EmperorQ, StarkQ & Commander stack recommendation

Hi, I’ve been doing some reading about these programs and what could work well with them; Are you still using Emperor Q and Stark Q together?

No, I keep using EmperorQ, although now only once or twice per day.

I’ve tried it with Daredevil and True Social and that worked better for me than mixing it with Stark. This is probably because Stark is very dense, so coupled with Emperor it was too much to handle.

Used separately I like Emperor better. The confidence and focus is immense. Stark on the other side it’s great to connect with others, but made me feel much softer/weaker in character. It also had a negative effect on my discipline. I just felt like having fun, doing my own thing at my own rhythm. Being in that state was enjoyable when I had nothing to do, but that’s seldom the case for me.


Wish I could combine the two. Being focused and determined and yet being super relaxed, charismatic and fun when I wanted to.

Thank you for the very helpful reply, glad it’s working well for you!

Edit: follow up, but do you also get much attraction with Emperor Q alone?

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You can certainly combine the two. This was just my experience and everyone’s different, so don’t get discouraged. A few other people in the forum have combined these two and gotten great results.

In terms of attraction, no. At least not that I noticed. But this is not a focus of mine, so I haven’t taken any action whatsoever in that regard. Taking action is key, so you shouldn’t take my experience as indicative of what Emperor can do for you around attraction.

Good luck and do reach out if you have any other questions. Happy to help!

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This is why I’m really appreciating this forum, and so glad I found subliminal club. Everyone I’ve come across is just so supportive. Thanks again!


Try Stark Terminus and the Commander Ultima:

Worked magic for me.

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I can’t get enough reading these journals, they are very inspiring. Thank you!

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