Emperor's Ecstasy of Gold

What do you think of limitless? I am thinking to included with Khan vut i dont want to reduce khan’s exposure

It did help me overcome some limiting beliefs. I took up a task way beyond my abilities, and I am close to accomplishing it. One thing I noticed was that it increased my curiosity in too many things at once, which was somewhat counterproductive. Though that was a unique individual response.
Which is why I decided to go for EoG. My interests may be diverse, but my goals are specific. EOG ST1 has a limitless component related to wealth and success.

Emperor + Limitless is a great combination and has benefitted me.

Khan + Limitless may be a great blend too.

@AMASH, @DarkPhilosopher, and @SaintSovereign may offer better insights on this.

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I personally prefer the playlist to be tight and focused.

So unless something absolutely important is coming up, the Limitless component of Khan or EoG would be more than enough.


Okay. That makes sense.

I do have another query @AMASH. How permanent is the impact of subs? I make notes on the changes that I observe or experience, and I can clearly see an impact. But is the rewiring or unlearning of bad beliefs permanent or do we have to replay the subs at periodic intervals to prolong their impact (like revision in learning).

I ask this because I want to stay with EoG for a year while not losing the progress I made with Emperor + Limitless.

What are your thoughts ?


Nothing is totally permanent, because when you stop subs, social programming will be reprogramming you. That is if you totally stop subs.

But if you listen for a long time, you make those changes harder and harder to lose.

About EoG vs Emperor + Limitless. There is good news. There is some Status and “Alpha” programming in EoG, but it is more related to wealth, and there is Limitless in EoG ST4. So EoG will be keeping your gains from Emperor + Limitless.

Also remember you can use SuperChargers to keep gains. Beyond Limitless will keep the changes from Limitless. Emperor, we don’t have the Commander yet, so probably True Social can help with that.


Thank you for the explanation @AMASH . And it makes perfect sense. It’s like exercise for the mind and the internal belief systems. As long as we put in the work, we stay in shape. I will look at the superchargers as well.


This week had its ups and downs. At times I felt in control of myself, with a strange feeling that I can’t quite place. I didn’t feel invincible or on top of the world, yet I felt “together”, if that makes any sense. And there were times when I was way too anxious about matters that are rather trivial. I was “scattered”.

I observed the same dichotomy in my behavior as well. If I like a TV series, I tend to over indulge. This past week, I didn’t watch any TV for 5 days straight despite the temptation of a few good TV shows that aired/returned this month. Then I indulged again by watching 5 episodes of one of the shows in two days. Not a chronic binge-watch situation, but still I slipped.

I see it as a breakthrough though. I used to time my TV addiction with food. It had become my “ritual” that I have reinforced over a decade. So, not watching TV for 5 days straight and overcoming the desire to finish off a season over the weekend is certainly a win.

I think it conforms to the new found realization I have had about time and its value. It’s not that I don’t like watching the shows anymore. I just feel a sense of “loss” upon wasting an hour over a TV show, no matter how awesome it is. I don’t feel the same way if I watch a podcast where I learn something or if it adds value to my life.

Time is money, and my subconscious if beginning to understand that.

Until next time !


I believe I read somewhere (Saint or Fire?) that 3 loops/wk is enough to maintain the benefits of a sub you’ve run for a while, so you could try throwing in a few loops of Emperor one day a week.


Thank you for the tip. I will do that.



Time is more than money. You can make more money, but not more time.

That’s a great realisation. One thing to know is that TV shows are carefully crafted to hold your attention for long periods of time. When your mind is always thinking of the next episode for this show and that show, observe, they are taking away your focus from your goals.


That is a great insight @Shogun. I meant that in the developing world we are taught to save money at the expense of time, even when we can afford to save time at the expense of money. It is a part of our psychological make up. Something I am determined to overcome. This strategy is good to get to the middle classes, but it will also keep us stuck there for generations.

Yes. I have experienced the urge to watch “just one more episode” and before I know it I have watched 3 in a row. I fight this urge now. More often than not, it wins because I have cultivated this “addiction” for over a decade. Yet lately, I am fighting off the urge and overcoming it quite frequently.

Thanks for your thoughts @Shogun.


Entry 3.

Making this entry because it seems rather pertinent.

After 5 days of being in control I have suddenly felt very low in the last two days. I am a bit unwell, but it’s more than that. I did not want to get out of the bed or do much else. I was not depressed or sad, but just too lethargic and uninterested in anything. Plus I was very anxious and my mind was constantly racing. My dreams are vivid and I can almost remember them when I wake up. ST2 reconciliation seems to be hard.

@AMASH, @DarkPhilosopher, @HappyHero : The ups and downs are rather extreme. What can I do to ease the process of ST2 reconciliation and stay more levelled and balanced ?

My current stack is EoG ST2 + Emperor + Sanguine (3:1:1).


I personally just listened more and waited. The reconciliation means something is changing on a deep level. But in the wiki of Subliminal Club they recommend meditating a lot and working out a lot to get that stress and pressure out.

I also tried a little “trick”: Running 1-2 loops of The Legacy seems to give a boost of a couple of drive and productivity even when you’re lethargic and uninterested. It changes your state for a few hours.


Thanks @AMASH. Will try meditating and look into The Legacy as well.


I’m glad you’re succeeding.:+1::+1:


Thanks @Shogun.

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Imo legacy is a must no matter what you do. I feel more mentally stronger every time i use it even if i am not working out


2020: Entry 1

I have not written the journal for about 4 months. Been very busy. Moved to another country. Started in a new position. Cleared a few hurdles. Had a few successes. Suffered some setbacks.
All in all, it was an exciting and turbulent 4 months.

Since I did not have enough exposure to ST1, I took a break and returned to Emperor. I have been runnning Emperor on and off (>4 days a week, 2-3 hours/day) with some Limitless (>twice a week, 2-3 hours/day). Somehow my reconciliation seemed over and I did not experience any difference in my overall persona. Perhaps, there was so much change around me that I could not observe the change within.

That was until a month ago, I had a breakthrough. It was almost like the revelations that prophets in all religious texts have. Almost out of nowhere, almost in a dream like state, but so real.

Then I got on to Emperor IV, and the reconciliation returned : Dreams, extreme mood-swings. I feel like I did on my first month on Emperor II. It is stirring things up. I can feel my resolve hardening, as if it is a physical part of my being, like a muscle I can flex. I have these epiphanies, such sudden realizations, and in the most odd times.

I am suddenly looking within for the answers to my troubles. It is not an easy thing to do, because I don’t always like what I learn. Yet, I am not harsh with myself. I applaud myself for the good and reprimand myself for the bad, and both in a balanced way.

There is a vagueness in my post but I can’t quite quantify or instantiate this experience in events. Emperor IV is potent.

Well, one thing that I now do is a daily review of my goals on a sort of vision board. If i do something, I move it to my “I Did It” board, and erase it from “Do It” board. The visual satisfaction somehow amplifies the joy of getting things done. I am procrastinating less.

I have also started with 1-2 loops of EoG ST1. Will do these loops for 3 months (equivalent to 7hrs/day for a month) and then move on to ST2.

Until next time.

Cheers !


2020 : Entry 2

I have been listening to 1 loop of Emperor while I am awake, and 6-8 loops when I am asleep. I am also practicing affirmations : Saying that I am accomplishing a goal, visualizing the process, and evoking the emotions associated with the struggle and the final victory.

I am sticking to a few habits I started in January : Cooking, doing a daily chore, socializing once every week, making weekly goals and listing things I have done on vision-boards.

I also feel a sense of calm and confidence. I am not particularly very cheerful or happy, but I feel a sense of joy in whatever I do.

On the work front, I am doing quite well. I am learning Mobile Development, and managed to finish 2 months of lessons and projects in 2 weeks.

I don’t sleep very well with Emperor IV playing. I dream a lot and sleep light, although no substantial breakthrough in the past 2-3 weeks. I have also been experiencing a stronger sexual desire than usual. @DarkPhilosopher @AMASH @SaintSovereign: Is that normal with Emperor IV?

At work, I play EoG and LimitLess in a 2:1 loop. I find it better to concentrate with light instrumental music playing in the background, so I play subs and the music together. Neither is too loud to drown the other.

Overall, I feel more confident and have been doing good work.

Until next time !

Cheers !!


2020 : Entry 3

Something’s changing. I can feel it. I have been a “nice guy” for a long enough time to lose touch with my aggression, perhaps even forget that its lurking deep within my shadow. But I feel it now because I need it to forge the future I desire. I do not experience anger or rage. It is more controlled, less abrupt, and more sustained than a burst of anger. It is an undercurrent of resolve mixed with a firmness I had forgotten I have.

As a child I endured enormous sickness induced pain and my father was a hard taskmaster. I got my share of tough-love. As a result I turned in to a tough teenager. Not the strongest, yet I wouldn’t be bullied into submission. Somewhere along the line, failures and disappointment piled up and I turned into an agreeable “nice guy”.

While that has been changing for quite some time, I feel a sudden shift in my persona. I do not crave for a fight or confrontation, yet I can no longer be “nice” if I am forced into a hostile situation.

Emperor IV, LL, EoG, and affirmations are a potent mix. Thank you for building these programs @SaintSovereign and @Fire.

On the business front, I reached out to CEOs of two small/medium businesses and one has agreed to talk to me and share his knowledge. I am also meeting a fresh graduate this week who has started a small-business to discuss the possibility of a collab.

On the learning front, I finished my 2.5 month long programming course in 17 days along with the regular work. Limitless and affirmations+visualisation have certainly helped. I have now enrolled in another 4 month course that I will finish in 28 days.

Until next time.
