Early Emperor v4 Impressions Thread

@Hermit Once the sex mastery component of the script kicks in you should feel your libido kick in… I am going to stick witj V4 for a few months its been good to me so far.


I am very careful with posting about results because I know it might aswell be placebo often times.
Its been about 3 to 4 days since I started v4 and what I definitely notice is my voice got much deeper. Deep isnt the right word. I have a deep voice naturally but it got a bit deeper and fuller. I can feel my chest vibrating when speaking. And I feel like, this might be placebo now, doesnt matter, I feel like the words come easier to me. I even want to speak because there is so much I have to share.
And there is a voice inside me that urges me to speak truths.


@anon3072973 That’s awesome man! It has to be some scripting doing this effect to you unless you gave the direct command to yourself to get a deeper voice and get words to come easier to you. Does that make sense? I believe that we have the ability to program ourselves our subconscious directly( through our imagination/visualising) yet this still has to come from a conscious process (the programming) going down/through the subconscious. Either way, this Emperor V4 sub sounds really bomb!


A. Constant mild-strong headache on the entire back half of the skull.
B. Phased out, unable to focus (partly because of the ache), and
C. Inability to form any coherent stable set of ideas around goals & action plans.

Part 1 - The product is working. Maybe, too well.

When I went out, I got a lot of attention and unusually high respect, just as is expected when playing any version of Emperor. So yeah, my mind is definitely receiving & executing the script.

But, I am hyper-responsive to SC products, which is why I experience that movie trailer effect. So, if the audio is too powerful, and if for me, once a day (or every 3 days) would be sufficient dose, then yeah, over-dose would cause problems. :smile:

Part 2 - I use headaches as a signal - subconscious communication.

As you’ve come to understand recently, SC products are designed to work with the user’s intentions.

Whenever a script is somewhat incompatible with my goals, it could manifest as a mild headache. Generally, this invites the use of a Stack Module to mitigate any negative effects.

What I’ve realized after 16+ hours of not playing any subs, is that
Ev3 was somewhat incompatible, but I could use it with PS and/or Lv2 in my stack.
Ev4 is significantly incompatible with my intended goals & actions for the next few months.
So even playing it once a day would not be a useful experiment.

Note: I will be testing daily single loop QL, but only after a week. Any Pavlovian connection that my mind may have made between QuantumTech & Headaches need to be drained out first. :blush:



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I’m not very sensible to SC products and almost got no results playing Khan. It has always amazed me how sensible some people are to it getting these kind of results whereas I never had this. (looking @AMASH who unfortunately doesn’t seem to be part of here anymore)

Emperor v4, however, seems to be different caliber and I instantly got results from it. I’m very work driven due to it and it somehow reignited my libido. I can hear it all day long (US) without any negative effects like headache. (only during day, however - no subs during night)


For me, the name of the game here is belief. If there is a chance to contribute some new positive change to the workings of a sub, I’m going to do my best to do so. The more I believe the subs work for me, the more they will.


Yes. Epigenetics / manifestation is what you mean, basically (I guess)

Yes and no, I would say. I absolutely see what you mean and I think I have to clarify.
There numerous reasons why you possibly dont get the results you want.
It is not that I dont believe it works, since I can see it work on other fields in my field, just not the ones I am most eager about (You know what I mean). Reason for this is, as I stressed out many times in my journal, self-destructive behaviour (and maybe other things I am not aware of) from my part.
Change the behaviour (which I am currently actively doing) and you remove the stone from the stream.

Regarding belief… There were numerous times when I believed very firmly in a subliminal, yet it didnt work or at least not as powerful as I thought.
I think you notice a high-end subliminal when it produces the changes without you actively believing in the subliminal. From the ones I have used from here, there are definitely some on this level.
(Edit: And even this assessment on mine is subjective, since it may work for someone else differently)
So ofc, why believing is helpful, I dont think it should be essential for it to work. After all, the subliminal in and of itself doesnt do the change, it just tells the subconscious in a very efficient way which change is regarded as beneficial.

Hope that makes sense.


I get what you mean. Thanks for clarifying. I’d like question the statement above, though.

To me, we don’t really know what we believe subconsciously. You may think and feel you believe something, but this may not be accurate. Since the sub didn’t produce the desired effect for you, to me it’s only a question of belief. Beliefs create our reality, I don’t see exceptions to that “law” let’s say.

I said we don’t really know what we believe subconsciously. Actually, we do. We can observe our reality and see what shows up in our life. That will tell us what the current state of our belief system is.

That’s my present understanding.

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Similar to mine. From what I observed the outside world literally is the mirror of our inner world and thus we can observe what is happening inside of us.
I want to clarify why I think the previous version of Emperor hasnt worked out for me so well in regards to dominance, confidence etc (Although it did quite a bit, actually)
In my journal I speak about self-destructive behaviour, which is, per definition counteracting to the program. So it just makes sense then that it slows down or nullifies the effects it is supposed to have.
So I sad the reason why it hasnt worked out for me that well I guess is that I sabotaged it.
When I started I thought Emperor would help me stopping doing so by making me more disciplined, but it seems like there is no way around it :smile:
The day I remove this blockage completely, I will have just as amazing results as Yardbird and Chap. (btw. I noticed amusedly we refer to them like glorious ancestors or heroes from legends haha)

So, I am working on that. And I also listened to few loops, tbh.

And the way I noticed that is for one, of course logic and also that I noticed results in other areas which are hardly deniable. Better memory (although I couldnt remember where I put that damn bag yesterday!), better visualisation which are both part of the limitless-script. Also it is hardly deniable that I stopped seeing people just because they wanted to see me when there was nothing to get out of business-wise. Only exception are friends of mine. And even then, when I was with someone, I sometimes felt like I was wasting time and I made sure not to hang out all day because I got work to do. These were (some of) my results with v3 and now I am excited about v4.
Again, to really make it work, I will have to cooperate and stop sabotaging it lol. And I do so now.

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Hi @Soar If everything is about belief, I am wondering why you have come up with the above belief? How about believing that drinking hot water everyday or some other simple action will help you achieve your goals? Like let’s say, you try believing that “Eating carrots everyday will make me irresistable to women” and start to eat carrots? Do you think that there is anything behind the scenes that determines how our beliefs/assumptions become reality?


Hi @anon3072973, how do you plan to remove the blockages. I am interested to know too. I think I even have blockages trying to manifest stuff just by writing on a list, unlike you.

The best way to remove blockages which are always subconscious is simply by changing the subconscious. Your best options are self hypnosis in my opinion which comes down to subliminal’s. Why don’t you try the limit destroyer subliminal? Or perhaps have fire or saint make you a custom subliminal to remove desired subconscious limits. You can do it in many ways, some will be more effective then others.

For me it’s easier to work with the belief that subs will help me towards my goals. I’d sure like to believe that I need only hot water for that, but we have to work with what we’ve already got, i.e.our present belief system, which has been mostly absorbed from our environment.

You’re right that my statement is a belief itself. I’d like to argue here that it’s closely based on one of the laws of the Universe: what we put out, we get back. So in this way when I put positive energy into (as an example) a sub in the form of a positive and beneficial belief, I will get a positive effect from it.

I’m not sure if that explanation is understandable. It’s a little hard, because almost everything is based on a belief system here in this world and there are very little absolute truths.


Thanks. It’s interesting. I always wondered whether these “Laws of the Universe” can be changed with our beliefs.

Before I thought about your question I was going to say “It isnt a blockage” But is this really true?
Everything that hinders us to get something is, by definition, a blockage. Sometimes these blockages are good (morals, ethics) but mostly they are bad for us. So, lets see.

The best bets from my experience are to practice discipline, self love and validation, imagining the end and ultimately, giving yourself what you hope to get by keeping the blockage alive.
For binge eating because of shame it would be to imagine someone, maybe your future/higer self, holding you and validating you. For things like porn addiction it is a bit tougher, I assume.
You can give yourself the love you want from women by imagining it but lets be honest here:
Sex isnt just about being and feeling loved. It is about exercising our sexual identity as a man / woman.
Thats alot tougher to give yourself. Someone recently asked how to stay away from porn.
If somebody got an idea how to solve this problem, let us now.

For now I think this is the best you can do: Find out which needs your blockages meet, find another way to meet these needs and learn a new response to situations where this blockage shows up.

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Whats the difference of emperor v2, v3 and v4. can i use them all together? if not whats the dfifference fi i use only v4 and not v2 v1? Does it contain the same? limitless, alchemist, mogul etc

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Emperor V4 is updated to the latest technology(plus a couple of bonus) , which is usually stronger than V3, V2 and V1… But you can try to mix them up

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As you are a woman who wants to be more social, I strongly recommend NOT using any version of Emperor.

Along with Daredevil, best to stack Ascension for Women & Mogul, or if you must, you MAY use Ascended Mogul (even though its built for men, there have been positive stories of women using it).

Emperor does not contain Alchemist.