Everything Comes to Light 3?

Hey lovely peeps,

I had made a post asking about customs, I also debated on my stack as well.

I still feel at a loss about what’s the best thing to do going forward that can aid in producing great results with daily action, minimal recon. I want to feel good from the inside out, impact millions around the world directly & indirectly, balance family business and self/romantic love life, keep at my passions. Fulfilling abundant life.

A little bit about what’s been going on for me…

Subs helped aid me in finally leaving my career late 2022. Subs helped aid me to become a yoga teacher. (Almost done) subs helped aid me to finding love (1 year in July). Subs have helped with my self image, physical and emotional healing ~ I’d love to continue working on and maintaining this. Subs have helped me play my instruments more, but I’m still having confidence issues/some sort of block with being able to actually perform for people without screwing it up. I can sing in key and pitch alone but once the music is on or people around, I mess things up. I started recording myself singing as a hobby when I was 13. I played in metalcore bands in my youth.

I want to take my life experiences and share them with the world through art in some form… I thought of finding someone to write my thoughts for me, but that may be the lazy route. I thought of turning my story into a movie or tv series. Book series maybe. It’s overwhelming thinking about it. I had this idea back in 2007 & procrastinate.

I need to make a website. I enjoy blogging. I love making videos. I want to create content that can be sold as packages somehow.

I have 3 kids. I’ve been trying to build some sort of business or businesses where I produce wealth in many ways but work half the time. I believe if I enjoy what I am doing then it doesn’t feel like work though. I want to have a healthier relationship with money and wealth production.

I’ve been basically relying on my bf financially since leaving my career. I’d like to contribute financially as well. Not dependent on him solely. I do a lot of course but it feels a bit uncomfortable.

I thought of the idea of just being a house wife and mom who side hustles.

I’m certified at the Master Reiki level. I am certified as a high performing coach. I’m almost finished my certification for yoga teacher. I worked with youth for 12 years plus. I worked as a cook for years. I worked in customer service.

I’ve done years and years of healing work on myself.

I realize where I would switch subs frequently and cause myself unnecessary recon. I was pretty good at finishing my stack but then I would switch main titles. Take long wash outs & start feeling paranoid about subliminals. Confusing and overwhelming my nervous system too.

There’s gotta be something perfect for me that I can follow and commit to so I can get really clear and go after whatever it is that will be fulfilling for myself and my beautiful family. I have always been an ambitious highly motivated and high performance person.

This isn’t very fun right now how I am feeling.

Where to go from here :slight_smile: hit me where it hurts if needed! :joy:


I’d say it’s safe to say with myself included that a lot of this community share with you the challenge of choosing our stack.

I for one, have switched stacks since I’ve started 3 years ago not for the reason that they were not for me, but rather I felt I needed to focus more on other areas I’ve been neglecting.

For example. When I first started out, I was broke and wanted a place I can call mine. I also wanted to improve my aesthetic and appeal.

So naturally I started with pure wealth subliminals and aesthetic ones. For me it was khan, then RICH and Wanted and emperor fitness.

Since then being roughly 2 and a half years, I have found myself hitting a lot of my preliminary goals.

I’m at a point now where I wanted to focus on my healing on all levels: physical, mental and emotional, and therefore have switched to all healing.

So my overall point is that every sub has its positive effects on your life, but it is ultimately up to you to decide which 1-3 subliminals are of most important right now.

We all go through seasons, and so try and reflect on what your main 1-3 priorities are now. And then the hope is you’ll get a sense of what subs will be of help.

I find healing subs like dragon reborn ground you to tell you what is important and what isn’t. It’s helped for me thus far. Could be a start.

Hope that helps


I made it through DR1 1 and a half cycles last summer. :joy:

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Thank you for sharing.

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Hermit, is that you?


I’ve taken long wash outs as needed.

I trust and believe that @SaintSovereign & @Fire have integrity and also have the best interest in mind for their customers.

I also trust in my own experience here so far over the past year & have very strong intuition. :slight_smile:

Did you say you have autism? Or was that a typo?

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To add. I am committed to a long wash out before starting something new.

No temptations this time to sub hop!

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Is this a bug or is Saint really writing a long reply to this topic?


PS: Sorry for being off topic, but it’s appearing over an hour already

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No, this is the “Everything Comes to Light” individual, still running with the “mind control” argument, even after we have addressed not only his concerns but OPENLY ASKED the community to report their experiences also. Not a single individual reported an experience like him. To anyone wondering what this is about, we are not hiding it. Read the following long threads:

1: PLEASE READ: "Everything Comes to Light"
2: PLEASE READ: Everything Comes to Light, Part 2

To summarize, because he believe we included “mind control” in the scripts, he began to dox our staff, contact our colleagues asking strange questions, send weird messages through support (of which I have not posted out of respect for the situation), post reviews on our company about “not wanting to commit suicide,” and more. We found his caretaker and began a dialogue with the individual, which does not seem to be having an effect.

For over a year, we have tried to keep this out of the legal system, especially in lieu of the new information we received that his caretaker (a rather prestigious individual at that) is filing for guardianship over him, declaring him incompetent, but it appears that only threatening this is not working. So, reluctantly, we will finally initiate the legal process tomorrow. If anyone needs to know exactly what guardianship is, you can read here.


I’m going to make this as clear as possible. You may believe I am being stern, but you need to recognize that I am actually still showing compassion. If I were to make a post with screenshots of everything you did – the things I haven’t shown the community – I believe you’d find the response quite strong. But out of respect for your situation, I have opted to only summarize. And yet, you still come here and betray not only your continued promises that you’d stop your behavior, but also hurt the people around you.

Your caretaker is currently declaring you incompetent in the state of your residence, meaning they are suggesting that you are incapable as an adult man to handle your own affairs and that you are a potential danger to yourself and others. You should not be running subliminals, hypnosis, morphic fields or ANYTHING without your psychiatrist’s approval. We have long removed your access to your past accounts, so if you are still buying products, you are doing so under a false identity. Once again, we are advising you to cease subliminal use immediately, delete ALL files (again) and consult a qualified mental health practitioner.

You cannot save anyone, because you lack the ability to save yourself. You are the individual who clearly has self-control issues. It is not the subliminal or the Zero Point technology causing you to return. Every accusation you made, we addressed PUBLICLY. We asked the ENTIRE COMMUNITY OPENLY to respond. And yet, despite the overwhelming support, in your mind you are still somehow justifying blaming us for your issues.

Let’s be real here. YOU are the one who is obsessed with the occult. You want claimed that you found us on a “self-help Discord channel.” Please, dude – so many individuals here were on those same Discord channels. They’ll back us up when I made this statement: those are “redpill” piracy discords with a strong emphasis on the occult.

You didn’t “find” yourself there. You WENT there. Then you said you “found yourself” on the “dark side of YouTube subliminals.” You didn’t “find yourself” there. You WENT there. Then, you came here, skipped all of the spiritual subliminals and ran Wanted. According to your own customer journals, you went from not taking showers and watching porn nonstop to sleeping with three women. Then, out of nowhere, you started posting things such as, “are you all sure that running subliminals doesn’t come with a cost,” as if the universe works on capitalism.

Then, you got scared, claimed to be Christian and wanted to stop running titles. But when you realized that you were still addicted to getting laid and had temptations to run Wanted, the narrative suddenly became that we were occult lords who were mind controlling everyone into “buying more products and obeying forum rules (wtf?).”

While you were attempting to invade our privacy, did you miss the threads where we were advising people not to spend hundreds of dollars on occult sigils and necklaces? Have you missed the individuals who are talking about how they can sense the free will scripting in the titles, like @PizzaShaman?

We helped you. And you hurt us. You hurt our staff. We lost staff and customers due to your doxxing attempts. We had random colleagues sending us angry emails. We dealt with lost income dealing with all of your weird reviews left on sites.

You’re hurting your caretaker. I now have to contact this individual AGAIN and also have official cease and desist papers served. I had to contact this individual at THEIR JOB, one they worked VERY HARD for, because I very much did not want to call the police. And now, their day, their lives have to be interrupted AGAIN when I reach out.

You even came here and tried to prey on @James, singling him out on a thread of positive reviews simply because he opened up and stated his emotions about feeling stuck in life. And now @7empest asks a question – which you CLEARLY misunderstood – and here you are again.

You need to understand, and I’m just being straightforward: This is predatory behavior. She was asking a question to the like-minded individuals of the forum about becoming an entrepreneur, hence why she listed all of her skills and what’s going on in her life. She was not insinuating in any way, shape or form that she felt something on the subs that gave her pause.

Let me explain something to you: did you even read her other forum posts? She meditates, does yoga and is a certified reiki master. As someone who also meditates and does subtle energy practices, I can assure you, if there were “mind control” or even anything negative hidden in the scripts, she would INSTANTLY pick up on it. Hence why we wouldn’t be so stupid to do such a thing. @Malkuth, another avid meditator and energy cultivator would pick up on it.

@Invictus, Mister “High Flow Factor” himself would OBVIOUSLY pick up on it. @Sub.Zero, @AlexanderGraves, @RVconsultant, @bombayduck, @Luther24, @Palpatine – and SO many more with strong minds (these were the first to pop up, no offense to anyone) would pick up on it.

You’re bypassing all of the good results, like @Yazooneh’s journal and finding those who seem to be down or unsure and only responding to those, even though you’re completely misunderstanding (due to your autism) of what they’re actually asking. You fail to see that this is akin to kicking someone when they are down.

As much as I hate to say this, the only person that is hurting others here… is you.

You keep wanting to cite “Hermit,” but are you aware that in multiple support tickets – which we can most definitely prove – he has threatened that he “is my karma,” that he is God himself and was signing those tickets as “the Son, the Christ?”

This is who you were looking to for evidence? Are those words not blasphemous to your faith?

Are you aware t hat he asked me if he could become the “spiritual leader” of the forum, which he referring to you all as “my flock.” I have a rule that I generally don’t post PMs publicly, but since this is my response, I will (believe me or not, no difference to me):


No, we are not “embedded” in your subconscious. There is absolutely nothing in any of our titles that’s related to Subliminal Club. Not the company name, not our names, not our usernames. There are no instructions to “spend money,” or “follow our forum rules.” You’re thinking of the company because you got good results and now you think you can’t get them without the titles. But as we tell everyone, if you were able to get a result with a subliminal, you could’ve gotten them without – you just needed a tool.

We don’t have to fraud or try and control people. We’ve built an ethical business that’s focused on the customer, and that’s what you don’t understand. I have a very unique mindset, one where I would rather go broke than to build an unethical business.

What you have done is reflected your own dark impulses, your own shadow onto us. And what you found were individuals who had rough pasts – long before SubClub – who discovered the power of the self and used that to transform our lives into something good and positive.

This is a place of transformation. We welcome all of sound mind here, regardless of your past. We won’t even ask you about it unless you tell. That means, you won’t find small-mindedness here, where the only path to salvation is the one you personally believe in. That your interpretation of scripture is the only you’ll find here.

And while I sympathize with you, unfortunately you cannot be part of this community. And we are doing all we can to prevent you from buying more programs. You need help from a qualified mental health professional. STOP running any and all kinds of healing modalities – subliminals, self-hypnosis, morphic fields, etc. – and get conventional help.

We are not going to be the source of your obsession. We will not live our lives wondering when you’ll pop up again, this time off your medicine and reconning, spreading conspiracies. The customers here are not going to have to worry about you popping up in their threads, making weird assumptions. With as much compassion as I can say this: we will protect ourselves. And while some part of me wants to believe that you ultimately mean well, we have a duty to everyone here.

You have been asked to leave by myself and the community itself. Live up to your promises and do just that. If your affirmation works for you, so be it. Say it over and over, whatever makes you feel better.

We wish you well, but this ordeal has come to an end.


@7empest – we are going to change the title of this thread and hijack it unfortunately. Would you mind posting a new one with the same opening?


On it!

Thank you :pray:


This forum gets wild


It’s a hoot :owl:

I love it here !


Man, I never got a thread hijacked! :smiley:


I ran out of likes again :joy:

Wonder how to raise my trust level on here. :thinking:

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

The point is you are BANNED. Stop coming back here.

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Damn that’s pretty serious → legal ASAP.

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