fully vivid. Not much in-between.
I usually listen as much as I can whilst working and whilst sleeping (I’m talking the ENTIRE sleep time).

I’m off work tomorrow, and I’ve already had 9 hours listening time today while I was working.

I will forego any listening tonight and see how my dreams change, and I figure I’ll do that for a week…all listening during the day, zero at night. Just to see how it happens.

Kinda excited now to see what happens!