Dragon ๐Ÿ‰ Reborn Journal

Listening to a third loop of R.I.C.H. with the intention to turn the depression about my life into a burning desire for wealth.

It will create a burning desire within you for pure, unadulterated wealth.

My guess is that developing a burning desire needs a feeling of lack. If I donโ€™t have something I desire it. I hope the burning desire will come with plans and ideas on wealth creation and the depressed feelings I had during the second loop are just a temporary step on the path.

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Started listening to the MJ DeMarco - Unscripted audio book. Fits pretty well to becoming unsatisfied with my current financial situation.
Depression turns to more energetic anger.

Thinking about finishing DR Stage 2 earlier at the end of the month. For less processing work for the subconscious I will reduce the stack to:

  • DR
  • R.I.C.H.
  • LEU (booster)

Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.

Just was reminded of that quote.

Woke up too late, oversleepingโ€ฆ maybe I ran R.I.C.H. too often yesterday.
What was new is that I felt aggression. Against my work situation and my life in general.

Now I am listening to LEU and already feel a bit more relaxed. Started working and thinking about cleaning up my workspace.

Felt angry throughout the day. Perhaps I am on a withdrawal from Love Bomb.
Or it is just reconciliation.

When I was outside, I was angry at and irritated by people around. Luckily, I am at home again without having punched somebody :wink:

Did a Feldenkrais exercise to calm down a bit. Feeling better now.


Love Bomb is very strong, sounds like reconciliation. Im going through very deep healing using Love Bomb, Paragon and DR st1


Today I hope that I stick to my plan to listen to no Ultima titles, just DR Stage 2.
Having trouble getting out of bed.
I miss the time when I could go out and meet people at events. As this situation will take longer, and I donโ€™t feel that good at the moment, I am planning to give DR Stage 2 more days until I go to Stage 3.
Probably at least until February 15. This is subject to be changed if I see that I am feeling better with Stage 2 alone on the path.

There are so many things in my life I could change and so many subliminal titles with solutions.
As I cannot decide right now on which area I should focus, I stay with healing.

At the weekend I will take full rest days from now on.

Ultima titles are like drugs to me for a fast state change. I could use other techniques like the Wholeness Work for state change instead.


Going to add a few loops of Aegis Initiative: COVID-19 to the stack as a friend I met outside yesterday had contact with a person who had been positively tested. The recommendation from the government here is to wait for 7 days and if no symptoms appear you are fine, else you should get tested yourself.

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Starting the day with two loops of Aegis-19.
Later a few loops of DR:Stage 2.

I canโ€™t keep my ears off Ultima titles.
Yesterday I listened to Commander U and today in the morning, too. I am listening to it for the internal effects and not for the commanding presence because I canโ€™t leave my place at the moment.
The first loop yesterday felt great and today I got a lot of stuff done at work and didnโ€™t drink as much coffee as usual.

Now I am listening to the first loop of DR:Stage 2 for today. Later another loop and 2 loops of Aegis-19.

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Totally forgot about listening to more loops of Dr:Stage 2 and Aegis-19.
I was just doing stuff all day and never thought about the time running out.

Today is a rest day. Dreamed a lot about fighting childhood bullies.
Probably a combination of Dr:Stage 2 and Commander doing its work.

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Another dream of fighting a bully and arguing with a friend of the bully.

One loop of Commander this morning.
Now one loop of DR Stage 2.

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Yesterday I decided to do something about my weight.
I ran one loop of Emperor Fitness St1 in the evening.

My stack is now:

  • Dragon Reborn Stage 2
  • Emperor Fitness Stage 1
  • Beast Ultima (Booster)

In the morning I listened to Emperor Fitness for one loop.

I did listen to Beast Unleashed and did a 15-minute body weight workout and realized I am not good at it. I have a headache now. But I have to continue. I need a training plan (recovery days?). And I want to continue with this 15-minute workout until I am able to do the exercises correctly and for the full repetitions. Doing physical exercise is one of my biggest psychological blocks.
The Next step would to plan and buy groceries for a new diet as soon as I can leave the house again.

I will now wait a bit until the headache is gone and then listen to Beast Within U. Later one or two loops of Dragon Reborn Stage 2.

Iโ€™ve listened to one loop of Emperor Fitness today. Now I am listening to Paragon Complete Ultima because I have a headache.

Didnโ€™t listen to any subliminal titles so far.
Will start with Emperor Fitness St1 and later listen to DR - Stage 2.
Maybe Beast Ultima before and after training.

So far I listened to today:

  • Emperor Fitness Stage 1
  • Beast Unleashed Ultima
  • Beast Within Ultima

-> Between the two beasts I was exercising. Still a mild headache afterward. Going to drink more water.

And I thought about a healthier diet based on calorie intake counting.

Yesterday I listened to 2 loops of DR Stage 2 in the evening.

Beginning the day with Emperor Fitness - Stage 1 (day 5/30).

As I start to watch my diet today I am thinking about running Commander U for impulse control. If I remember it correctly some people have used it in this way for other habits.

Later I will listen to Dragon Reborn Stage 2 (Day 26/30).

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Done with my mandatory loops of Dragon Reborn Stage 2 and Emperor Fitness Stage 1 for today.

I was walking outside for 40 minutes, want to push that to 90 minutes. At the moment 40 minutes is enough, but I can increment step by step.
Tomorrow body weight exercises for 15 minutes.

Cooked โ€œhealthyโ€ food today for this day and the next two. My portions were smaller than expected. Put every single thing on the scale to get the calorie count. Have to think about how to get bigger portions with fewer calories, probably more vegetables.

Probably should rename this Journal into DR+EMPFIT or something like that as I am less writing about emotional healing.

On the emotional side my anxiety is better than expected. I thought staying at home for eight days would make it much worse. I had only one situation when outside where I felt social anxiety. I had to take off my glasses because I had to wear a mask in one area and I didnโ€™t see peoples faces anymore. That sucked, and I felt anxiety because I couldnโ€™t see what people look like. Friendly and unfriendly. Maybe thatโ€™s a problem - being dependent on outside feedback.