DRACARYS! - Raphael's Primal Ascended Dragon Journal

@Lion Did you try to run more than two loops of DR a day? If so, did you notice any significant difference?

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Only 2 loops of DR per day. I knew that was enough for me especially because emotional healing wasn’t my priority. Physical healing was


Continuing the discussion from DRACARYS! - Raphael's Primal Ascended Dragon Journal:

@Lion A septillion thanks to you for showing me your journal. Through you, I now have a rough draft of what I may be dealing with when I choose to “Ride The Dragon.” My eyes are open and my mind. Namaskar to you my friend.

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Thanks a lot, @TheSunlightCaller. All the best to your own Dragon Reborn journey. Will keep track of your journal and help as much possible :pray:


Thank you very much for the life line.:+1::pray: