ENDGAME ouroboros

Financial Win

I was fighting with the Kia Dealership for a while about my car repairs. The engine broke down, and there was a class action lawsuit that Kia lost a few years ago because they knowingly sold cars with faulty engines. My engine had the failure that was specified in the lawsuit, so, I was entitled to get all my money back, but the dealership was hounding me for mechanical records, etc, trying to find a way out of it.

I eventually got what I wanted, everything is paid for.

$7000 (Canadian Dollars) to replace my engine = 100% paid for by Kia
$400 that I paid to get my car towed = Kia gave me $400 cash to pay for that

Plus I’ll have a rental car for 2 months while they do all this. 100% paid for. It’s a 2022 volkswagen passat with a “sports mode” for faster acceleration and a freaking INCREDIBLE sound system (as I discovered today going 160km/h down the highway lol)


Newly Noticed Results

Job Seeker (in my other custom) = Turned down a job offer I had been given to recruit realtors to a brokerage. Was with great people but the money wasn’t there. Immediately after doing that, two closing offers land in front of me with YouTube personalities that I know and respect.

Radiating Health = I got a family doctor (very difficult where I live) and had an appointment, getting referred to an ADHD clinic, will probably get free counseling to learn CBT, which is an incredible mind-hack.

Synergy: Breath of the Storms = Realized the “keystone habit” (most important habit) I need to implement that will make everything else easier or unnecessary is writing daily.

Naturalizer = maybe it’s combining with freedom, but, yes, this all feels “natural” which is new to me. Subliminals are usually hard hitting for me, and sometimes feel like I’m growing so fast that I need to race to keep up. This custom is very chill, tho. Effective, but relaxed.

Hegemon, Daredevil = I’m enjoying socializing in ways that I haven’t before. Talking for the sake of talking is becoming fun. Normally, unless it’s a topic I’m passionate about, I often find conversations boring, weird but true. Not always but it’s frequent. Fun conversations have been more frequent since starting this custom.

Other modules still seem to be working but the updates would just be “still feeling ____.” See above posts for other modules effects


This would be a sick core.

I don’t know if this is a “sub” result because I don’t know what in my custom could do this… but I’ve been dominating at chess.

This week, I’ve gained 200 Blitz Elo, 100 rapid Elo, and won 4-0 against a friend who usually beats me in 6/10 games.

Just now, after the rating increase and match with my friend, I thought up a much much much better way to learn openings, and spent about 2 hours building that out.

it took an unusually high level of organization.

So I’m thinking it’s at least partially Synergy: I AM ATMAN because I’m organizing despite not “believing i’m organized”


cracks knuckles

Time to put that $50,000 Liberal Arts degree to work


I would recommend any writer start by reading “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft” by Stephen King alongside or followed by “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron. There are many, many, many books on writing, and few of them are useful, these two are because they hit at the core of what writing is all about without all the theory fluff–that while interesting, is pretty useless until you’re well into your habit and ready to expand. You’re a busy dude, so if you don’t got time to read, I fully understand.

I don’t know what your writing goals are or why you want to write, so the following is ultra general and will help literally anyone, regardless of what their endgame with writing is.

The Daily Free Write

Time 10 minutes/day.


  • Sit down with a pen/pencil and a notebook–alternatively, you can use a Word document.
  • Start a timer for 10 minutes.
  • Write without stopping for 10 solid minutes
  • Repeat daily for at least 1 month. Ideally, you would repeat until armageddon, but that’s up to you.


Your goal is to write continuously, without stopping for the entire time, regardless of any mental, physical, or other distraction that may arise. No matter what, DO NOT STOP. Pay absolutely no mind to the content of your writing, that’s beside the point.

The exercise is training your ability to allow uninterrupted words to flow from the subconscious. This exercise–if done with discipline and often–allows you to access “the muse” that force that writers often speak of. That force that seems to take over your body and write the piece for you. From a more scientific perspective, this exercise is training you to access Flow State while writing.

To reiterate, your only concern is that you write without stopping for the entire time.


Hi, my name is John and I like to write and I really don’t know what to say and my wife is pretty cool and I like dogs, but dogs are kinda ugly sometimes and they like to eat shit and smell ass and that’s okay I guess and what am I even doing and I don’t know what to write and I don’t know what to say…

Etc, the first few times you may produce something like the above, a completely mangled and strange stream of consciousness that makes little sense and is of little artistic or personal value, but over time, you will notice that the quality, coherence, and usefulness of your free-writes improves. You may even find yourself spontaneously writing poetry or fiction. Many of my stories began as spontaneous emanations from free writing.

When it comes to the choice of writing medium, I would personally recommend that everybody start with a pen and paper, at least for the first few weeks-months.

The reason why is because handwriting is a skill that is massively undervalued and used and in the beginning stages, I would argue strongly that the ROI is far higher than typing.

Writing by hand uses very different neural circuitry than typing. I’m not going to argue which is better and which is worse in the long run, but I will argue that in the beginning stages, everyone could benefit from a 10-minute handwritten free-write.

There you go, you now have a writing habit.

So far as I’m concerned (and many writers who are actually worth a shit–unlike yours truly–would agree), freewriting is the utter, most fundamental skill/practice to any writer. Ingrain this habit, and you can expand in any direction you like.

:grin: :alien:


Timing. If you can, first thing in the morning is ideal because your brain is naturally more open and receptive. However, other things you are doing might be more important to make use of those early morning hours, so just pick a time that works and stick to it.


Hell yes!

This is amazing @praisetheurdtree, thank you!

It was obviously $50,000 well spent :wink:

Really appreciate you saying all this because this hit a bunch of elements that I’m aware of or familiar with, but encapsulated them all perfectly and helped me put it all into context.

I’ll try the “10min/day freewriting session” in the mornings, that really takes the pressure off what i’m writing and whether or not the mornings are my “best work” so I’m looking forward to that.

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Freewriting also helps you clear your allostatic load, all the horseshit and garbage that’s blocking you from doing your best work. :slight_smile:


I’ve recommended and used it a lot in a catharsis sense. One of the most reputable and scientifically validated forms of journaling for health/happiness is freewriting about specific memories that still have a negative impact on your life, or that once did, and I’ve taken that to just freewriting about anything that i’m consciously working on improving, which has been helpful. So i was thrilled that your recommendation was the same practice, but to apply it to creative endeavours.

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Emotions Unfettered

Becoming one of my all time favorite modules.

It’s really changing my inner world. I’m becoming more insightful into what drove things I’ve done.

This is actually an INCREDIBLE results enhancer module, as all the people I’ve seen get the best results with subs have incredible emotional awareness (alongside prior experience using other modalitites to shift and improve their beliefs/mindsets.)

And all the people who get the worst results I’ve seen are people who don’t have an understanding of their internal world and are too focused on external results.

Love this module!

I think it’s also stacking beautifully with Synergy: I am Atman to get these results.

EDIT: Add On

Another emotions unfettered result that I noticed. Subtle but beautiful. I was more aware than usual of my emotions shifting, AS they were shifting, over the course of two hours. I was playing chess (blitz) for quite a while and I watched and felt myself go from happy, to focused, to stressed, to outright livid and on tilt. I’ve never witnessed my emotions that much while playing chess, I’m usually more tuned out of my experience. I also noticed at points in the games (earlier on,) where I was tense and was able to breathe and calm myself back down so that I could be hyperfocused.


Glad I could reinforce it for you, bro. :slight_smile:

A technique I used to use wad give myself a 1 sentence prompt for a free write for creative writing.

“Science Fiction”
“Who’s the girl in the Cafe”

Stuff like that, loose, open, free, easy to play with.:slight_smile:

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I’ll share briefly about what I’m writing about, by the way, is digital minimalism and health related to reversing the damage that comes from internet addictions.

One thing that came up for me was I was only thinking in terms of “video creation” etc etc. I lost the art of writing for the sake of communicating one amazing idea to one amazing person. That’s kind of my philosophy for writing.

Today I had this idea that on top of free writing, I can do “free-walking” where I bring my phone and go for a walk to just think on ideas to write and stuff. But the reason I’d bring my phone is if I have a good idea, pull out my camera and start filming right then and there.

I get all my best ideas when walking, then i have to jot them down and run home to write - maybe this way, with freewalking, i can create right as inspiration strikes

will update


That’s a great idea. :bulb:

Synergy: Breath Of The Storms

Been on a washout for a few days. Didn’t plan it. Was just deep in recon and forgot to listen.

It was upsetting, at first, that the first Synergy: Breath Of The Storms result that I got wasn’t better habits, but worse habits!

But then I realized the recon was actually a result. Let me explain.

What’s the first phase of grief? Denial. And what Synergy: Breath Of The Storms forced me to do was come face-to-face with exactly how bad my habits are generally (**module: eye of the storm), and how bad they can get when I get stressed (module: foundation).

So, even though it felt like recon, it was actually a painful result, and that result was “eliminating denial.”

Reading the rest of the phases, I think that by the time my recon had subsised (the washout helped) I had cycled through all five phases of grief.

At first, I was denying my lack of habits/foundations - but that was cleared up by them getting 10x worse. Then, I was angry and wanted to change it really bad (and wanting to change is always the first step, which is impossible if you’re in denial.)

Then I tried “bargaining” with myself… “Okay Ouroboros you’re going to use a habit tracker and you’re going to go into grind mode and you’re going to be super consistent and if you do then you’ll have lots of xyz and if you don’t then you’ll hate yourself.”

Then that didn’t work and I got into depression.

Then I came out of that, and started to just accept, my habits suck. From there, with that acceptance, my habits have become better.

I recognized that rather than have perfect habits aka continue to be a perfectionist, that I just need to start with the most important habits, which I identified as daily writing.

I’ve been doing the freewriting @praisetheurdtree tree recommended and it’s been amazing. I kill two birds with one habit. I write more, and I wake up with less effort, because I just pull out a notebook when I’m still groggy and half-asleep, and then start writing. It’s an effortless habit because my ideation-brain is most active first thing in the morning, and I know from experience that if I wait too long in bed, my ideation/writing-brain changes into a stressed/to-do-list brain.

Another “effortless” habit I’ve seemed to develop is exercising with weights in the morning. I’ve complained a few times on the forum about how much I love explosive exercise, but hate weight training, and that causes me to be inconsistent. I prefer Sumo, Martial Arts, Running, Climbing, and just generally using my body functionally, but those either are classes that I can’t do any time I want, or easily injure me (running.)

But I have a morning habit of going outside onto the patio, getting the sun in my eyes, and doing some light stretches. I just wanted to up the intensity.

And voila! I had an epiphany… I can just bring the weights outside.


Dominion + You Are Not Alone Manifestation

I had set the intention to find someone to write in-person with, and less than a day after that, someone told me they were looking for someone to write with in-person.

Crazy, because I never even mentioned it, and yet I got the writing partner I wanted so fast.

Leader Of Men

I’ve turned down many offers to lead men’s groups before, but I found an interesting opportunity to lead an ADHD Men’s Group, which I’m feeling really called by. This is in line with my own journey of understanding my ADHD, my goal of developing as a leader, and my goal of building businesses helping tech addicted people become productive, healthy, and happy. ADHD people are 3x more likely to be addicted to technology than the average person.

Emotions Unfettered + Synergy: I AM ATMAN

I realized the reframe that I need to be more successful at managing my time. "I am busy."

I need to start telling myself I’m busy.

When I quit my job to start my business, I quit my job so that I could have more free time. But free time has connotations. A lack of schedule, an ability to do whatever, whenever.

What I need to do now is switch that thinking into telling myself “I am busy” so that I’m packing my day with activity and things I want to be doing.

On a similar note, I’ve realized how toxic my attachment to “work life balance” is. I tell myself I shouldn’t work after 9 or 10pm, but then use that as justification to “relax” by watching YouTube or playing video games/online chess.

I would be better rested, experience more positive emotion, and get more done in my life if I just stopped listening to “work life balance” and worked whenever I wanted to work. I have no problem playing chess from 9pm - 3am… why should I have a problem starting work or writing at 9pm and stopping when I get tired? I’d probably get tired at 11pm, not 3am, which would be healthier, but even if I worked till 3am, that’s still a hell of a lot better than writing 'till 3.

I don’t completely understand the Synergy: I AM ATMAN modules, but reading them again, it’s clear that they’re working, and are especially great stacked with Emotions Unfettered.


I think you and I respond kinda similar to subs, just based on reading your stuff and our interactions.

I’ve noticed that with the new tech, I often get what I call “reversals.” And I suspect that it’s related to the NSE because it didn’t happen the way it does now on previous versions of ZP.

Where I temporarily get results that are the opposite of what I’m meant to get, and then after time, introspection, and journaling, it comes through the way it ought too.

I have no idea how or why this happens, but it’s happened to me on several subs this year already.

If I’m right, which is unlikely :sweat_smile: then relax through it, and it’ll turn back around soon enough.

The best theory I have is that the reversals are related to deeply ingrained structures so you temporarily get worse, to shine a massively bright light on the issue. Once the issue is made clear to you, and it’s in your awareness, then the subconcious can do something about it.

I’ve noticed this on Limitless and TB this cycle. All my bad cognitive habits appeared to get far worse, motivation tanked, and I’ve been lazy as hell for pretty much the whole of the last two cycles that I’ve been on it, but slowly it’s starting to clear, those bad mental habits are loosening, and motivation is returning.

Upon reflection, it’s clear to me that as much as I’ve achieved academically, it’s no where near my potential, and I’ve actually always doubted myself intellectually. I just never let myself see it.

Grain of salt with all this as always, I’m just a dude trying to figure it all out.


Yeah, NSE does have a much heavier “healing” component, in a way, so it can be painful at first. That could be the explanation.


We’re on exactly the same page here.

I am way more motivated to work on my habits now that I see how bad things are when I don’t have them.

You’re right.

I get you here. It’s funny how reading you say this makes me think “oh reduce exposure.” which is exactly advice I would have benefited from as well. I was only listening to 30s-60s of my custom, but because it felt so smooth and was my only title, i was sometimes doing that 2-3 days in a row, going against listening guidelines.


Damn this is exactly it. I experienced this same thing on both QL St2 and Emperor. A very heightened awareness of the things you don’t like and want to change, I was almost going crazy.

Meanwhile, TB seems to be almost too smooth for me.


(Synergy: I AM ATMAN) + Emotions Unfettered results

I realize that ALL my emotions unfettered results must be at least slightly enhanced by Synergy: I AM ATMAN, and that’s an understatement. So if I get results from one, I’ll assume it was enhanced by the other, from now on.

For those who don’t know, emotions unfettered is about understanding, using, and expressing your emotions more clearly. I added it to my custom because I want to communicate my emotions better AND I want to use them to further my life, so it was perfect.

I AM ATMAN is kinda confusing to me, but it’s essentially a “limiting beliefs” eliminator. Upon reading and writing about each module, I also think of it as a true self module.

I’m only starting to understand it now that I’m feeling the results of it first hand.

I AM ATMAN modules (writing this out in my own words to help myself understand it better

The order they explain the modules in is as follows: Atman, then Unlimiter, then I AM, then FEBRUUS, and finally ARES, as the module that makes everything else in I AM ATMAN more effective.

But I think the way to understand this module is as follows.

Atman: Come face-to-face with your perceived limitations and boundaries (sales page: on the path to your true self), move past them. Ask yourself, “why would I keep these limits when I could be limitless?”

I AM: Similar to Khan ST1, breaks down anything holding you back from your “True Self”

FEBRUUS: Purify all your limitations, negative memories, traumas, etc, using FEBRUUS’s unique mechanism of showing you your limitations from a wide variety of unique angles, giving you fresh perspectives.

(The first step is coming face to face with your self-imposed limitations, negative beliefs, and “excuses” for being anything less than limitless. This combo will start to dissolve them, broadly, like a full-spectrum antiobiotic, or like Khan ST1’s emphasis on breaking down “all of you”. These 3 modules also all emphasize discovering your “true self” in a way. FEBRUUS mentions “the most successful, attractive, version of you” and the other 2 say “true self” directly. So, step 1 of Synergy: I AM ATMAN is questioning and dissolving your limitations stopping you from being your most successful, true, and congruent self, broadly.)

Unlimiter: Remove limits, especially regarding learning new skills.

ARES: Remove shame, fear, guilt, doubt. Makes sure nothing can resist the I AM ATMAN synergy module. Laser precision on sticky emotions and beliefs.

(The second step, from there, is Unlimiter/ARES lasering in on exactly what’s holding you back and eliminating it with precision. Learning skills is how to change who you are, and letting go of shame/guilt/fear/doubt is how you allow yourself to learn the skills to change who you are.)

So now that I understand it, here’s what I have to say.


  • I’ve definitely done a better job of communicating (e.f.) and addressing shame, guilt, fear, and doubt. For the first time in 6 months, I started having self-doubt about whether I’m even making the right decision. As discussed with @praisetheurdtree this is a “reversal” that’s actually positive, in the long run.


  • One thing that’s come up for me recently is a deeper understanding of something profound. “I AM… an addict.” It’s true. Wish it wasn’t, but, denying that has never helped me. I’ve always used positive language around it… "I succeed most (at business/sales) when i’m completely obsessed with it. But I never use the reverse langauge, like “workaholic” or “obsessive/addictive thought patterns regarding interests.”
  • I recently have started to shift and reframe my language to accepting that in a positive way. Controlling what I’m addicted to. The new mantra I’ve been telling myself “i’m addicted to writing” and that’s been extremely helpful.
  • I realized I don’t want to stop being addicted, I just want to be addicted to the things that give me joy in life.
  • I am happiest when my life is so simple that all I have to do is focus immensely on the things that are most important. That could be considered "addict behavior if it’s drugs or something harmful, workaholic behavior, if it’s meaningless money-chasing like sales, but if it’s based in purpose and mission it’s considered the most important trait a hard working man can have.

And all of this is coming together to help me discover my “true self”


Same for me. My intuition says that this version of Khan doesn’t even start until ST2. In the old days st1 was the filter…but I can just feel that TB is the easy part. Lol.