Ecstasy of Gold - Now or Never


Let me start with listening stats. I’ve been listening to ST3 about 4-8 times a day and regeneration once or twice. Nothing at night.

  1. I found 3 days ago a new mentor that has online businesses, does very well, but is also into manifestation. We totally hit it of and have been hanging out and talking on the phone for hours everyday.

  2. Sadly, I think I am going to close shop on my current business. It’s just becoming a chore and no passion or inspiration. I had no clue what I would do for money or pay the bills. But…

  3. My mentor has me writing out exactly what I want my life to be like as if it already is that way, but with no specifics.

Just last night I got offered a job bartending at a very high end, hip and trendy hotel bar. I never would have guessed bartending, but the other people that work there are super cool and they tell me they usually make $200-$500 a night in tips depending on weekday vs weekends.

Life has taken a crazy turn but I will be making more than double what I have ever made before (aside from a few one off good sales months) and working in a super fun environment…filled with beautiful women :grimacing:


Woah! That’s awesome, @HappyHero. It’s a nice coincidence that your username now is close to “happy hour” lol

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I find running eog difficult and i was considering stopping. Its the first sub i dont enjoy. Still on st1


@Lion lol now that is a funny coincidence!!


Also had a mentor manifestation a few days ago. It’s just amazing haha

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Been a while.

So here’s my current schedule - I’m listening to EoG ST4 two times a day. First thing in the morning while I work and right before bed.

During the day I play on repeat ascended mogul and daredevil on repeat.

Holy smokes I am the most productive I have ever been AND my dating life is ridiculous. It feels like I have all the time in the world.

I started a new business that I love and actually told the boss at the bar I can only work one night a week because I’m making good money in my business already.

I’m dating two girls that are in their early 20’s. 15 years younger than me :man_shrugging:

Ascended mogul is a classic and in my opinion the best subclub sub.


thats amazing, how come you decide to run more mogul over eog?


Kind of just a feeling. I wasn’t getting the motivation I needed from EoG.

Honestly also the 4 stage program took a lot out of me and I felt mentally fatigued. It might have lead me to this place now though where I’m making good, consistent money doing something I actually enjoy. It’s a path I never would have considered.

And…I remember when I ran ascended mogul for 3 weeks way back, girls were smiling at me literally everywhere I went.


Wow. Awesome journal mate. I have read every entry so far and it really has been a ride hasnt it?
Thanks for sharing this


Quite a ride indeed!


Welcome back, @HappyHero. And awesome results too!


Interesting that you got the push you were looking for by adding AM to your stack! The reason I dropped EoG is because I wasn’t feeling the push/urge that I sought. I thought it was me not being in the right place to take action but perhaps the program is indeed lacking in that regard. :thinking:


I read in two three journals but people dont feel this urgue or motivation that is expected in eog? Any clue why?


i just reread your journal. There are 2-3 posts while you ran ST3 you mentioned you were super productive even when you didnt feel like doing something. Maybe you need to think again about ST3


Goddamn guys, AM is just what I need. Here’s what’s been going down.

  1. I will find myself needing to make an important phone call but making an excuse to do it later or not do it. I start doing something else and then 10-20 minutes later I just simply find myself picking up the phone and making the call. As if something beyond myself is taking the action. This happens all the time now.

  2. I one day just “had the idea” to start going to a coffee shop in the morning to get a couple hours of work done. I’ve been going daily and staying for 5-7 hours and working with very little wasted time on distractions.

  3. I’m feeling a passion for what I’m doing now and actually looking forward to it. I find myself spending hours at night watching learning materials to improve my business and my desire to watch Netflix or whatever is all but gone.

  4. I’m on the verge of closing two 5 figure deals, one by the end of month and one by Christmas. The parties involved are just planning out what I will deliver and on what timeline, and also getting the contracts approved with both our attorneys.

Maybe I should start a new AM journal.

Now, what I also found is daredevil is NOT for me!

On dating apps my MO has been to just chat, be funny, be cool, chill. And at least half the girls after a few days will eventually offer their number saying “let’s get off this app”. And then THEY suggest meeting up.

With daredevil, I found myself really quickly after just a handful of back and fourths taking aggressive initiative and suggesting a meetup really fast. They all agree to the date because obviously there was some attraction since we matched.

But this week I have had 3 out of 4 girls cancel the night of - like a couple hours before our arranged time. And the one date I did go on didn’t lead to anything. This is very out of character for how my usual dating app experience has been with my “old tried and true way”.

EDIT: in addition, I have been casually seeing a couple mid twenties girls. With one of them I found myself getting really aggressive on the ball busting (old school David D DYD style). And it was just overkill. Attraction and (sex) was already there. Soooo unnecessy and almost drove her away. Had to backpedal a lot. Totally my fault…Just be cool man!!

So daredevil is OUT.

One last important subject is my listening schedule.

I will play one instance of AM. It stops because I don’t have it on auto repeat. So then I might play it again right away if I happen to catch it. Or, I might not realize for a while and start it up again an hour or more later.

This has lead to an average of maybe 5-8 times spaced out through the day. And no subs at night.

It’s working out REALLY well for me, and intuitively feels right - For me.

Anyway…that’s my update.


I still dont understand why you will remove Daredevil. Maybe listen a few more days and evaluate. Maybe you didnt have enough exposure yet to unlock full potential


@rising pretty simple.

I’m pushing 40. I’ve been through those days of testing everything night in night out with very OLD OLD school pua stuff.

This would probably be amazing for a shy youngster that can’t talk to girls to save his life.

But at this point, dating is not really a struggle. I lay back and girls are interested.

My focus is wealth, status, and a rock solid sense of self. Mostly in business, and non-dating applications. It’s just not what I need right now.


@rising on second thought, maybe I jumped the gun on ya. Sorry for that.

Maybeeee it was daredevil that was getting me to make those phone calls. At the expense of my dating life???

I put in a couple listens a day for a week.

Hmmm very good insight my man.

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if dating isnt something you need help with then definitely you dont reaaaally need daredevil i agree

I’ll have to check but I believe I am around 10 days on ascended mogul. And still running EoG ST4 a couple times a day.

I feel like anything is possible and I’m taking massive, daily action in my business. I also seem to be getting a lot of attention from older women when I’m out.

I have a theory on EoG. At least for myself. I’m sure 4 months of EoG alone fundamentally changed me in some way. However, I don’t think my deep issues are tied around money. I’ve always had enough money to live a fun, comfortable life. I was huge into gambling and betting in my early 20’s, and day traded stock options for 2 years. So I have no fear of losing thousands of dollars in minutes, and also gaining large amounts in minutes. I’ve always been great at saving and budgeting as well.

My issue is feeling unworthy and below others. This limited me in that with sales calls etc. if the other party was intimidating, alpha, authoritative or confident I would always feel subservient, beta, fearful and shy away from even attempting the sale.

For me it’s an issue of self worth and feeling below other people. Rather than a money issue. And the alpha + motivation of AM is really doing me well.

I wonder if something like Khan > Mogul > limit destroyer would be good for me?

EDIT: to better sum up my thoughts, I do know people that EoG would probably work well for. The type that starts spending the paycheck they will receive on Friday the Monday before. The type that when they receive a large sum of money, their car breaks down, they get drunk and blow $1k at the club, and their roof starts leaking.

For most though, including myself, I think money is just a reflection of our inherent self worth or lack there of. I’m afraid of anyone that can portray just slightly more confidence or authority. And that’s what is holding me back. Not a fear or self sabotage of money itself.