DRACARYS! - Raphael's Primal Ascended Dragon Journal

What’s the difference between ethics and morals?


Day 18: Thursday (Week 3)
Dragon Reborn ST1 x 3

  • I know its less than a month and I had planned to move to ST2 after one and half month but today I decided to move on from Dragon Fire to Dragon Blood

  • Whether this is the reconcilliation speaking or impatience for physical healing urging me on or the feeling that enough breakdown has been done, I won’t hundred percent know. But what I do know is that I feel like am in some sort of flatness as if I have been filled to the brim and it is time to move on to next rung in the ladder

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the flatness might be something your purging or working through, but obviously trust your gut.

Did you notice any physically healing from stage 1?
I’ve notice a bit already.

Can’t wait to hear about stage 2!

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Eager to hear about your discoveries!

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Yes, some nice little physical healings like my lips and knees are smoother.

My lips used to be dry thoughout the year for around 2 years. Now they are soft and not chapped.

My knees used to have calluses for around 4 years. They became smooth


Am eager to find out too!

Even more things to make me put this into a custom sub lol so tempting

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Haha I know how you feel. If I had loads of pocket change, I would be making customs and custom ultimas left and right


This is a great question, and I’m about to go and google it, but first I want to try it from my own intuition.

Morality and morals in my view have to do with values and sentiments about Rightness and Goodness. The feeling and subjective sense of right and wrong.

Ethics has to do with decision-making frameworks and conceptual frameworks about justice and fairness.

I think that a person’s ethics will, in part, be informed by her/his morality; but will go beyond that to factor in considerations about which that person may not have any definite moral feeling.

So, I’d see morality as about the subjective feeling and sense of right and wrong.
Ethics as the overall conceptual framework of right and wrong, justice, fairness (including but not limited to subjective feeling).

I’m freestyling that and may change it after i refresh my sense of what the ‘authorities’ say…


Okay, I was close. But not quite.

Here’s an attractive, accessible explanation.

and here’s a more complete discussion.

(The reason that there’s not a conclusive answer is that the two terms are historically distinct but not completely conceptually distinct. They overlap, and are used in different ways within different communities.)

Anyway, thanks for prompting me to check that, @James. There are too many questions in this world, and something tells me I might never actually have gotten around to that one.


Day 19: Friday (Week 3)
Dragon Reborn ST2 x 2

  • So I started Dragon Blood today. A part of me wondered whether I was jumping the gun. But after waking up today with this stack playing in the night, I don’t feel that I made the wrong decision

  • There was a gentle internal insistence throughout the day to figure out my purpose or if not that, to atleast find one way of earning money and securing my finances

  • As money and career are the weakest links in my life, I do hope that Dragon Reborn will heal that aspect of me

  • Am having sugar again for the past few days. Life was getting boring without some sweetness in it. And indulging in delicious food felt wholesome

  • Am eager for some physical healing but have to remind myself to not expect too much and then be disappointed that things don’t come to me at the speed at which I expect them to come (which is usually wanting things instantly)

  • There is emotional immaturity within me which doesn’t want to do the work with regard to making money. The part that makes me procrastinate and wonder about my purpose could well be the fear of challenges on the way to excellence and also the fears of failure and success

  • No depression at all today but I did wonder whether I will be able to turn my life around. But then I remind myself that many have done this at the same age and some at an even older age so I can do it too. And I have the added benefit of subliminals. I take comfort in my resilence and never give up attitude. As long as you seek, you will find


Bold move, dragon! :slight_smile:

I’m curious how it’ll go from now on. Is there any pronounced difference in feel between both stages? I don’t think I’ll switch to St2 any time soon but the curiosity… :smiley:


Right there with you


@Sub.Zero, @James - your decisions to stick it out on ST1 is admirable, my dragon brothers

In terms of changes in state, i feel that I made a smooth transition. I don’t feel remarkably different from ST1 in ST2. As if changing gears was done so expertly that the rise in acceleration was natural

Mood is still mostly a sense of calmness which was achieved near the end of my ST1 run although there is a bit of necessary unease to push forward into something more

If ST1 was okay with a bit of inaction, ST2 probes us a bit more towards accomplishing something. Similar to Khan ST3 Total Action in that regard

Other than that, my mind feels more accepting and open of the wider world. Where previously I felt intimidated by a lot more issues, now I feel I can test the sky with my dragon wings. There is still some trepidation though mixed with youthful excitement


Day 20: Saturday (Week 3)
Rest Day

  • Vivid dreams of women finding me sexy. No sex dreams though. Dream Raph needs to close his “dream girls” lol

  • Had visitors today so half the day was spent relaxing with them. Had the opportunity to observe that am very chill when people come over now. Previously I used to wonder whether am saying the correct thing in social settings or whether am being too silent. But conversations were very organic today thanks to DR and I could make jokes naturally as and when the occassion came along. Also, am pretty fond of children and today I interacted with 2 of them very well. So much so that the younger kid was disappointed to leave and was asking me whether am coming along with them

  • Spent a lot of time thinking about career options. Looked up copywriting and watched several videos on it. Also was remembering the time I used to blog and write often. Those were the days when I used to have a software engineer job. That made me wonder whether am good at creative writing as hobby when am working as a programmer. It’s possible that the synergy of coding and creative writing is necessary for me to be good at both. Hmm. Not hundred percent sure about this but it is worth considering.


There are hundreds of video analysis on the movie Fight Club on youtube. But this has to be the best one, in my opinion. How emasculation arises when we refuse to confront our mortality. And in contrast, how we reclaim our masculinity by self-destruction and the creation of a more powerful man who desires no comfort but who can stare death in the face and not flinch:

PS: excellent YT channel too


Another great video. This one is on action taking and defeating procrastination (great YT channel too). If one wants to create, one needs to know how to act:

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Nietzsche was the favourite philosopher of my youth. I’ve read almost all the books.
I called my very first custom after his main concept; Transgressive Will to Power. I don’t know when I’ll build it yet. But the concept you’re referring to is Reevaluation of all your Values in order to follow your will to power - transgressing your moral boundaries to become a superhuman. And it was about staring into the face of the abyss, not death:

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss . The abyss gazes also into you .

The monsters are people who want to impose their morality on you (parents, the Church, school, Gandhi etc.).
The abyss is no moral compass. It’s like telling you that the most powerful men don’t use any moral compass, they’re beyond good and evil and they don’t value anything morally. There’s no sin, there’s no crime, it’s all imposed by the monsters but you don’t want to fight them using your own morality, you’re beyond that by gazing into the abyss - moral nothingness. And that requires an immense courage of you.

Sorry, but I loved reading him. :heart_eyes:

Here’s the custom:


Really cool custom idea, @Sub.Zero

Am guessing you will build it after finishing with DR. Or incase DR nudges you to make it during ST3 Dragon Flight

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I may try to stack Stark with PCC first, run it for 1000 hours and then move to the custom. It also depends on what new is going to show up next year. Saint Fire have a lot of toys for us I’m sure. But I must admit running the custom asap is really tempting but… I want to kill the Dragon first and then steal one million dollars and kidnap the princes using Transgressive Will to Power. :heart_eyes: