Samoman's journey

I’ll hold off on SS for now :wink: But it’s great to know. I just want more of what Emperor is giving me for now. That’s why I cannot wait for the optimizations.

Thanks for the encouragement. I will. I believe it’s worth it.

It’s been a little over a month, since I started with the Emperor. And if you have been following my journal, you know that I have had some ups and down, good results and struggles and that overall I’m moving forward. But the last few days, I’ve really hit a plateau. Like when you hit it in a gym, my results declined a bit and I have no clue why, I feel demotivated, I’ve been asking myself, whether I really want to be the Emperor, if I shouldn’t just stop and use Ascended Mogul for example. It’s a mix of my genuine feelings, like feeling that the Emperor is trying to do too much at the same time and that’s why my result are slow, but come in all areas at once. And excuses, like maybe I should just quit and do something else, after all I read here, taht with the Emperor you have to have a foundation, and it’s going to take too long to biuld it with the Emperor and so on. That’s the place where I am right now.


Hi Mate out of curiosity can you please highlight what struggles you have faced with Emperor ?.

For me it’s been 30 days and not had any “resistance” to the sub. I have had great results in terms of confidence in all aspects if my life. Not had any improvements in my dating life however i believe this will happen over time.

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It’s mostly emotional turmoil. Like, the Emperor pushes me to do something I’m not used to doing, and a war begins, with my unconscious. Also the Emperor makes me confront various limiting beliefs and stuck emotions, that I have been carrying around. It’s not resistance as in the other subs. It’s working, that’s the problem :grinning:. It’s like cleaning out a wound. Very painful, but you have to do it.


I’ve been experiencing the same thing. That total shift in the core of my being. I have asked myself numerous times over the last couple of weeks " why did I ever let this person or that situation bother me?"


A small update. Remember how a few posts ago I have said how the Emperor was a struggle? I have a sneaking suspicion, that it was caused by the extreme version. Since then I have gone to the regular Emperor, to compare the two, and “the struggle” is gone entirely. I will monitor closely, how it affects me with confidence, taking action etc., more so in comparison to the extreme version and give updates as I notice changes. So far, the best word I can find to describe the regular Emperor is smooth :sunglasses:. It changes you as well, but in a smooth way, compared to extreme.


Do you mean listening to the masked versions are not as effective as the ultra sonic versions?

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No, sorry, I meant Extreme version, not experimental. Edited the post above.

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Thanks for confirming mate. I have got into the habit of using the masked over night I wake up in the early hours around 5am and it’s still playing. With my head phones still in my ears :blush:

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I wish AM had a masked version lol.
I always look at my phone like is this still playing i cant hear it lol. What volume should i be listening to the stuff at?

I use them ~at the volume I usually listen to my music.I play a song, set everything to a comfortable volume and then loop the subliminal.

My sneaking suspicion was not confirmed. the discomfort came back, just in a slightly different way. I really feel like I should take a break from the Emperor, it’s just too intense and I’m overwhelmed. I have not decided what will I do yet. Either I will cut back on listening hours, or get Ascended Mogul and treat that as my primary subliminal and Emperor as a supplementary one. At least for a week or two to give myself a bit of a break. Then I’ll come back. It’s really helping me in areas I need to work on. So that’s my status at the moment.

So a small update. I bought and was on Ascended Mogul for the last couple of days, because of reasons ^ above. It’s too soon to make detailed comparison, but from what I can tell so far, AM is a lot more focused (obviously). That means that results I see are more obvious and quicker, but the are limited in scope comapred to Emperor. For example, I was a lot more productive on AM than on the Emperor, but on the other hand, not as much confidence or “leadership”. I’m leaning towards pause in Emperor and going AM, but I’m not 100% sure. Anyone who has used these products more than me, any advice would be appreciated.

In other news, I got SS and listed to it for about 4 hours yesterday. Today I went to a mall, to buy some stuff. I tried to talk to some girls, but I froze up when it came to it. I will continue to use it, for about 4h per day alongside AM/Emperor. Hopefully it will help me with this.


So I’ve been on Ascended Mogul + Sex and Seduction for a week now (SS a little less). I listen to AM during the day, SS for 4 loops and nothing while I sleep. The experience is quite different from the Emperor. I do more. I take more action. That’s both in terms of my goals and at my current job. The focus of AM is smaller than Emperor and it shows in more immediate and obvious results. On the other hand, I no longer feel like the King of the World! anymore. Which is an acceptable trade-off, that’s more or less what I wanted and expected from AM. I will come back to the Emperor, I am treating this simply as a foundation, that I desperately need.

When it comes to SS I have gotten some results. Not too much, because I run AM as a priority, but some results nonetheless. I’ve been scared of approaching women. Now I’m not some sort of basement dwelling creep, I can talk to female friends and coworkers normally. It’s just when I approach for the specific purpose of getting sex/girlfriend I get scared. I confess that that is the main reason I bought SS. I figured that if I can approach women comfortably, even with no skill, just banging my head against the wall will give me results at some point. Of course the skill part is great, it’s just sort of a bonus to me.

The results I’m talking about are in removal of some of these fears, I feel more comfortable with the idea of approaching women, although no approaches for me yet. And also women seem to be interested in me, I get more attention from them and they seem generally nicer to me. For now I will set smaller goals, like @SaintSovereign talks about.

Smiling and saying hi and watching what happens should be completely fine. I’ll keep you updated. :grinning:

So I took the advice and on the way back from work, I talked to a woman I was sitting next to on a bus. I was scared to talk her and at first, I was just sitting there, going “Talk to her! Talk to her!”. In the end I summoned my courage and talked to her. I basically just said hi, and she turned out to be really talkative. She was married, but we had a nice chat during the commute. So yeah, I like where this is going. It reminded me of my “glory days” around the end of high school.

For those interested in a little backstory, as I said in my first post, at the end of high school I was pretty much the ladies man, I’d pick up random girls pretty much anywhere, I was completely unaffected by rejection and I didn’t know the meaning of fear. It all changed when I enrolled in a university. It’ the hardest university in the country (Slovak Technical University, FIIT).And Jeses Christ, that was something else. For 5 years, all I had time for was school, come to my room, study, sleep. If I was lucky I could get in an hour or two of video games. Completely incept teachers only added to the lot. For 5 years, my only social interactions were from my school-mates. I lost my social skills, I was depressed constantly, you can imagine I wasn’t the most pleasant person to be around. After 5 years of the torture, in this Spring I got burned out. I flunked literally the very last subject I needed to graduate, and I was kicked out. At that point, I just sat in my room, and I saw two choices before me. Either I’m going to blame the school, which was so easy, and just be another loser. Or I could just accept, that sometimes life isn’t fair and we make bad decisions. I could work on myself, which was probably going to be hard, and grab the life by the balls and squeeze all the joy I could get. I picked the latter. I got a job as a software engineer and I’m slowly learning and evolving. It’s painful, but I want to do it. Now my 2 main goals are wealth and women. So that’s how I got here.


After a week another update. Ascended Mogul is really getting going now. I have a lot more motivation both doing things for myself and at work. For myself I have been dealing with fears I had from way back, and slowly working on my goals. Slowly, because I’m not yet accustomed to it. I believe that with time I will develop skills I need and the process will be a lot quicker. But, even if it’s slow, it’s still progress.

At work I have been seeing more dramatic results. Today I found out, that they are making me head of a project. Which blew me away. It’s a relatively small project, but it’s still a huge deal for me. I’m a developer only for a year. So I’m really happy about that.

Sex and seduction, nothing to report. Conversations with women are better in general, but I still get scared when I’m supposed to cold approach a woman. I can feel my beliefs about women, dating and all that shifting, so the subliminal is working. I’m wondering if when Primal comes out, I should swap S&S for it. But it has been just 12 days since the release, so it’s too early to pass a judgement.

I’m still listening 4h of S&S, rest of the day AM.

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One thing that I’ve noticed works really well with AM is the money management module. I spend about as much money as I used to, so it was hard to notice… But I looked back and realized, that most of my purchases for last month went into coaching and self development instead of useless stuff like videogames. It feels really good to know that I’m changing for the better.

Also I have changed the name of the journal. It’s not about the Emperor, although I definitely will come back to it later. It’s about me, and my growth. From a boring guy with a boring job, hating his life, to a powerful and happy master of his own destiny.

Another update, after another week. This time however, it’s not a positive one.

When I took stock of the week before, I noticed that, most results have disappeared and I seem to have regressed to week 1-2 when I was running the Emperor.

Motivation and action were almost completely gone. During the past week I have done a lot of “When I get home I’m going to…” “After dinner, I’m going to…” “After this, I’m going to…” …work on my goals, myself etc. But I never did. Which is a place, where I was before starting subliminals, mostly procrastinating, with intermittent action.

Self-confidence is at an early Emperor level. Which is lower, than weeks before. I have not noticed anything much in terms of personal power, or the Ascension part. My income is the same, my savings lowered a little, but that was to buy coaching, not some useless purchase, so I consider it a net gain.

The listening regimen stayed the same, S&S 4h, AM rest. S&S’s results are nothing worth reporting about.

I’m wondering if this is something to be expected, one step back, two steps forward kind of situation. Or if I should troubleshoot this somehow. I’m thinking about going back to Emperor, but I’m not 100% sure, it might be just the “slump depression” talking.


why no updates bro?

how is life right now?

are u the mean u wanted to be when u bought emperor?

How’s money and sex?

Wow, I thought nobody cared about thins anymore. I’ll make an update just for you bro :slight_smile:

Last update was pretty negative. And after, I used Emperor for a bit, then I looked at the sales page, compared it to my life and told myself “I’m not Bruce Wayne yet!”. Then I quit.

I wanted a lot more change a lot more quickly and that combined with how hard Emperor was to handle emotionally meant I left in frustration and went to other subliminal companies. I used them, until half a year-ish ago. In that time, my life improved on the money front, to some extent, but not by much. And not in the ladies’ department either.

I came back because I heard good things about Ultima and wanted to try it. I had good results with it, so I stuck around and used some regular subliminals as well.

I got a new job on AM, which bumped my income by 50% and then I used DR, which helped me deal with some stuff.

Now money is noticably better, sex nope, but hopefuly I’ll get vaccinated soon and I’ll get back into it.

Right now I’m figuring out my stack. I’m a bit scared of Emperor so I’m thinking Khan, but that doesn’t really have money part in it, so I would have to run RICH? I also want something for learning, but I don’t know between Limitless and QL. And what would be the final piece of the puzzle?

When I figure it out, maybe I’ll return to journaling here. I still want to be Bruce Wayne, without the tragedy part. We’ll see how it goes.

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