Energetic component in subclub products?

Dear fellow subliminal users,

Little background info here: Been a subclub user for several years now, never had many results back when the titles were still labelled as Q or Qv2. Stopped using subliminals for some time and dabbled deep into mysticism, occult and meditation. Ordained as a monk for a year in Sri Lanka and practiced deep meditation, 8-10 hours formal sitting and walking meditation a day, had loads of insight and mind blowing inner experiences that would change my baseline perception of reality. Walking around in daily life is clearly different from before. Disrobed in January 27 and flew back home, decided to give subclub another shot and boy was I astounded by the improvement and development subclub has made to it’s titles (ZP, ZPv2). Who knew listening to 15 minutes of water trickling would plunge me into altered states of non-self, emptiness, seemingly perfect morality (patience, virtue etc) and various energetic experiences.

When I got back home, my friend that I introduced to subclub re-introduced subclub back to me. He was at a meditation retreat and ran a few of the Alchemist titles. I already had the Alchemist titles so I thought why not give it another shot. The change was immediate, dramatic and I could feel the mind change right there and then. This only snowballed into even deeper altered states and crazy energetic experiences hours after listening to my very first loop. I mean say no more, I was hooked, it was fast paced immediate and transformative. Then I met Hero: Origins of the Blade. All it took was 1 loop, and it felt as if I had seemingly perfect virtue and moral conduct, I would be walking around in daily life with a discernment of mind that gave me the ability to act in the perfect way for any given situation. I was able to handle a lot of the issues that would arise with in daily life with perfect patience, calmness and strength. It felt as if I have become a warrior, but there was also a sense of no-self (Buddhist terminology) strength, courage etc. seemed to just be qualities that filled my mind but wasn’t me. Things seemed to happen away from me, as if I was watching everything happening on the TV as an observer. These could be from pleasant sensations to unpleasant ones. These states weren’t foreign to me having trained in a Buddhist monastery for a year but what was shocking was how reliable and fast this was. Meditation is a gradual training of the mind, like a muscle one has to build up a certain momentum before altered states would become apparent. But this was fast, it was one loop and boom I was there, one loop a day if I was mindful enough would keep me in this altered state for almost the entire day.

I guess my question is, are there energetic/spiritual components to the creation of these subliminals? Do any users have the same experience? I currently listen to HERO and Alchemist ST1, during listening time, instead of doing other things. I would tune the mind into the audio, make a resolve and gently incline the mind into the shift that the subs are making. Like a gentle letting go into the transformation that is experienced during the session. Honestly this is some pretty crazy tech, and transforms the world of meditation and the training of the mind in vast range of ways. I mean these subliminals feel like an initiation into the titles itself. Whatever you guys are doing keep it up, this is clearly changing lives I haven’t a doubt about that.


It’s truly remarkable to hear about your journey and the profound transformation you’ve undergone through Subliminal Club’s titles. Your experiences are a testament to the power of the human mind and the potential for profound change. As for your question about occult components, while Subliminal Club’s methods may seem mystical in their efficacy, they’re firmly rooted in the science of subconscious reprogramming.

The profound shifts you’re experiencing are a result of tapping into the depths of your own mind and embracing the process of transformation.

As more individuals like yourself continue to experience the life-changing effects of Subliminal Club’s titles, it’s clear that this technology is revolutionizing not only the field of personal development but also our understanding of the human mind’s limitless potential. Keep embracing the journey.

As for those who attribute black magic to this technology typically fall into two categories: either they’re competitors who are envious because they can’t replicate the quality of these subliminals and are losing customers, or they’re individuals struggling with underlying mental health issues and should prioritize seeking medical treatment instead of misusing these titles. :thinking:


It’s all you. The audio is just a combination of letters – words. No occult or metaphysical component, except you.


Thank you for your reply. Absolutely amazing tech nonetheless. The mind is indeed a powerful tool.

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That’s what I was going to write. The occult/metaphysical component is the listener.


I have no doubt about that. I guess I need to define a little bit of what I mean when I say occult. For me occult is a certain science, a certain possibility made apparent using various components of the mind which yes would mean the practitioner would be making these “phenomena” apparent.

I would not be at all surprised if that decision and course of action were part of the results of the subliminals you played. Really sounds like it anyway.

Short answer:


Longer answer:

You would need to define ‘occult’ first.

The word ‘occult’ literally means ‘hidden’ or ‘beneath the surface’ or ‘secret’ or ‘out of direct view’.

So as a literal term, the word ‘occult’ describes, and applies directly to, the deeper levels of mind which are, of course, all hidden, and beneath the surface, and secret, and out of direct view.

But beyond the literal meaning of the word ‘occult’, there are also many social and cultural associations with the term. These are more contradictory, jumbled, idiosyncratic and related to various traditions and historical conventions. Often people using the term have some variety of this second meaning in mind. And in that case, the answer is ‘no’.

These subliminals are neither part of nor related to the ‘initiatory rites’ or ‘secret yogas’ or doctrines of some mystical or metaphysical tradition.

But it’s just one of those things, you know?

If you become a Navy Seal, you’re going to get wet. It’s a big part of the job.

But the fact that you are in the water and getting wet does not make you a Navy Seal. Because anything that goes into the oceans and lakes and rivers is going to get wet.

Similarly, if you go into the ‘hidden yogas’ and ‘mystical initiatory traditions’ you will observe and feel the flows and movements of consciousness.

But the fact that someone is feeling the flows and movements of consciousness, does not mean that they are following any given occult path. It’s just that this is a natural side-effect of engaging effectively with the deep mind.

That’s my opinion.



Theres your answer…


Absolutely, it’s incredible how these subliminals can expand and open up the mind in ways we never thought possible. Not everyone is ready for such profound transformations, but for those who are, the possibilities are endless. Keep harnessing that power!


This does appear to have increased the potency of my subliminal use. Being familiar with the subtle movement of mind and the discipline and practice of perceiving the subtle layers of the mind does help consciously guide the subliminal results.

I think I do haha.

This is indeed what I mean by occult, no woo-woo, simply the ability and practice to use the mind in deeper and more transformative ways. ‘Higher’ possibilities


Thank you @Joa23


That was what I was thinking. The possibilities are indeed endless, and it excites me.

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If you went to Sri Lanka, then you may have studied the Visuddhimagga?

And if you made progress in that path (as you definitely did), then I’m not surprised you are experiencing amazing responses now. You spent a year clearing a lot of phenomenological gunk out of your system.

Respect and love to you!


(But also, just to be clear, I was saying that I suspect that your choice to go to Sri Lanka may also have been supported by the subliminal programs that you ran. I think the influence probably went in both directions.)

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Getting interesting here. I trained in the tradition of Pa-Auk which is based on the Visuddhimagga. Training in absorption concentration, and various ways of vipassana. Certainly interesting that someone here knows about the Visuddhimagga, you must be a fellow meditator yourself? How did you come across the Visuddhimagga? Certainly a respected individual yourself, sending much loving kindness your way :pray:

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Our world is indeed surrounded by an energetic field, filled with vibrations that interact with our subconscious mind on a profound level. This energy, often referred to as “chi” or “life force,” flows through everything, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Some people, when confronted with science they don’t fully understand, may attribute it to the occult out of fear or misunderstanding. However, what’s truly happening is a complex interplay between our conscious and subconscious minds, guided by the power of intention.

Intention plays a crucial role in how subliminals work. By setting clear intentions and focusing our mind on specific outcomes, we can direct the energy of the universe to manifest our desires. Subliminals act as catalysts, amplifying our intentions and guiding us towards our goals by reprogramming the subconscious mind with positive affirmations and suggestions.

As we engage with these subliminals, our minds open up to new possibilities, breaking through limiting beliefs and expanding our consciousness. Not everybody is ready for that.


Yes I really should of considered using the world occult here. I really didn’t mean it in any sort of ‘satanic’ or whatever way. But how you described it, energies, layers of mind etc.

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You’re absolutely right about that, the changes of the mind could be freaky when one isn’t expecting it to be possible. Like a reality shift, suddenly everything around you is different and it hits them by surprise. No doubt meditation has tamed the minds relationship with these experiences.

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Certainly could have been, I am definitely not disregarding that possibility. The many possibilities of existence intertwine, like a bunch of threads connecting to one another, no way to determine the exact cause for what or why.

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When I read the title of this thread, I already feared its becoming one of these threads disregarding campfire policy.

Happy that it’s not.

Sadly, we have a history of unstable persons discussing topics from the other spectrum of the occult.

For safety reasons, I would advice to delete the word occult from the title. If you can’t do that, notify @RVconsultant to change the topic name.

Since you already asked to be added to Subclub Black, I would wait for the deeper spiritual conversations until you can post there.

Some users are a bit on edge whenever they notice the word occult or see discussions about more esoteric practices. They fear (understandably) that it could deter interested new users that aren’t open to spirituality.

And, also I’m very open towards this topic, I can understand anyone that comes her for Primal Nights And the first thing he sees is a thread about shape-shifting (yeah, that was an actual thread) that he might think sub users are crazy and never tries it again.

But I’m happy about any based, spiritual discussion. Preferably in Sub club black :sweat_smile:


Yes I feared that members may have misunderstood what I meant when I said occult. I sincerely apologise if I have made anyone uncomfortable in anyway, it was not my intention. I have deleted all use of the words in my post. Thank you for pointing it out to me @Lichtenauer I deeply appreciate it. I haven’t been on the forum for some time and am unaware of the structure, please do point of any mistakes I make so I may be aware of them.