Experiences of Emperor so far

Day 26

Had a horrible nightmare last night that really scares me I woke up 1am in the morning.
This morning when dealing with people I was.able to express.myself without fear.

I managed to get a number from a girl.but she flaked on me.

Since youā€™re getting girlsā€™ numbers, I recommend you read ā€œHack Your Matingā€ or some other books on day game (Richard LaRuinaā€™s "The Natural). Although, I read a bunch during my early red pill awareness, that one is the most straight forward without marketing fluff. Zanā€™s ā€œThe Alabaster Girlā€ is also a great book on an overall philosophy with women. I canā€™t tell you how to pick girls up, as I am not doing that, but I read a lot and can tell you the gold from the dirt.

Good luck.


Thanks Ace I did a one to one coaching a few years back and have some good reading material under my belt.

However one of the challenges I am facing is alot of the girls where I currently am donā€™t speak great English. So I often have to revert to ghetto English to try and connect. This means my usual English banter is sometimes not understood

Day 27

Dreams I have been having lately centre around me making my point and not allowing people to treat me like a door mat.

I feel like my sexual confidence is improving alot as I am more comfortable when it comes to lookong women straight in the eye.

One competitor company has a product which ingraines eye mesmer and eye seduction I hope that SS will also incorporate this.

Most of our programs have this, including EMPEROR, and SS will too.

Weā€™ve thought of it all. :smiling_imp:


Day 29

Continue to experience dreams which I believe to be metaphorical expressions of the challenges I am facing.

My stress levels are more or less at zero compared to weeks ago like i was fighting an emotional battle inside me.

On the dating front not had alot happening. Although I believe things will get Better as one of the founders has comenoted. The emperor script is huge and will take time to.ingrain.

Day 31

Feeling really chilled and relaxed. My proscrasination is almost down to zero.

I have become absolutely anal when it comes to tidying up as I hate clutter around the appartment. As i have come to believe itā€™s a reflection of your inner world.


@TheBoxingScientist That is why I have become a minimalist. I canā€™t stand clutter or any kind of mess. I took a second job recently and the first thing I noticed about the place is how messy and cluttered it is. Made me want to walk out almost immediately


Day 32

Found myself spending more time reading up on subjects that cover literature, current events, culture and cuisine.

As i freelance in I.T technology I have also spent time immersing myself in all the latest technologies to give me an edge on the market.

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Day 34

Feeling alittle down and depressed. I had a couple of strange dreams last night. One of them involved me travelling back into the past and confronting a manager who seemed to enjoy bullying and belittling his employees. Another one involved confronting those at university who were extremely loud mouthed and kept putting people down.

Anyone had dreams like this ?

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Nope, my dreams are really weird (if I can remember them at all). For example, I had a dream, where I was a bodyguard for some japanese mafia guy. We were driving in some tiny old Fiat in the Ukraine for some reason. We were being chased by other cars and I was fighting them off with a katana.


Day 35

Last couple of days I am feeling upset, angry sometimes I feel anxiety. Not sure why these feelings are rearing their ugly heads.

I wonder whether I chose a too powerful subliminal to start of with ???.

I am 42 days in and have been noticing the same things, too, but also greater groundedness and in some situations greater imperturbability. It has been mixed.


Thanks for chiming in mate. I guess I will just have to continue to barrel through no matter what.

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I am giving it at least six monthā€™s before making any assessment. I am enduring whatever gets thrown up by The Process.

Iā€™ve got it running so I can listen as much as possible each day.

Day 37

I woke this morning feeling alittle down and depressed. I ended up masturbating in the shower to help release the frustration I was feeling. I was feeling si horny I needed the release as the women side of things has not been great so far.

Later I went out with a friend and we hung out had dinner together later I hit the gym and tried to burn myself out so I could have a good nights sleep.

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Day 43

My ability to remember facts and learn new material related to my profession has increased dramatically. I am able to memorize things alot more easily and they seem to be ingrained in my memory long term.

If this is the power of the limitless module in Emperor I am looking forward to the standalone limitless module which I can only imagine to be astounding.


@TheBoxingScientist you and me both. I canā€™t wait to get Limitless.

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I appreciate its still early days using SS. I have not observed any changes in behavior when interacting with women yet. I did my usual grocery shopping today, went to a nearby bar with alot of women. Bantered with the waitress who was polite and smiled which is normal. Didnt notice any increased interest in women. I did actually chat to groups of girls but again nothing happened out of the ordinary which I can say SS is doing its job.

Like I said its early days and I am stacking Emperor with SS. Its been 43 days on Emperor and 3 days on SS. I am running 7 loops of SS overnight and 4 loops of Emperor.

What I have caught myself doing is looking in the mirror more and checking that I have had a good shave and my grooming is emaculate together with fashion sense.

Sex & Seduction is based on the Weapon X platform and is a skills-based subliminal. For it to work best, you have to interact with women. You gotta push yourself out of the zone a bit and interact with them. Itā€™s not like a certain competitor subliminal that purports to ā€œcreate an auraā€ that will just draw women to you. This is designed to heighten your seduction skills and senses. In order to REALLY test it, you gotta go out and chat. You donā€™t necessarily have to ā€œcold approach.ā€ Instead, just wink. Smile. Say hi. And watch what happens. :wink: