Everything Comes to Light 3?

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

The point is you are BANNED. Stop coming back here.

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Damn that’s pretty serious → legal ASAP.

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 8 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Zero Point doesn’t have a “questioning” nature. That was the Q series of titles.

You know what does have a “questioning” nature? The subliminals you were creating for yourself. You left this part out of the story when you came here and I’ve simply been trying to avoid letting everyone know:


You built your own subliminals, ran them with Zero Point and most likely morphic fields and brainwave entrainment. In the screenshot above, I clearly tell you NOT to use those questions in a subliminal format, but that you could use them as a daily offline journal.

But that’s what this is really all about, isn’t it? The secret of Zero Point. What, you think if you keep throwing conspiracies at the wall, or bringing up things you THINK we’re covering up, we’ll tell you how to script a ZP title?

Then what was this?

What kind of “help” do you think we can provide? No one else is having a “mind control” problem other than you. You saw the other threads – no one is having a problem quitting the subs. Should I show you all of the support tickets about people complaining that they aren’t getting results? What about them? What about the people here that aren’t getting the results they want? Are they mind controlled?

The issue is not our titles. It is your own mind. You said it yourself, you project negativity on everyone else and you can’t see the good in people. That has nothing to do with us.

We have helped you every time you barged into our personal lives. You ignored everything we said and kept responding with the same unfounded accusations, pulling other people into this. We made two huge threads with the entire community responding to your fears. You have ignored EVERYONE’S responses and continued with the same nonsense.

We don’t have to paint you as a villain. You’re doing it yourself. I only have to post your screenshots and everyone will see what I’m talking about. Here’s one of you messaging support non-stop with creepy messages, talking about you “love” me and the such:


You need to understand that this is not normal behavior, and I’m not the type of person you can act like a stalker toward. Both @Fire and myself don’t tolerate this, and we definitely aren’t intimidated by it.

In all the years that we’ve been open, we have never received stuff like this. It is not our titles causing this. You need help. And that’s why we’re contacting the law, not because we are trying to scare you, but if this continues to escalate, it will not end well for you.

Once again, you’re dragging people into this that has NOTHING to do with your situation. But, let’s bring this to light, since bad actors continue to try and weaponize tragedy.

Meng was involved in some non-subliminal related activities that we won’t reveal, not for you or anyone. We only became aware of this when an individual on this forum who he spoke to on the regular made us aware of it.

As a result, he began to have severe anxiety. When he went to the doctor, he was prescribed Strattera. Strattera is ADHD / anxiety medicine with a BLACK BOX LABEL in the United States. Do you know what that is? A black box label is the highest warning the FDA can give a drug due to very harsh side effects. Do you know why the FDA gave Strattera a black box label?

Suicidal ideation.

His family told us that when they spoke to the doctor about the thoughts he was having, the doctor pushed him out of the door and didn’t even respond. We were told directly that he never mentioned anything about suicide until he began taking Strattera.

Had he been in the United States, he would’ve been taken off of it immediately. That didn’t occur. He continued to take the medication and a few days later, he took his life. His family are dignitaries of their country, and so we kept the story quiet out of respect and request.

It is absolutely disgusting that you are attempting to try and “force” us to show everything we know about Meng. But I’ll make this clear to you, or anyone else. I’ll shut this company down before I reveal things in Meng’s private life. He was our Arch Archivist, and he was our friend and the friend of many here.

We will protect his legacy just as much as we were protecting yours. As you can see, we didn’t reveal these screenshots until you kept coming back and messing with us.

And guess what? I’m STILL protecting you by not showing everything.

Because he became the CEO of an awesome company, got married and had a child. He decided to focus on his family because he thought he had achieved his goal and didn’t need subliminal use. Not only did he tell you this himself, but he has always tried out all kinds of subliminals from different vendors, including ours.

Again, pulling people into this that have NOTHING to do with you.

We already asked the community the questions you asked, twice. I literally took your post and asked the entire community the questions you asked:


The community responded. There are over 150 posts on those threads with the community digging deep into your questions. READ THEM. Do you really think that you’re the individual to save them? They are not the ones being declared incompetent by the state. Wake up, you need to get professional help.

This was us helping you. No one else in Subliminal Club history has ever gotten such a response, to the point that our customers were starting to get annoyed. And yet, you claim we haven’t helped?

@Fire is about to post all of the messages we’ve received from Hermit. You’ll see why he was banned, and it isn’t for “critical thinking.” Again, you found the ONE person who you think would agree with you and ran with it. But again, this is the individual calling himself “the Son, the Christ.” Here, let me show you all some stuff.

Here’s ONE of the 50 rambling messages we received, where he proclaimed that he was the “Father” (the deity you claim to worship) and signed the message as if he were Jesus Christ, claiming to have written the script to The Revelation of Spirit and used the kundalini to connect to my subconscious and transmitted the script to me.



THIS is why we banned him. Because he was preying on vulnerable individuals like yourself and attempting to create a cult. Another member here actually made a HUGE (I mean HUGE) decision in their life based on that man’s nonsense. Once that member came to his senses, he told us what happened, but said he wouldn’t stay on the forum as long as Hermit was.

Do you really think we’re going to keep this individual on our forum? Now, you’re running around getting sucked into the nonsense he posted, thinking he was “asking the hard questions.”

The only thing you’re doing with all your accusations is forcing us to prove just how much we protect people, even if it looks like we’re doing something shady ourselves. We’ll take those hits, because we can endure it.


You are not qualified to determine what’s in everyone’s best interests. You are literally going through a court case, as an adult man, where your caretaker is declaring you incompetent.

The individuals here are capable of making their own decisions, even more capable than you. That’s simply a fact.

There are two threads where “hard hitting questions” were presented directly to the community:
1: PLEASE READ: “Everything Comes to Light”
2: PLEASE READ: Everything Comes to Light, Part 2

There were no edits to that thread, no deletions – except the ones where they insulted you too much. Why? Because after we made our post, you went to a review site and posted an odd message about how sorry you were for posting and that you don’t want to commit suicide. No one is hiding anything. We just aren’t allowing you to dictate our company.

We are responsible for people not knowing what they want out of life? Are you serious? What exactly is the accusation here? Zero Point doesn’t even have “questions,” rofl. That was Qv2, which you thrived on.

What is unfair is when an individual attempts to blame their personal issues on you. You said – in your OWN words – that before you came to Subliminal Club, you would spend DAYS in your room, masturbating to porn, not taking showers, peeing in cups and bottles and eating food from the snack machine, which caused you to gain an incredible amount of weight.

And you think that you were “okay” until you ran Wanted? You think the title that took you from what I just described above to getting laid with 3 women (now FIVE women according to your apology on the other post) is the cause of your issues?

You need help from a qualified mental health therapist. And I don’t believe that you are here to help people ask “the hard questions,” because I already did. Shall we do this again? Shall I ask the entire community to answer “the hard questions” and see what conclusion they come to? No. They already have answered. I will not ask these people to take more time out of their lives to answer exactly what you asked them already.

And @Fire and I will not be your victims. You are not ours. We have done nothing to do you. You need professional medical help. We cannot help you. The people here cannot help you. We cannot help you because your issue has nothing to do with subliminal audio.

You have a mental illness, and I am pleading with you to go get help. Stop running ALL subliminal audio. Don’t make any of your own. Don’t run morphic fields. Delete all your files and get therapy.


@SaintSovereign I sent you a message

Bro stop making alternate accounts :rofl:



This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Only yesterday I spoke to my sis on the phone and I told her how different I am to the guy I had been only 3-4 years ago, before I joined SC.
I told her that I had told our mom that I wished there had been no money in the world when I was a boy. Money was the main reason my parents had fights, shouting at one another and my dad calling my mom names. I despised money and everything that had anything to do with it and I would ridicule the idea of becoming a businessman myself. Mogul completely changed that; my idea what money is, what is serves for, and taught me that every money spent is and should be an investment in bettering my life and prosperity. Stark helped me start up my online businesses and build them up. My work ethics and productivity improved massively whilst in the past I would not care much about any work getting done and procrastinate totally.
I told my sis how I wanted to live in the forest by myself when I was a kid since social interactions and the way I saw people were to overwhelming and I suffered from terrible social anxiety. A lot of programs helped me fight it off but it was DD that neutralized its residue, and opened me to interacting with people as I am, without hesitation, anxiety and blockages.
I told my sis how I would feel sad at default for almost my whole life since the feeling was a balm to the pain and fear rooted in me so deeply because of being a victim to psychological abuse. DR had played a vital role in my recovery. I told my sis that I got used to the sadness so much that I grew to like it a lot as it was my comfort zone where I would be strong enough to face my demons and heal my wounds. Only two days ago I caught myself thinking how I MISSED being sad for the aforementioned reasons and then I realized that “hey, man, you don’t need that anymore. Look at yourself, how positive, optimistic and radiant you’ve become”.

I don’t sense any mind control in SC products. All I’ve experienced I have thanks to their products’ power to unlock and encourage what’s best in me, the very best things in me that were not taken away from me in my childhood and teens but got massively suppressed and forgotten, staying dormant deep inside till the days came and they got woken up.
The only demon that haunts me from time to time is that foreboding feeling that something bad must happen to me since myself and my life have changed so much for the better that there must be some terrible price to it, the bill that the universe is going to hand me. That feeling loses its grip on me gradually, however. It may be that the very same feeling is haunting the person in question and she cannot cope with it in any other way but by “freaking out”. I have no idea, I’m only guessing. I wish her fast recovery.


Kwyst on a quokka, I go away and work for a few hours and the forum goes kwazy :stuck_out_tongue:

I will just say on the mind control side of things, I’ve run Q, QV2, Ultima and ZP/ZP2, never felt like I was being controlled. In fact, I’ve left the forum and come back, even had disagreements with Hype Daddy. If SC was taking free will away, I would not have the ability to make my own decisions not to journal my personal life here, or leave when I have better things to do. I wouldn’t have opinions which differ from the vast majority of the country and be able to make my own decisions on how to play my hand in this whole game of four dimensional chess that is going on.

Also, if free will was being taken, I wouldn’t be able to play QV2, old Q boosters, Ultimas and ZP V2 together when the instructions say to do otherwise (not recommending to do that, my mind just happens to be able to take it and I know very quickly when I’ve reached my limit).

Personally, I sympathise with old H. I went through my own phase back in my university days of being super focused on all those topics, getting deep into a personal path and I learned a lot from it. But there comes a moment where you have to take a step back, put down the bong, and figure out what things of value you can offer the world to create your own legacy, rather than spending your whole life as a content consumer. The line that popped in my head was Morpheus in the first Matrix movie, about knowing the path vs walking it.

Like @Sub.Zero all I can do is hope the person doing this gets the help they need to get back to a more productive and healthy life. Prayers for both parties to resolve things speedily.


H Who?


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This isn’t Hermit.

I know; Saint shared posts from him in his reply though (yeah, wow, I actually read the post)

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Me too. sadly. Morbid curiosity more than anything else.

Now, when I’m pondering upon it once again, it looks like I experience that feeling only when running Wanted. Perhaps this sub reveals to us our abyss and that freaks us out. How can I feel complete (Wanted “instills” this sense in me) whereas the sense of lacking so much has been haunting me ever since I can remember? It may be just a form of profound recon stemming from that internal conflict.

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I’m gonna be honest here, it got me angry to again see this kinda bullshit here, so much time invested on one member who’s having mental issue.

Is that what we need to do to have attention here? Having mental issue and writing wierd ass stuff?

I know lots of experienced member who don’t even get that type of attention (not even close). I myself sent like two or three PM over the past years (maybe I sent more tbh my memory is kinda fuzzy, and I probably got some anwser too). Times changes, there are way more users now than in 2019.

It’s still harder to get feedback on custom from the creators regarding certain modules and regarding our build (which for the first time, maybe second time, I askes in PM). Having spent over 5k on customs and been on the forum since january 2019 I’ve experimented with few modules and main titles and want to make sense of my experience to benefits to the max (no offence to the people on the forum or your advice on customs, I still like most of you).

No anwser, it’s to be expected there is so much new project going on and the most important, enjoying life.

It’s absolutely not my expectation to get some detailed anwser from @SaintSovereign and @Fire when I post PM or ask feedback. And I think everyone on here has that feel because they know how busy the creators are and how important rest is for any creative endeavours. Company is growing and we’re not as much in contact with the people at the top which is normal.

But I will say that seeing these type of thread… Pisses me off, isn’t there a better way to stop the time wastage and energy draining? There must be.

Anyway, I’m no expert in legal stuff and business so I’m out of my field here, but I sure as hell am not the only customer feeling that way when seeing those thread.

