EmperorQ, StarkQ & Commander stack recommendation

Hi all,

I joined not even a week ago, so I’ll share a little about me first.

Not sure what the opinion here about YouTube subliminals is, but that’s what I’ve been doing for the past ~6 months with good results. I had 3-4 favorite channels and got consistent benefits, so I decided to take it to the next level and joined SC.

My goal is to advance in my career. As I’ve been going up the ladder I realized that so far it’s been enough to “be” good, but I’m getting to the point where it’s equally important, if not more, to “play” good. I’m HORRIBLE at office politics. I’ve always despised people that advance this way, yet at the same time I admire and envy them because what they do seems out of reach to me.

My main problems are that I try to avoid conflict whenever possible and I hate being the center of attention. Think about me as being the complete opposite of the typical obnoxious, egocentric, asshole. Also, when it comes to socializing, I’ve always preferred a small group of good friends, over being surrounded by many acquaintances. The result is that I’m typically not the guy everyone knows around the office because I tend to fly under the radar.

So, with that in mind, I ordered Emperor, Stark, and Commander because it seemed the description fit very well with my objectives. I put the three tracks on a playlist and I’ve been playing it throughout the day on a loop. I take breaks here and there, but on average, I’d say I have it on anywhere from 10-14 hours (including at night most of the time). Here is what I noticed:

The good:

  • Best mood in months in the second day of listening (faded away the next day)
  • More confident talking to others
  • More inclined to get involved and to express my opinion
  • A feeling of knowing everything will be fine or fall into place with time
  • More resistant to physical pain (very surprised about this; not sure if it has to do with the subliminal)

The bad

  • I feel like I need more rest, particularly in the afternoon
  • Easily frustrated with people / shorter fuse
  • Randomly feeling “horny”

The ugly

  • More aggressive, blunt, direct

I really don’t like the aggressiveness aspect of it. Even though I’ve always tried to avoid conflict, when the conflict is unavoidable, I go all-in and don’t hold anything back. I’ve always been like that, and maybe that’s why I always try to avoid conflict in the first place. Being more aggressive in those situations is the opposite I need. I’d like to be more assertive and set boundaries sooner, before there is a conflict to deal with.

Problem is I don’t know which of these effects come from which subliminal since I’m running all three in sequence. I wonder if it’d be better to stick only with one.

What are your thoughts? Should I do just one, and if so, which one and for how long?

Is there any other subliminal you’d recommend based on what I want to achieve?

If there are any synergistic effects of running them together I wouldn’t want to lose on that. On the other side, I’m also concerned that there might be “conflicting” messages in this stack, which could reduce the overall benefit.

Hope someone can offer their opinion and share their experience dealing with something similar.


Hello and welcome!

I also started off listening to subs in YT before I came to SubClub. I’ve run all the subs/supercharger you mentioned except for EmperorQ, although I’ve run previous Emperor versions.

If I were in your shoes, I would first and foremost reduce my overall listening time from 10-14 hours down to 4-8 hours, considering Q-powered titles yield quicker and more profound results. No need for so much listening, especially when starting out. You can always increase listening time later.

I would also remove Commander from your looping playlist and listen to it only 2 loops first thing in the morning (I believe that’s what the SubClub supercharger guide recommends, you can find it in your downloads).

As far as the undesired aggressiveness, I’m guessing it might be caused by EmperorQ. I would either remove that from your playlist entirely and add it in later time, or if you want to retain synergistic effects, run 1 loop EmperorQ for every 3 loops StarkQ. Maybe even 1 loop EmperorQ per day, or every other day.

I would choose between Emperor or Stark. Start with one of them then after a few weeks or a month of listening to 1 you can add the other.

Also it is not recommended to use YT subs and subclub subs but most people do what they want lol. I personally use some youtube stuff but just binaural beats and stuff from sapienmed.

The aggressiveness could be from emperor because it is making you like an alpha, and in certain situations where you might be no offense but a little bitch usually it is showing you to have some back bone and that might be the aggressiveness you are talking about. Also it could be from the youtube subs you are listening to.

Thanks, all good points.

I was blaming the aggressiveness on EmperorQ too, so I was inclined to drop it, however I like your idea to use it sparingly instead. That way I can keep some of the benefits, hoping to tune down the aggressiveness a bit. That should help, specially if I reduce overall listening time as well.

Thanks for the input!

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@Floridianninja, under normal circumstances I wouldn’t mind the aggressiveness towards others that much, but these days with the lockdown it is my family who is at the other end of me snapping. Need to have more patience, so I’ll reduce EmperorQ drastically, if not drop it altogether.

Regarding YouTube, I don’t listen to that anymore. There is only so many hours in the day, plus I don’t want to dilute the effects of the subs from SC. I want to know exactly how I respond to each sub, so YT is out. Also considering doing one by one for the same reason.

Thanks for the advice

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I use EmperorQ, StarkQ and PrimalQ, one loop each every night (on speakers besides my bed) and also one loop of each on daytime (headphones).
I have checked all what you said, especially that I need more sleep. When I raise the loops to two for each in the night, next day I am very very tired.

I’ve read about the possible conflict between Emperor and Stark, but I am not into it, I stick with both of the worlds.
For example if I would like to have ambidexterity I will empower my both hands to do the same work, maybe in a slower rythm but with time it gets perfected.

Edit: oh, I forgot to mention, I use one loop daily Limit Destroyer Ultima. I believe it makes a big difference for the other major programs assimiliation. Plus I haven’t had any headache in two weeks, which is rare for me.

Yes, you can use Emperor and Stark together despite the conflict. Your example is a good one and reflects what I felt during that time.

Is not that you can’t do it, but you develop each side at a slower pace and under a greater amount of tension than if you go for either one. That tension in my case was the reason I decided to focus on one only (Emperor). The conflict I felt made me extremely irritable and somewhat emotionally unstable.

If you want/can push through that, I think that’s great because you get the best out of both worlds. Maybe limit destroyer is helping you manage. In any case, everyone’s different, and you may be better suited than I to take that approach.

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I see what you mean. Exactly, testing for oneself is the best answer for each person.

I also agree with being irritable.

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I believe you can get great results stacking whatever works for you.
Emperor and Stark do have a bit of conflicting “Archtypes” so to speak, but they can learn to work together or know when it’s each ones time to shine :slight_smile:

I personally think there is great benefit to running major alpha programs solo, 1-3 months before stacking.This way you would get to intimately know and experience that sub, as well as move through any reconciliation it may cause, all without dilution. But if the combo is assisting your goals now, then no point in doing that.

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Irritability can be both a feature of Emperor at times, or reconciliation from Emperor/ the stack.
I believe-If the irritability is serving you or empowering you towards something-it’s a feature, not a bug, of Emperor
if it’s not, it may be reconciliation from Emperor/ your stack.

That’s a good point about starting with only one major sub for the first few months. That might’ve been why I couldn’t manage combining the two.

Now it’s been over 3 months and I’m kind of intrigued to try another major sub. However, things are going well just with Emperor plus BLU, so don’t really feel like changing anything at this point. That can change if SC launches something that really resonates with me, but for now I’m good.

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you never missed with the House? (of Medici)

No, finally didn’t. That’s the one I’m intrigued about. However, if I go for it, it won’t be to replace Emperor, but to combine with it. There are parts of Emperor that I don’t want to lose and that HOM doesn’t have (e.g. Ascended Mogul).

That’s what’s keeping me from adding it. I’m not sure I can handle well two major subs, and I’m definitely not open to drop Emperor any time soon.

Do you know for sure it doesn’t have Ascended Mogul?
I don’t doubt it, that would make sense, just curious if you had that officially confirmed.

You can also always run it every other day. Emperor sounds like it covers everything your looking for right now, the advantage to house of M is to see how it could improve upon that even further. But you’ll know when the time is right to test.

Since everyone else is already giving advice on stack modification I’ll refrain from sounding like a parrot. Two things though:

  1. For office politics, if you really wanna go that route you might wanna check out the “Power Can Corrupt” sub. It’s based of the 48 laws of power written by Robert Greene, with some added extras.

  2. My history is similar to yours in terms of aggression. When I was younger I was mostly passive unless it was with other kids in which I sometimes was way too aggressive. In any case, during adulthood I knew lashing out physically or otherwise could put me in situations I didn’t want to be in so I had to learn how to try and strike a balance between diplomacy and letting ppl know not to cross me. After 10 years believe it or not, I’ve mastered the art of assertion. Here are the following things that helped me * long post warning*:

  • Self love: if you don’t love and respect yourself, you’ll seldom find people that will show you those things. If you haven’t already, adopt the mindset that no one will show you the love and respect you want, better than you could show them to yourself.

  • Learn to embrace your negative emotions instead of ignoring or negatively judging them. You feel the way you do for a reason when something irks your nerves. Take time to find out what it is. When you find the reason, try asking yourself if it’s really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. Remember that only YOU get to decide what matters to you, no one else. Your mind and emotions and boundaries are your business and responsibility, no one else’s. Do not allow people to be dismissive of your perspective because chances are, if they are trying to downplay you’re feelings and viewpoint then they are trying to manipulate you.

  • Sharpen your communication skills daily. If you’re confident in expressing yourself it increases the chances of you asserting yourself with a calmer and clearer mind. Remember it’s fine to feel emotions but you don’t have to go overboard with expressing them, and if you can articulate yourself with a logical, calm, but still firm demeanor then it garners you much more long term respect. This past month, both online and in person I’ve shut people’s arguments with me down with speed and precision I’ve never thought possible, just by implementing this piece of the puzzle alone. All without anything escalating into physical and/or overblown confrontations.

  • Intent: try having and endgame before asserting yourself. What’s the message you’re trying to get across, and why? Establish with the opposing person or people what your intentions are while communicating and then go into what your viewpoint is. Remember that you may not always be right but that’s fine. No one is always 100% right or wrong. Don’t be immature and play the blame game, keep your statements in a matter-of-fact format. Express how you feel when someone does something that offends you but avoid judging their character, as acting like a victim makes for counterproductive conversation, and quite frankly makes you look like a little bitch.

  • Be fearless in establishing your wants and needs but also be clear that you respect how the other party feels, even if you disagree with them. What I mean by this is it’s cool if you agree to disagree with others. You’re experience is different from that of another person because you’re a totally different person and not a robot with your own experiences and interpretation of said experiences. Don’t ever let someone else’s opinion take precedence over your personal experiences. Your experiences are YOUR facts and truth, other people’s opinions do not determine your reality.

  • Practice, practice, practice and then practice more. You can take baby steps in being assertive just by unapologetically expressing yourself on small matters every single day whether it’s online or in person. Always remember too that most people are scared to be assertive and are quite soft, even if they display a tough exterior. What I mean is, don’t go acting like a bully but remember that most people aren’t going to physically or even verbally lash out at you when you express yourself, especially if you do it calmly and firmly. Especially when you advise them that you respect that they have their own stance, which at the end of the day, all they want is to be heard and express themselves anyway. Sometimes they will want to get a certain outcome but just be clear that if it’s a no for you then they could always find help somewhere else. Speaking of which, make sure the interaction ends in a win-win situation. If all parties can’t walk away with a win then time is being wasted.

  • don’t give a damn about what you can’t control. This takes practice with both recognizing what you can’t control (which actually is anything beyond what you say and do) and also remaining outcome independent. Commit to the process of standing your ground and let the cards fall where they may, unless you see an opportunity to seize control, and steer things towards your desired outcome. When it comes to any sort of human interaction, the one who cares the least about the outcome holds the most power.

  • Get comfortable with expressing yourself and then remaining silent. Once your point is made there is nothing left to say. Continuously trying to elaborate and expand upon your point is a clear indication that you don’t believe in it and conveys weakness and lack of confidence. I don’t care if the two of you stare at each other for 2 minutes straight, get comfy with the awkward silence and hold a relaxed gaze with some occasional blinking, while breathing slowly and deeply. The one who speaks first in situations like these is typically the loser, especially during negotiations. Only go into further details if questions are being asked by others. You owe explanations to no one. If you’re asked to do something and simply don’t feel like doing it for example then just say that. Authenticity is quite important for subconsciously reinforcing self-worth and self-respect within you and the other person in the long run.

That’s it for now, I just wrote a damn book on this subject. Hope it helps.


No, no confirmation, just a guess given the description. It doesn’t seem to be an “alpha male / dominance” type of module. Could be wrong.

But yes, I feel it can greatly add to Emperor without creating much conflict. Somehow I see better fit between these two than between Emperor and Stark. Have to test this theory, though

Thanks for the great insights, Davisnwc!

I agree PCC could be a good addition. Although I must admit that when I first read the book (almost 20 years ago…shit, time flies!) I felt some of the rules were a bit in conflict with the others. And of course the examples, albeit super interesting, were kind of dated and hard to relate with. Not sure how the subliminal would affect me, but it’s definitely an interesting concept.

My problem with office politics is less related with asserting myself and more with “promoting” myself. Making myself visible and influential. I need to develop my diplomatic side more than my assertive side. I’d consider my assertion to be pretty ok…reading your recommendations, I see myself already doing most of them. I tend to avoid conflict (although much less now after 3 months of Emperor), but I do assert myself when I need. I don’t let people walk all over me, ever. But I do put things into perspective and avoid conflict for things that I consider petty matters. An example of this would be trying to have the last word on something, or entering pissing matches of any kind…you know what I mean.

I think Emperor HOM addresses some of these gaps that regular Emperor doesn’t help with. I’m not into trading at all, and have a great relationship with my family already, so there are things in HOM that don’t appeal to me. All in all, however, I think I could benefit from it if I add it.

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Excellent seems you’re already halfway there then. Now you need to figure out how to assertively promote yourself. Remember the self love aspect I spoke of? Get to know yourself and be able to consciously express what makes you great without shame. Claim what you feel you deserve and work to earn it. You strike me as being sensible so I doubt you’ll make claims that you know you can’t back up.

Assertion isn’t just about standing up for yourself when under attack, remember it’s also making your wants and needs being heard without shame, fear, hesitation, guilt or apologies. If you want that promotion then go for it. Study your colleagues and figure out how to best interact with each individual without kissing ass. Being personal (to an extent), present and warm, while also displaying a quiet strength and confidence will help you greatly. Along of course with being competent in your position. Not saying any of this guarantees success but it’ll give you a definite edge. Keep in mind of course that I’m speaking from my own perspective, but much of this is also what I’ve noticed from other people I’ve given similar advice to and they implemented.

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Thanks for this. This is exactly what I struggle with. I work my ass off and deliver like crazy but never ask for anything. I don’t feel ok asking, because it makes me feel that if I have to ask I don’t really deserve it. I feel even worse just thinking about kissing ass.

But now that I think about it, the last promotion I received was by asking for it. I was at the verge of burning out and super frustrated with my progress at the company. I told my mentor and HR this and they promoted me within a month. Seems like people take and take without giving anything in return until you ask. Need to remember this. Thanks for the great advice!

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You could always make a custom sub with emperor and parts of HoM and maybe stark or power can corrupt in there as well.

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