Drag Reb Elix 23 (2021)

Best to link a couple of clips.


Thanks for the clips! I like surreal skits.

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In office with my 2 hours off one hour on DR ST2 playlist.

Thursday I shall shift to DR ST3.

Wow! Yee-haw!

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I have been doing an isometric version of the “health lift”.



In the office, starting Dragon Reborn first thing.

I guess the plan is to switch to ST3 tomorrow. Kind of snuck up on me.

Ran ST2 the entire time with 2 to 3 listens per day, 5 days a week. Weekends off.

That amounts to maybe 13 or 14 listens a week x 4 weeks. So between 52 and 56 runs of the subliminal in 4 weeks.

I know! I can’t believe it’s been that long!

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I am now switched over to DR ST3 in my office.

I have also switched to one hour on, one hour off, which should result in 4 to 6 listens daily, M-F, or approximately 22 listens per week of the subliminal track.

Before I had been running 1 hour on, two hours off.

Candles, oils and powders arriving to get ritual candles up and running for the following.

Fixed Star Aldebaran
Mars/Archangel Kamael
Sun/Archangel Michael

So I have been on Dragon Reborn alone since Jan.13, 2021.

I did 49 days on ST1.
28 Days on ST2.
Today starting ST3.
I will move to ST4 and Dragon Reborn Ultima on April 29th.

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2nd day of DR ST3

Weekend break now.

Running Elixir.

First time running it in quite a while.