Drag Reb Elix 23 (2021)

With less than a week of Elixir and a single day of Drag Reb, I can’t really say if I feel any physical change in my knee, but it seems like my attitude to its possible healing has slightly shifted.

It would make sense that emotional healing happens far more quickly than physical healing.

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@Brandon would you give your input about your knees and DR?

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Trying to decide whether to leave my custom that includes Spartan, Emperor Fitness ST4, and Survival Initiative running in my workout space or if it should also be switched to Dragon Reborn.

The custom gets anywhere from 15 to 90 minutes of exposure per day.

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@dorfmeister I would run Dragon Reborn and nothing else

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Yeah, that probably makes sense.

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I wonder if there is any anti-covid scripting in Dragon Reborn?

Some things I am trying to develop.

More productivity. Less procrastination. Less wasting of time. More efficiency in pursuing my goals. Getting rich has never been a priority, but obviously humans need enough money to function and avoid constant anxiety about it.

More time spent creatively.

Better exercise results in less time.

I dislike people generally. Less time spent arguing or worrying about people I don’t really care about. More time spent interacting and collaborating with compelling people.

Finding streams of income that don’t drain me or take up too much time and take time away from things I care about.

(To be continued)


@dorfmeister Going to run Elixir myself later. Feel like shit today

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I hope that improves it, JCast. I have had a mixed day. Much procrastination early on. Discovered the ability to get something done pretty quick late in the day.

Now to drive 15 miles home in a developing blizzard.

I will run Elixir right before I sleep, though to be honest, that strategy has been leaving me shutting it off after 25 or 30 minutes as I fall asleep.

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@dorfmeister If you don’t mind me asking where are you located?

I am in the upper midwest in the USA. Quite a bit of snow, though thus far we have had a fairly minor winter.

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@dorfmeister I am in St Paul Minnesota. You mentioned the blizzard so it had me curious

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Yes. I would guess we are both in the path of that system.

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Just switched my workout area subliminal to Drag Reb.

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Running Elixir through IEMs.

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I’ve been running Elixir once a day, before bed. Often it ends up being 25 to 40 minutes.

I am not really sure how beneficial Elixir will be with Dragon Reborn, but the Ultima for DR is supposed to be run only after listening to DR ST4. I am not figuring on getting to ST4 for a long time.


Running Elixir through IEMs.

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