Experiences with zp terminus and squared

Hi folks!

I’m looking to get some user feedback for those who have run the zp terminus or terminus squared. I haven’t really seen anything concrete from my research thus far on the forums.

Perhaps someone can help me?

This is something I plan on experimenting with by the end of the year.




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Barely much experience since that one time in zpv1 time

Can’t be of much help
@Malkuth is the right person for this


Does @Seeker have experience with this as well?

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Thanks guys!

In an area as personal and as intimately intrapsychic as subliminals, I’ll be honest that I often limit how much weight I place on the experiments done by others. There just seems to be so much variance and variety among individuals. At the same time, we do learn things from each other. So who knows?

Here’s a thread that was created pretty early on:

And here’s a very brief summary of my own Terminus/Terminus2 journey:

Having said all of that, and after all of my interminable Terminus-ing,

I’m now running two Standard-build customs.

Right now, that feels perfect.

ZPv2 hits different.

(If you make a t-shirt from that…you’re welcome.)

And ZPv3 is just waiting in the wings.

I first ran Terminus because it was the build on which I felt the clearest responses.

But this past June, I had one of the strongest reactions I’d ever experienced on the night after my first loop of Genesis. Just one Standard ZPv2 loop.

So I’m hanging out here for a while.


Thanks for sharing this mate!

Guess there’s one way to find out :slight_smile:

Will post my feedback when I run them