EOG: No small change

What is ed class?

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“teacher education” classes

For whatever reason I see ed and instantly think of something else. I was thinking " do they really offer classes for that? "


@subliminalguy how long have you been on Eog stage 1 yet?
Edit: oh this is 2 years old journal now … my bad… however how Eog turned out for you?

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EOG St.1 was all I ever did (about 3 months), and St.1 was a very interesting and invigorating subliminal. It’s been 2 years, but I do remember feeling hope while not knowing how, where, and when I’d find financial success.

Even while writing this, I remember feeling a release from the belief “I can’t succeed”. That was and is a major reason why I stayed in one spot financially all my life.

And a re-run is very much appropriate right now. While writing that belief, I realized that that’s why I’m circling the success wheel now, purposely avoiding any success. Those old beliefs are still holding on.

Thanks for making me think, of prompting it. I’ve had a YT video playing with 2 attorneys doing a podcast on LLC mistakes, as my mind’s been on related aspects. Feels good to wake up again to financial stuff.


There are no coincidences in this world. Me making mistake to reply to 2 year old journal made you think about financial success with fresh new eyes after 2 years of growth. That’s great dude I’m really glad. I am on Eog 1 now 3 the cycle, and looking forward to Eog 2 with some alpha ascension boost with it.


No. Not a coincidence. I haven’t even read the last 50 posts in this journal (I began re-reading it 2 days ago), but one thing I knew then: I was searching for love. I didn’t know it originally, but as time wore on, I felt it missing. And knowing I was on a purely financial and productivity-oriented sub discouraged me.

I knew love was what I was searching for. I’ve written about this in one of my journals here. I was starting a sub (post-EOG), and I remembered @Simon’s instructions he gave me early on in this journal: he told me to write out what wealth meant to me and how I imagined living it out. What did wealth truly feel like to me?

I realized true wealth, to me, was knowing and feeling the self-love and appreciation of who I am, without all the facades and illusions. Self-valuing. That’s infinitely more valuable to me, and monetary gain allows for more expression of it, but this self-love was how I defined feeling truly wealthy.

And I’m on LBFH now. It’s doing some real internal work. I’ll start EOG since it connects a lot of external things in life with internal beliefs. I’m unsure how they’ll connect, but I’m all for finding out.

I’m wondering how much overlap there might be. Since the greatest wealth one can attain, IMO, is quite intangible.

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