Dragon and Alchemist

Would it be wise to stack Dragon, Alchemist and Sage together for a 4month run?

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Probably not. Not recommended to stack multi-stagers.

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Healing on the Fast Lane

I know there is this Journal of Our forum mod that combined the 2. Maybe you got some insights from that.

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I did Dragon Reborn ST4 and Alchemist st 1

Perfect combo.

But only st 1 of Alchemist fits, because of the Healing aspect.


@Sub.Zero would you like to comment?


Yeah, that was a great ride, running DR st4 along with Alchemist st1:

The rest of the negativity got cleared out and I became really calm and solid.


@Leandros That is a great idea. I think I will do that in the second month of my DR4.

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Great choice

I am doing the same next cycle

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I feel like if you ran closely related titles that were mutli-stagers it might be fine. But you have to remain consistent with them and really take your time. Plus no third title.

Khan + Dragon Reborn
Khan + EOG
Dragon + Alchemist

I think it’s doable, just cannot rush the results and most likely will need more rest days.

Day 1: Listen
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Listen

Cycle like this maybe?

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The recommendation is to not. That being said I’m running khan. And my custom has EoG4 in it. With Emperor

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