Dragon Reborn Journal by Dragonrider

I felt that this morning when I woke up. It was clearly processing in me, so I passed on loops.

I listened to a single ultrasonic loop during and after lunch, then a masked loop once home. Paying attention is our lifeline on DR, for itā€™s making a ton of changes in us.


I have yet to run anything today myself. I will probably run a loop or two before bed


Wow James. Iā€™m used to you saying the exact opposite, like running numerous loops.

It sounds like DR is hitting you deep


Day 5
After 2 days pause from AL subs I did today another loop.
Same procedure
20 min headache in a specific area and then a shit load of feelings appear. For 10 min.
After that I start to feel a fire in my back in the sakral area that starts to burn through my whole body. This time it knocked me out in my bed. I couldnā€™t move just laying there.
After the loop some heavy energy arises: death wish
This time I Coud pull me out of this energy in 5 min. I feel it looses power.
DR is fantastic. I whish I Coud lisen to more loops or a custom with just st 1 in it but
1 loop is enough, I canā€™t do a second one.
Its still heavy processing/working in me.

Thank you @SaintSovereign and @Fire

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What apart from DR youā€™re listening to right now? Whatā€™s your current listening routine? How many loops per day?

Hmm I have no routine I do lisen to my Intuition whats the best thing right now.
But to name it, here is my list I am using.
Customs :
C1 Ascension, Daredevil, Inner Circle
C2 HOM and Khan st4
C3 RegenerationQ with 20 healing modules
C4 Primal Seduction and Sex Mastery
C5 Alchemist st1+2
C6 Spartan and Emperor Fitness ST4

The Elixir

The Ponit is I started with C1 for month then include C2 and then it hit me strong - I need solid healing first. So I startet with a custom with Regeneration, EoG st1 and Survival Instinct but I needed to change that to RegenerationQ as single custom. Since exactly 2 months I am doing healing customs.

I had this weekend a tarot session over 3 days with a Maestra and she pulled out the people who sacrificed me in past lifeā€™s so I had to do some banishing/cleaning rituals and now this victim mentality and death wishes are out of my system. I found it very strange that when I lisen to healing subs the topic of suicide and discontinue shows up. So I needed to dig deeper and found the causešŸ˜‰
Today I lisen to the 4th loop and I am excited what Wil happen

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After 45 days of RegenerationQ and the Elixir I need exactly 1 loop per custom for 1 week

Example : I lisen to Emperor Fitness 4 times until now and I have the modules Master coordination and Thunder in it. This works so good that I was going in one month from 3rd league to 2nd league in Foosball/tablesoccer. My reflexes can even be dangerous for 1st league players. And this after 4 loops.

My understanding of why this works so well is this: if you remove shit from your system/ psyche/bodyā€¦ You gain space. This space wants to be filled again and then the subs have no resistance and can work without hindrances.


I would rather say itā€™s making your subconscious more susceptible to positive programing since a lot of negative programing has been neutralized and your minds doesnā€™t have to struggle with holding up those negative beliefs, has more energy you can channel into the right direction. Thank you for your explanation, Iā€™m really curious how it goes when Iā€™m done with my healing (Elixir+Regeneration-42 days in total).

Why didnā€™t you run Elixir and Regeneration for more than 45 days, if I may know, please?

I needed a break for 1 week and then DR is coming out. So I am on DR now and itā€™s exactly what I wantet RegenerationQ to do.
I Wil do 4 months + DR


Day 6
In 30 min I start the 3rd time I play DR.
Somehow I needed to process 3 days to and I am ready now

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30 min in and I have the whole time headache.
But now starts a warm cleaning wind
37 min in and warm fire is in my belly moving upward - very pleasant
Now headache start to disolving
This is so pleasant I am sitting in a fire since 20 min

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4 hours later an I am sitting in a very pleasurable fire. Now it holds very long.
Still little bit headache but I am going for another loop in 2 hours

I had a song coming up during the Loop: Fire Fire burn away AL that cannot stay, right away

Its a nice directing song

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Yesterday I did 2 loops
Last loop before bed or letā€™s say when I go to sleep. 2min after I start the loop paranoia arises.
That somebody is here to get me and so I was working on that. I stood up 10 min ago and I have this fear sitting in my belly. Yesterday it was a full blow in my head, today my head is relaxed almost clean. now I deal with that.
I watch where in my life I had this state first and some memories pop up.
On the same time I sit here very relaxed, knowing that this shit is leaving now for sure. I can let it pass trough my system and dissolve


Personally, I was feeling miserable in the morning. I ended up saying something along the line of ā€œpurge all this in the fires of the dragonā€ so that I could direct my frustration and let my subconscious mind running DR resolve it

Nice one Raphael.
How do you progress?

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@Leandros - very slowly, my friend. Am only 3 days in. Feels like am dragging my legs and wings. Like a new born dragon baby.

And something else happened this morning.
I stood up and had this warmth in my heart, I say I forgive everybody whatever they did or not did to me, I forgive whatever they said or not said to me

Yes itā€™s my 4th day also
After 2 days I needed a break for 3 daysšŸ˜ never had that.
Now DR starts. And I am excited what Wil happen.
Wishing you the best Raphael

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Wishing you excellent results in return, @Leandros!

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May the Healing double on you

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