Ecstasy of Gold Mega-stack Test #1

I decided to just start posting this here. Definitely getting some weird results. Not a lot positively money-wise yet.


This is a 20-day sub cycle of Ecstasy of Gold ZP.
The pattern is as follows:

Friday, March 11, 2022 ST1 ST1 ST1
Saturday, March 12, 2022 Rest
Sunday, March 13, 2022 ST1 ST1 ST2
Monday, March 14, 2022 Rest
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 ST1 ST2 ST2
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 Rest
Thursday, March 17, 2022 ST2 ST2 ST2
Friday, March 18, 2022 Rest
Saturday, March 19, 2022 ST2 ST2 ST3
Sunday, March 20, 2022 Rest
Monday, March 21, 2022 ST2 ST3 ST3
Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Rest
Wednesday, March 23, 2022 ST3 ST3 ST3
Thursday, March 24, 2022 Rest
Friday, March 25, 2022 ST3 ST3 ST4
Saturday, March 26, 2022 Rest
Sunday, March 27, 2022 ST3 ST4 ST4
Monday, March 28, 2022 Rest
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 ST4 ST4 ST4
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Rest

The point of this is basically just to see what happens with this pattern. If the subs have a chance to kickstart results or not.


Sub Day #1 (before bed)
Friday 3/11/2022

Felt anger stirring within me as I ran this. Less “angry” I guess…more annoyance.
I am playing level 455 in Bricks N Balls…and it’s like no matter which way I put the angle of the ball launch, it isn’t going the way I want.

So I keep angrily just restarting the level.

Stack over. Went to bed.
Woke up ready to do stuff. Since I had no subs in bed, I slept less time. Usually happens that way since I’m not pushing more subs into my head.

Money is still a HUGE issue…but I feel like I might be at least more calm…like instead of worrying, I’m thinking more in terms of just doing what needs done to get past it and then thrive.

My net worth will be positive by the end of this year. rawr.


Saturday 3/12/2022
Rest day Definitely feeling tired today. No energy to be productive. More just “Wanna go to bed”

I will read some though. No point just going to sleep too early.

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Sub Day #2
Sunday 3/13/2022

Was reading more in “How Not to Be Wrong” for the first 2 subs and part of the 3rd.
Made the mistake of looking on forum and saw they are giving (REDACTED) yet another “second chance” and we’re expected to keep letting it slide.

It irks me a bit, not gonna lie. We’re supposed to keep being the bigger person here?

Definite anger from that. Hope it doesn’t affect how I take in and absorb ST2.
I had “Hoist the Colours” queued up for after the sub stack. That just amplified the anger.

Guess I’ll see how today and tomorrow (rest day) go.

EDIT: Slight headache/pressure. Not a lot. Not even sure I’d attribute it to anything if I weren’t on the mental lookout for this kind of stuff.

This is later in the evening. My brain is doing a bit of the “This stack is too much. Run something else!” kind of recon. Not gonna do it though.

I worked out a rotation where I could do what this test is but with just 2 EoGs per day. 15 days total or so for the entire program…then could easily keep doing that.

It could be my usual “intellectual distraction” type of recon though. If that’s still a thing with ZP.

I’ll keep it in mind for the next run of this. Maybe the smaller one will work after this first bigger one is over.

Then I’d free up that 3rd slot in case I wanna put Mogul or Rich or something in.


Monday 3/14/2022
Rest day
Slept 8+ hours today. Usually it’s less when I don’t run subs at night.
Must be processing from yesterday’s subs. Makes sense.
I only woke up even then because the wife turned on the bedroom light to wake me up so I didn’t sleep so late. Good thing. I was still groggy waking up.

Lot of stuff being processed.

I went to bed early for me. 10:30pm.
not sleep. just reading on the kindle…didn’t feel like being up.
so read for a while then got where I couldn’t read any more. at about midnight. slept until 9 something
this stack must be using up a lot of my energy.

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Sub Day #3

Actually running subs today felt a bit lighter, I guess to be expected, with only a single loop of EoG1.

I first went through a “job interview” via the Telegram app. That alone was weird. All these little red flags came up during this “interview”…Most of which wouldn’t mean much alone, but taken in aggregate, scam central.

But a part of me wanted to make sure I wasn’t turning away something legit, too.
So I did this “interview,” and sent screenshots of it to my business partner/friend to see. I think we were both unsure if it was legit or not at first.

One of the first red flags was the guy saying in the chat “My name is Michael Jeffrey. Please refer to me as Jeffrey.”

After this “interview” was over, “Jeffrey” says he needs to pass the interview data to his “superiors” and it could up up to about an hour for me to hear back.
This was at 11:23 AM…I told my biz partner “It sounds like this guy is invoking the ‘higher authority’ gambit sometimes used in negotiations or sales”

Then I predicted 2 options:

  1. “Jeffrey” would come back right before the hour is up. Artificial scarcity/higher gambit combo.
  2. “Jeffrey” would be fashionably late and would tell me he had to “fight” to get me in.

Sure enough, he got back to me 59 minutes later (12:22PM) and said “They are impressed blah blah”

Another red flag is one of the interview questions was “What financial institution do you use?”

I merely answered “A credit union”. This is because, having been in OPSEC-heavy roles in the Navy, I know that one approach to identity theft is getting all the little bits of info you can to piece together an attack later. I was already very suspicious by this point.

Then he asked for what email address I’d like to use to have my offer letter sent to me…I gave them a one-off numbered email forwarder to use. Nobody else will ever get that email address. Think something like [email protected]

The offer letter looked legit, and I’d already looked up to see the contact number for the company who was allegedly hiring.

The email I got was the offer letter and a W4 and I9 (IRS Tax stuff).

I called the actual company’s HR dept at this point to ask if this was legit. This lady sighed audibly. “My gawddddd you are the 6th person these people have tried scamming and it’s PISSING ME OFF. They’re using MY name in these letters”

Dodged a bullet there for sure. I am not sure if I just picked up on this being fake because of my experience with scammers while working at the last job. Or EoG maybe…but probably a bit of both.

I forwarded the fake email to her as she’s filing a police report on these people.

Even knowing I dodged a bullet, I felt myself getting angrier and angrier once it was over. I don’t fully know why…The best I can come up with is I wasted probably 2 hours on this shit today. I told the wife about this as it was unfolding…I feel smart that I caught them out…but I should’ve just called the lady from the start and saved myself 2 hours.

On a different note, I put the Uber Eats app back on my phone today. Well earlier this evening. I realized my stupid $30 phone payment was due today.

Wife got a Instacart order that we did, brought in enough to work toward it. It took about 7 sit offers on Uber eats before I got pissed off and deleted the app again.

As I deleted it I said “I don’t know why I even try with that thing anymore. Such a waste of time.” THAT must be EoG1 and/or EoG2 talking…something regarding placing more value on my time than I had before.


Rest day

I went on to my carrier’s website to pay my cell bill. I had set it up for autorenew last night, so it’d roll over today. but no. it didn’t work. So I tried again today. “Error. call support.”

I call support. THEY tried running the payment over the phone, “Your bank is REJECTED.”

I call the bank, “Newp, we show it went through and it pending. Wait 10 days for it to post then we’ll fill a dispute.”

Me: “How can it post if you REJECTED THE THING?”
Them: “Bank policy blah blahdy fucking blah”

Me: “I can’t wait 10 days. That damn phone account is the only way I make money.”
Them: “Sorry for the inconvenience.”

If I had my finances sorted, I wouldn’t worry about waiting 10 days for $64 to find its way “Back” to me.
Hell, if I had my finances sorted, I wouldn’t be delivering people’s food for meager amounts of money.

Also find out my friend’s oldest daughter died Christmas Morning. Some fucking friend I am. I never once found out in almost 3 months. I’m shit for a friend.

I just wiped out at least half my Facebook friends list. Most people who won’t realize I’ve done so I’m sure.
Thinking of just shutting it all off.


Sub Day #4
EoG2, EoG2, EoG2

Lied down in bed. Ran this mid-day while doing my hypnotic trance self induction I do. @malkuth knows what I mean

I found myself imagining sex with this lucid dreaming coach I follow online. She’s quite gorgeous. That lasted a few minutes, then I still felt “sexual” but it was more like I was perceiving the ripeness/fertileness of possibility. Not sexual possibility. More like the power of Creation itself.

Not even sure what that means, but it fits.



I’ve been sick today. Woke up around 5am feeling weird “gas” pain in my lower abdominal region. right above my manhood basically.

Went to the bathroom to see if I needed to crap. No dice. Almost felt like I was gonna throw up. That didn’t happen either.

At first I thought maybe it was a physical recon symptom.
Ended up with blood in my stool a bit later in the day, so that rules out recon I think(?)

Slept most of the day, whether in my recliner or back in the bed.

I took some psyllium fiber to give everything a rest on the inside. On the chance that maybe I just ripped something on the inside by pushing too hard while going to the bathroom, and it needs time to heal up.

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Sub day #5

I have yet to run subs today. Just slept another 12 hours in bed or so. The fiber at least helped calm my inner rumblings.

I’ll run the stack later today and edit the post if need be.

EDIT: Not run the stack yet. I remembered just now that when I was half-awake this morning, having a hard time getting all the way back to sleep, I did something.

I went to my mental “beach” I set up when I was doing the “Daytime Lucid Dreaming” course from Amir Khadr. On my beach is a green wooden door that goes to a sort of green hilly landscape.

There’s a house on the landscape that I usually go sit on the front porch and just listen to some sheep in the distance (they were there the first time I did this and just never go away haha).

I’ve tried going into the house, to see what’s there, but it’s always void and nondescript.

Today, I just decided it’ll be someplace I am familiar with. So it ended up being the house I lived in when I was 15. I went to the hot tub and conjured up a girl I liked in 9th grade. I’ll call her FAIL because I failed with her (by giving up after a very weak attempt. whole different story)

She and I were cuddling and making out in the hot tub. Then I had an idea, I said “Be right back. Gonna go fix something.”

Went into my bedroom, and there’s 15-year old me sleeping in bed. I pulled out a portabe tape player that was labeled “Emperor, Wanted, Libertine, Primal Seduction”…15-year-old me woke up halfway and I said “Relax dude. Just listen to these and your life will be so much better than mine was”

I hit play, he fell asleep…I assume it was ZP since it was solace mask haha.

I went back to the hot tub and nailed her right in the hot tub. Fun times. Then I fell asleep fully.

EDIT: Later at night. 11:30PM is or so. I feel much more “normal”. Not sick. Most of my energy is back.

Still stuck on Bricks n Balls Level 455. As I toyed with that level some more, I found my thoughts going back to times I felt disrespected. Mostly in my Navy days.

One time in particular was a chief on my submarine standing there yelling “DINK!”* at me in a long drawn out voice.

I remember just standing there wishing this guy were dead. But he’s a chief so can’t say shit like that out loud. In my mind, I revised the memory so this time, I say “I don’t know who you think you are talking to ME like that. Don’t do it again.”

I also found myself daydreaming about being so rich I could send my own military-trained people to Russia and/or Ukraine to end this shit for good. Creative ways to get Putin to back down.**

Another daydream I had was speaking before NATO. I was the President of the United States of America, and I basically told NATO “You claim to be about peace and democracy, and Ukraine needs our help. You’re only staying ‘Neutral’ because they haven’t yet signed on the line that is dotted. I am deploying my troops to give them the help they need, with or without NATO support.”

Interesting to get this kind of stuff from EoG? Assuming that’s what’s happening.


*DINK is a term on submarines (US Navy subs at least) for “delinquent”. When working to get qualified in submarine warfare (the Dolphin pin) we are required to get a minimum of 2 signatures per week on our qualification card. The signatures are for different systems and subsystems.

We get interviewed by qualified personnel who are experts in a given system, and they sign off on that line item if they’re satisfied we did OK.

**Similar to how Ross Perot did when 2 of his EDS employees were imprisoned in Turkey.

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Slept a total of 6-ish hours from 3am-9:10 am. No subs in bed since this test has me doing them during the day.

The dream I had felt like it was days and days worth of subjective time.

Dreamed I was in a large building. It was some sort of business that was the big company in town. Nobody messed with the owners because the company did so much for the town.

I’m seated in a big area of seats with others. Zelda is there. I am showing her an Apple Watch without a band. Just the case. I don’t recall if anything was on the display.

I get this is some sort of gathering for pre-admittance into the company. Like either a huge group job interview or some other type of thing. Not fully sure at this point.

She whispers “Better put that away before (One of owner’s sons) comes in. They don’t like us having technology and devices.”

As soon as she says that, the guy walks in, looks at me, “What are you doing with that???” and I just calmly say “Putting it away.” and I put it in my pocket. He goes into an office, and sits down facing us through a window like you’d see in a doctor’s office waiting room.

I feel like I’m there because Zelda is and I want to be with her.

The guy says stuff, not sure what. I realize over time that this is basically a cult type situation. They control what people do/say.

At one point, I’m trying to tell Zelda I love her and want to be with her, and I suddenly realize she’s now married to Tom Cruise, and he’s one of the leaders of this cult.

I remember thinking “Man, he gets to fuck her every damn day, and I’m stuck in here now with nothing.”

She seems like she doesn’t like being with the guy, but she’s too afraid to go off and be with me.

Fade to black.

No telling how EoG2, EoG2, EoG3 from yesterday led to this. And it’s weird given how sex has been the furthest thing from my mind since running only EoG, other than occasionally trying to entice the wife.

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Serious deja vu with these posts. :slight_smile:

Some were originally from another journal, right?

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Aye. I only posted the other one in my main journal. Figured this could have its own since it won’t last forever.

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One thing I forgot. Yesterday I repeated the imaginal thing of playing subs for younger me. This time I went to 8- or 9-year-old me and played him all 4 tracks of EoG ZP while he slept.

So it’s possible THAT may have somehow contributed to the weird dream.


I have noticed so far that processing EoG1 seems to make me sleep much longer, regardless if I listen in bed (I have done so before) or only during the day as with this test.

Once EoG1 wasn’t in the mix, it’s much easier to stay awake in the mornings when the wife turns on the lights to put in her contacts.

I usually default to running stuff in bed, even with the longer sleep times that come with running subs during sleep.

But the fact I was sleeping like that even with nothing in bed, that’s what tells me ZP is working some magic on me.

The hardest part of this test so far is ignoring the urge to run Mogul or RICH to help with manifesting a job lol. I’m determined to stick this one out, though. I want to see what EoG4 does for me.

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The tester mindset has persisted :smiley:

It’s made me wonder if I should do some more testing too…


Sub Day 6

Previewed and PhotoRead The Genius Habit by Laura Garnett while running this. Did the Preview and PhotoReading during the 2nd and 3rd sub. I think the first one is when I got the idea to do this.

Just finished the PRing, and got half the last sub to go still. so about 20ish minutes total to Preview and Photoread the book.

Letting the book incubate for this last few minutes.

I’ll edit the entry if anything else comes up today that seems related.

EDIT 1: Went to the library to grab a bunch of books to PhotoRead since I can’t do anything else productive right at the moment. And the post office to send a damn dispute letter to my bank.
And the store to get something for the wife.

I feel definite recon. The action push of ST3, but I’m literally out of options for today anyway, and I’m not feeling creative enough to come up with another option yet. So I got 9 different books, each about a different aspect of life and success. I’ll be PRing those today to rattle my cage more than I ever have.

I know I’ll pull through all this shit and prosper, it’s just one of those days where I’m staring at that mountain in the distance, instead of looking down to see the next step.


Questions about PR. How long have you been photoreading and is it difficult to learn?

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Off and on (mostly off) since 2000 or so. I learned it from the 3rd edition of the “PhotoReading Whole Mind System” book. I think they’re at least up to the 4th edition now. Not read that one, though.