ZP terminus power level

I wanted to ask, How can I find out whether I am eligible to listen to ZP terminus or not?


Asking that question is the answer lol.
If you have to ask if you are ready then you probably aren’t ready.

Have you listened to customs for a few months?

Terminus is no joke especially on ZP

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I have listened to Zp custom for 2 months now and I feel no reconciliation

I feel like I can listen to terminus but wanted to make sure because it cost a little more money

The Terminus builds are still essentially Terra Incognita.

If you run them you are leaving the mapped and predicted territory.

There is no guarantee of what your results will be.

This is the exciting and maddening nature of using Terminus titles.


Do not do this, even mighty @Invictus had to go back to the regular customs after he tried Terminus.

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That is a special case.

@Invictus’s mind naturally transforms standard programs into Terminus programs.



Hahaha the only reason ZPT isn’t nice to me is because physical shifting feels a bit unstable on that level, and I prefer stable physical shifting over higher power :muscle:t3:

The way I see it, there’s only so much a person would want before their “desire” turns into “greed”, and I’m content with standard ZP granting me the path to my goals :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


He was ovsrexposing a lot.
I would not use him as a criteria in anyway.
@Starseed I had a terminus squared custom and it was not the easiest one.
It is not necessary to order one if you are new to subliminals. You want more power? Run a standard ZP multiple times.

But I would and doing.

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And we just stop here :slight_smile:


And you say that because?

Like I’m actually curious to know what makes you think that, cause if I “overexposed” myself to becoming part of the top 10% in my country, then I would start “overexposing” again and reach the top 1% :rofl:


I am very happy that your country is Qatar and you think you on the top 1% in a country with 2.7 million population.
I personally do not see the way of chosen/stark… and overall feminine titles as success but it is definitely respected that you see it as such.
As I said again, I never take your claims as facts. In the past few months you have been taking rest days but before that when you explicitly said that you are running 3 to 4 customs per day which is insane. And you also stated the fact that Terminus gave you more recon was those days.@SaintSovereign has taken washout for MONTHS to diminish the active effect of subliminals on his mind.
I really wrote this explanation since you are running chosen/stark and not specifically WANTED and that makes you worthy of talk. I personally think the masculine way is better for men.

@RVconsultant are you going to ignore this post which is claiming that I am envious of @Invictus ?

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 8 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Okay everyone stop for a bit while I look all of this over.

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Is he overexposing? That is a good question.

If he was, he’d probably getting some negative effects such as headaches, sleeplessness, fatigue, etc.

Actually that is another good point. @Invictus may not be the best criteria because of his “flow factor”.

Although I think he is an example of what is possible with subliminals.

Actually @Alphamale that is a good point. He’s getting results that are congruent with what the subliminals are supposed to do.

Also please keep in mind that if you don’t like a post, just flag so any moderator can notice it. If you just tag me, I may not get to it because perhaps I’m taking time away from the forum.

And @Deadpool I get what you are saying with the post about the 7 deadly sins. However, perhaps there was another way to phrase it.

Okay everyone, this shit happens whenever new technology comes around. I want order, respect, and harmony on here.

HOWEVER, I also realize there is going to be conflict and disagreement from time to time. In fact, I expect it to happen.

When it does, please take time to reflect on what you can learn about yourself and how to better communicate, rather than using it as a reason to think it confirms any negative beliefs you might have about someone.

Now I’m going to clean this thread up.


This topic was automatically opened after 8 hours.

Hi @Starseed,

A bit of tangential strife occurred there. But has your question been addressed sufficiently?

I’ll mention a few points:

  1. I have been running Terminus programs since the first experimental Terminus programs were released (Stark Terminus and Mind’s Eye Terminus2); on 2 May 2020 and 24 May 2020, respectively. My yearlong runs of those two programs made enough of an impression on me that I was convinced to keep going.

  2. I’ve generally combined my Terminus listening with seated meditation practice, in what I’ve termed ‘Terminus Meditations’. Over the three years of doing so, I’ve always enjoyed the experience.

  3. I have been running Terminus2 only since August 2022. (A stack of 3 customs.)

  4. I’m still not completely certain of how it works.

So, there’s more confusion for you, free of charge.


By unstable, do you mean you were experiencing highs and lows? Bursts where the shifting was driving with the metaphorical pedal to the floor and points where it merely cruised?

If so, do you think that the higher power level would’ve shifted you more over the same time as a standard ZP title?