Dragon Reborn ST2 Custom by Dragonrider

not a spell checker, that one popped out, glad you got a laugh !

Cool mate!

Wait after Dragon Reborn it should be possible to eat a French Fire

haha let’s hope so

I have this one! Never read it though, will be dusting it off to read through per this recommendation.

Wow! How long have you had it and why did you get it?

BTW, what are you listening to as of right now and what are your subliminal plans for the next 30 days?

Yes read it

I thought you were asking me so answered in my journal, but realize you may have been asking @Leandros -my bad :hugs:

I was asking you, and @Leandros but I may not have been specific enough. So it was my bad.


Which books from Dr. Nathaniel Branden Ph.D. have you read or are now reading?

I found out about Dr. Branden so long ago I don’t remember how. All this talk about self-esteem in the USA, I think he started that with his books.

I’ve read most of his books on self-esteem.

@Azriel tagged for possible interest in this reply.

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And I am still not finish( I did read them a couple of times, but I am refreshing and checking my state with the six pillars of self esteem

As you know it’s never finish with self esteem it’s constantly upgrading or downgrading, the choice is yours

Also I wanted to know after 5 months DR, how hard or light his words impact me.

And I have the notion of : OK I think I am ready to realy integrate his knowledge

I know his books for 7 years, but it never realy clicked,(because I wasn’t ready) but now it makes total sense and I Want to do it

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Also so much is changed in me, I feel like I am in a baby state, relearning everything again.
So I start with a solid self esteem

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I feel the same way. I just got The Six Pillars of Self Esteem at the library today!

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I am right now listening to the unabridged audio of the book “Wishes Fulfilled” by Dr. Wayne Dyer as I am reading along with it.

After listening to DR and having it breakdown, refine, purify, and whatever else it does to my sense of self, reality, and perception - I am absolutely amazed about 2 things.

One that I see so much more in the book that I didn’t see before.

Two that it is easier for me to believe and begin to imagine my self habitually using the ideas.

Whatever blocks were there, they are now gone.

Also I’m thinking that since my dreams are more like what I’ve had most of my life instead of being so weird, perhaps I will soon start listening to different subliminals and maybe listen to DR twice a week.

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I did 3 loops of DR
I sat in my chair with a boner for 2 hours
Also I had Sexual fantasys the whole time
:joy: DR (Dick Revitalize) is working

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Also I get a call from a Frend
I had to help him and leave the house and in this moment I start shaking like crazy out of fear, I know this fear very well and had it since a child.
So I paused for a minute and talk to the fear : come to the surface, show yourself.
I watched the fear in the eye and decided that I don’t need it anymore. The whole energy dropped into the Earth and the problem was gone

50 min ago I was walking outside and I saw people and when I saw women I draw back my energy. So I stand up right and ask myself : why do I draw my energy back.
And the I heard: I am open in my heart and I don’t want to be attacked anymore
So I build a pipe with my energy and put the pipe in my heart facing the earth, I let every word that hurt me in the past Flow out. Then I sayd to myself : I don’t care if it will hurt, it’s time for me.
Then I installed a filter before my heart with I had to change into a big spike that’s coming out of my heart that destroys every low-level energy.

Then I collapsed

80% of my energy was used to protect me and now I get the 80% back.

I am Exited
This is so good

I think I have noticed something similar, such as in my mind suddenly I think “all the times someone lied to me” or “all the times a person taunted me”. Then all this emotion and many memories come up and then my stomach hurts. Then its gone.

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I belive our system needs time to acclimat to DR so that on a energetic level the execution can work unhindered.

if you resist how can energy flow out of you that isn’t useful anymore
When you reach the point where you can say :ok let’s feel the shit, then DR start to work incredible

Also its get easy-er to work on emotions, trauma and let go forever

And now I see how valuable it is to install such a profound new system over a longer period of time

There is the quick way where people rush trough DR and get value out of it in 4 months
And there is the solid way where you dedicate 1 year to realy rebuild from scratch, powerful-effective, solid groundwork ready to build the strongest frame upon. With a security system that has an AI and does the work for you.

For me it makes more sense to reach the point where Healing and dealing with complicated states/emotions /believes is in the unconscious competence Zone

Rather than unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetent or conscious competent, because these 3 states need so much energy

So patience Brother it’s just 1 year, the rewards will be fantastic and forever

I see that now

Your dedication and self-discipline is admirable man!

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