Does slowing down prevent breakthroughs?

I am wondering if u are going through recon. its a lot of recon so u decide to ease up by listening to smaller loops or having more rest days. would that potentially prevent a breakthrough?

this is wat im thinking. if ur listening to a sub and theres a big change needed to happen would it be fair to use the analogy of climbing up a hill. u need to be using the subs strongly enough to push u up against gravity and then up the hill. if u lighten up, gravity will be too strong and that specific growth through the sub wont happen? so reducing could prevent a breakthough?

I know it works regardless but im imagining its pushing u up all different types of hills at the same time. some are steap. some are not.

essentially wat im asking is, can lightening up on ur subliminal use prevent u from having a breakthough that would only happen if u were more aggressive with it?


@SaintSovereign addressed that here:


It could be like that for some people. When it comes to the human mind it’s hard to pin down absolutes.

I can give you my personal experience though. I think you’re more likely to prevent a breakthrough by being overly aggressive and not listening to your own needs than easing up. You have a certain capacity to change and experience growth, it’s easy to tip past those limits and burn yourself out. Especially when it comes to the subconscious and actively looking to change things that it adopted to keep you safe. It doesn’t seem to like that very much, it’s a universal response. Most people don’t like change.

To use your hill analogy. Would you rather gas yourself out climbing up that hill and then need to pause at the next one for a few days or maybe even an extended length of time before you hit it? Or would you rather pace yourself, maybe take one or two days easy and then be ready for the next hill after you complete your current one?


In my experience and opinion, the answer is no.

The breakthrough doesn’t come from the “aggressiveness” or “lightness” of the listening, it comes from the repetition over time.

If you lighten up but are still repetitive, you will have a breakthrough eventually. This is why “aggressive” listening isn’t generally recommended and why it is often said that there is no issue in going less. Aggressive listening increases the risk of overload and overwhelment.

How much is too light? If you get recon, you’re not too light.


Was just about to share that!