Early Emperor v4 Impressions Thread

So I tried both, and I’m getting headaches with both. With ultrasonic, headache is more profound.

No I’m not listening ultrasonic through headphones. Masked through headphones. And ultrasonic on speakers. Medium to low volume.

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Have you checked the DB with the frequency app while listening to ultras?

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Ya always do, -60db.

@SaintSovereign not had any headaches with V4 in fact I am upto 10 loops a day and am loving it. With it being a single stage sub you see the tangible effects within days.


Must be because you have so much of experience.

I had some light headaches, but I dont know if these were from v4 or my cold.
I started to experience some sort of… reflectiveness, lets say, about this year. It feels weird, but I know the feeling. It isnt like I am sad or something, I just feel very heavy and keep thinking about what a year this was. Finally some reconciliation, I guess.

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Looping v4 a lot together with Alchemist ST1/ST2, ultrasonic and masked, all day long and sleeping.

No bad side effects so far.


I’ve been looping about 16-24 hours of emperor and have had no headaches. I do however get agitated with people who waste my time. But I feel fucking great


Same here regarding lack of patience in these situations.


@MavericKobra I used V1 for nearly a year and it helped me immensely so my brain is already primed to listen to the subs over a long period.


Anyone trying an EmperorV4 + PCC stack?


Fourth day on emperor V4

10 loops of V4
1 loop of PCC

Very intense dreams one was of my mother who i have lost contact with. Telling me how selfish i am. In the dream i broke into tears. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking WTF.

It took me five minutes to pull myself together. I then continued my listening.


I just wanted to say that I am mixing

QL4/- Emperor 4.0 -/ Kahn ST 4

I feel very little headache


Got a mild headache yesterday but am having a more severe one this evening. Not sure if it is becauae of a half day work related trip.

@Simon plase share symptoms of not being able to handle E V4.


No headaches here. Drink lots of structured, hydrating water and you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:

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Even though I ran 10 loops overnight I managed to run 4 additional loops whilst sat at my desk working on some software development stuff. On the way to the gym I noticed that a number of women were checking me out. These were the hot girls that I actually fancied.

Did you guys put in some kind of “sniper technology” to make girls I fancy check me out ?.


:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


Well lol, I’ve gotten very similar results. On the downside my sexual drive has gone down so much since listening Emperor, like a girl has been texting me for more then three weeks now to get a sex date. I honestly don’t give a damn fuck, I’m honestly to busy focusing on work. I don’t think it’s directly my sexual drive rather my focus going elsewhere. I’ve had many opportunities as well from girls trying to get into a conversation with me. Not that it wasn’t like this before, I could always easily get girls and such but now it’s more like passively. They try and get me while I sit back and watch. But I literally don’t give a damn and they are like piranhas coming at me.