Dragon Reborn ST2 Custom by Dragonrider

I belive our system needs time to acclimat to DR so that on a energetic level the execution can work unhindered.

if you resist how can energy flow out of you that isn’t useful anymore
When you reach the point where you can say :ok let’s feel the shit, then DR start to work incredible

Also its get easy-er to work on emotions, trauma and let go forever

And now I see how valuable it is to install such a profound new system over a longer period of time

There is the quick way where people rush trough DR and get value out of it in 4 months
And there is the solid way where you dedicate 1 year to realy rebuild from scratch, powerful-effective, solid groundwork ready to build the strongest frame upon. With a security system that has an AI and does the work for you.

For me it makes more sense to reach the point where Healing and dealing with complicated states/emotions /believes is in the unconscious competence Zone

Rather than unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetent or conscious competent, because these 3 states need so much energy

So patience Brother it’s just 1 year, the rewards will be fantastic and forever

I see that now

Your dedication and self-discipline is admirable man!

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Today I lisen to 1 loop Sanguine ultima V2 and 1 loop DR ST2.

Now I have this feeling of I need a break in general to realy restore myself

I have done so much and now nearly everything I wantet to heal is healed and more that I am not aware of

I am in a very tired state, like climbing a volcano and arriving on top just to sit there and recover and when I am recovered I enjoy the View

@Fire @SaintSovereign and @RVconsultant

:trophy::crown: I’m happy for you man!

You are welcome.

I’m going to be taking a sort of break soon by reducing my DR use and using other subliminals.

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Today I lisen to 1 loop Love Bomb and 2 loops DR St 2

After 1 DR loop I sat there with a boner for 40 min.
After the 2nd loop it knocked me out for over 3 hours in the hamoc. I felt asleep for over 3 hours

What is coming now
I don’t know
Let’s see
ST2 still working strong
Now that I am awake I have the feeling of :I gained very much energy, much more than after normal sleep

I think you are having a big healing moment.

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Since I stood up I am walking on Air

Wow! Has a burden been removed?

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You have no idea
Minimum 5
The Last 3 weeks where Key. I wantet to switch and Stopp listening, even with a pendulum I get : move to st3. But I knew I shoud stay and I did.
I always thought DR is not hitting the spots I have in mind, but I was so wrong, it did way more than that.
Then 2 weeks ago emotional stuff appear out of nothing, incredibly hard and I just stood the ground and say to the emotions : OK, show yourself fully, you are here but come up in full force.
They did
Only for 30 seconds then left my body.
I was 2 weeks in this state where constantly energy leaving my body,day and night.
Very unpleasant but very effective :grin:

I think I do st 2 a little bit ( 1-2 months) longer just to see what happens

Until now I am Amazed how good it works @Fire your a Healer per excelance

Thank you @RVconsultant for your genuine interest

Ps. Yesterday at night I was full stoned in the woods walking, then out of nothing an animal jumped out of the bush, I didn’t saw it but heard it, my brain goes puff : fight or flight mode full force, for 2 seconds, I barked instantly in the direction and my brain was quiet again.
Not time was needed to quiet my mind or energy.
In 5 seconds the whole thing was no more relevant
What a fantastic work Fire did

You are welcome! I’m glad healing is progressing for you.

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Bro IAm right now in the woods and I smoked one to test my inner state I am so stoned.

Its fantastic
Everything flows into Healthy inner state
AL clogs working for me

I’m happy for you mate! Thank you for taking the Dragon journey with me man!

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Today is break day
Normaly right after I stand up I have acces on what is going on in me.

Today I stood up and I am quiet
My energy is compact and dense.
Still I am walking on Air

OK I had a emotional outburst for 3 hours
One of my main topics
I was in the woods chilling around a fire and listening to music, I was very sad and couldn’t bear to be alone.
Then 2 hours later I saw 4 people walking into my direction, they where20 meters away from me, I stood up to welcome them to join me on the fire but they turned and walked another direction.
I heard my soul saying : hello here I am let’s have a good time.
Then I collapsed on the table, crying like crazy, ready to admit to myself : I am not built to be alone, I tried to, very hard, but I can’t do it anymore, then I jump up and say to myself : let’s gather them all around me, friends, sex, girlfriends, relationships… Allll of them

I still have pain in my chest but now I have power to overpower this Loneliness/pain state.
I try to heal this state many hundreds of times but I can’t pull this energy out of me.
I am finished with stubbornness and admit that some topics I can’t heal alone.

Let’s go

What’s interesting is, is that I had this state before I switched to st 2.
Very powerful outburst of loneliness that brings me to my knees

These are deep things man!

Loneliness can create physical type pain sensations in the brain.

In the USA it is a taboo to admit loneliness, yet it seems to me so many people are lonely out of fear.

I think you are breaking that fear barrier. Congratulations mate!

:dragon: on!

Thank you
I have no problem to admit this openly

Let me see what’s behind that

Good thought!

No it’s not out of fear
Its more out of respect, I knew it since a child that I have to get healthy inside otherwise I woud destroye the other person.
Correction : it is out of fear, but I fear for the others.
But that’s over now
Now it’s LET’S GO time :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

Wow! I think it’s almost time for a :dragon: :partying_face:

I think I’m going to get sushi later!