Emperor, SM and QL

The good thing is that i’m not sad for being single and i do’t feel empty. Maybe it’s because i haven’t realized the fact yet, or probably emperor is helping me.

DAY 30

Today i finish the 30 days of QL ST 1 and start the second stage.
Emperor makes me feel more confident.

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DAY 31

I’m noticing that i manage to remember my dreams better than before. For example one of these nights i remember i dreamed about fucking billie eilish :joy:

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DAY 37

Emperor is manifesting some challenges. I feel i wanna take the world in my hands and a the will to take action is growing inside me step by step.
QL ST2 is making me feel better and with a lot of energy.
In general i need more sleep.
I think i’m going to fuck one of my female friends one day, i only need the right moment and idk if this is for SM or for emperor.

DAY 38

Today I am sad and also very susceptible with other people. I feel like I will never be able to achieve my goals. Idk if I have to take a break today and go back to listening to them only while I sleep or continue listening to them even this afternoon to get through this moment.
I think I’ll take a little break this afternoon and just listen to them tonight.

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Hang in there, those moments and days when I lose sight of anything possible/changing and everything feels off/hopeless in the meta-view are the days before massive shifts. But obviously take time off and take care of yourself as needed.

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Probably both :sunglasses:

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Yeah during the day i didn’t listent to anything, but tonight i will listen to my playlist because i wanna continue this journey and i have to resist these moments.

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DAY 49

With QL ST2 I feel like my head is “fresher”.
Emperor makes me feel more confident, I want to study and have high grades.
I got Libertine U because I wanted to test it, but just out of curiosity. After 3 days I noticed that I make a girl I’m writing to laugh more, but before using libertine this girl sent me a picture of her ass, so maybe emperor and sm are also working to attract more girls.


I’m trying to undestand how make rest days work for me in order to process the informations. After i read this https://www.subliminalclub.com/support/how-many-loops-should-i-listen-to-single-title/ i decided to take a rest day and i felt good. So i’m waiting the multiple subs version of these istructions to improve the way i absorb and process the infromations.

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DAY 57

I am starting to notice improvements in my way of studying and understanding. I can’t wait to switch to QL ST3 :slight_smile:
As for emperor I must say that I am starting to see an image of myself in the mind, an idea of ​​myself in which I am sure of myself, I have everything under control, I am successful in what I want to do (right now I want to be a good student).
The strange thing is that I have ideas in my head to start betting on football to make money hahaha I don’t know if it’s so sure as what, but I think that for the amount of time I have it is the only way but I don’t think I want to take it at the moment.


Guys, QL is absurd. I’m only on stage 2 and I’m really realizing that I study much better. now I’m preparing a very tough exam and before when I had to study it, I struggled even to make a page and I was desperate, now I’m calm and I’m working more every day. even if I’m not at the level I want to be, I’m very happy with my improvements.

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DAY 65

I started QL ST3 in these days. Reconciliation is hitting hard but i will continue because i want to improve myself.

DAY 120

OK maybe something is going on.
After 4 months of listening i feel a little more mature. I’m a little bit improving my organization and i’m trying to improve the way i study. Last 2 or 3 nights i had strange dreams about my ex and i remember something about the dreams (from what i read it is a sign that something is starting to work in my head).
My playlist is
Emperor x 1
QL ST4 x 1
PS Iron throne x 1
during the weekend i rest
I’m also listening to a physical sub from another creator and to some energetic field to clear negative energies and beliefs.
Idk if something is changing because i stated to listening to ultrasonics on pc, but in theory my smatphone was good too. Or maybe because of the fact that english is not my first langueage my subconscius needs more time to elaborate. Or maybe these subs work on things really delicate for me (my insicurities and how i live my days).

I don’t listent to SM for the moment for 2 reasons

  1. emperor and Ps have SM inside so i listen to the core (or the entire script of SM i don’t remember) 2 times everyday
  2. i don’t really care about girls atm

Hey @clancygilroy,

What benefits have you noticed by using PS Iron Throne?

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well i started to listen to PS 1 month ago i think or something like that so my mind needs time and i should have the time to take action (funny fact: with the university and quarantine i don’t have time/possibilities).
For the moment i feel the push to write to a lot of girls that i already know and maybe i wrote to a girl that i didn’t know but just for fun/practice

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How do they respond to your writing. Have you noticed a increased skill in seduction by using Quantum Limitless and PS-IT?

well i managed to get two booty pics ahahahahahah idk i’m focusing on the exams in this moment maybe i will pause PS and i will start listenting to it from march after the session, so my mind can focus better on QL and emperor


Hey Clancy I have a question for you. So currently I’m running QL stage 2 and don’t get me wrong I love it. I’m learning so much faster and stuff is easier to understand however one small problem is that I just can’t focus. For example, I could be coding a website then suddenly I just get distracted and procrastinate the whole day. Most of the time I could focus for a bit say 10-20 but then it gets hard to focus longer. The funny thing is because of QL, I can learn code so much faster like in 10-20 minutes I could learn a lot but I want to learn even more which right now QL Stage 2 is giving me difficulties with.

So I was wondering if I run QL Stage 2 with emperor Q would it be better to tackle my difficulties. What do you think?

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even with emperor it is difficult to concentrate. the secret is to eliminate distractions. take action

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