Does Ascension helps with seduction (girls)

. Who would Emperor be in lines with these analogies?

He rather stack both

Like this?

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I would not mind if the challenges emperor threw at me were women wanting to have sex with me lol these are the challenges I would welcome


I think Ascension and Primal are very good to stack together.


Hahah I expected you say something like that @Grimm1390

I was running Khan, which also has the module The Forge (which manifested such challenges).

With the Forge, you must be ready to go beyond your comfort zone. If sex is totally okay for you, then that module won’t manifest that (sorry :sweat_smile:). To be honest, it helps to have drunken a bit of alcohol on such days when The Forge manifests something


Haha -Batman -Yes agreed

Honestly I’m addicted to the full package of Emperor,
The intensity, the focus, the intelligence…zero fear and total entitlement around the most attractive woman…the challenges are hard but there totally transformation and it’s nothing I have not been able to step up and handle.


Is there a subliminal to make myself un-ok with sex
before I run Khan?


Hahaha :joy:

Request in the q modules request channel

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To be honest with primal I never felt like a douche. Pre Q primal did make me feel like a sexual fiend, I was very horny, since Q plus learning about channeling sexual energy primal makes me feel very optimistic and happy about life. The motto for me on primal is all is well and will be.


Custom khan or regular khan ? How did you find out about khan having the the forge ? I have no idea what’s in these subs outside of the descriptions on the sales page lol

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I am talking about regular Khan

It is literally written on the sales pages that it will manifest such situations. When I remember correctly, it was the description of Stage 3 but Stage 4 has it as well.

Well i don’t have money for both Ascension and Primal so…:laughing:

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I didn’t know khan had the module the forge in it though I didn’t even know about that module. I haven’t read the sales page for khan in a while so I probably missed it or forgot about it.

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Start with ascension don’t rush


Emperor is amazing lol i ran it for a month a year or 2 ago and was so happy with it and also ran it as the emp experimental earlier this year. Emperor can be tough to run but it will shake your existence to its core and make you rethink your life and where you are headed.
I would start with ascension then emperor or start with AM then emperor.

Thinking about it i have been questioning things a lot lately so might have to re calibrate my goals and subs i run. Thanks for posting this, I think i am going to remake my custom sub and choose emperor as a base.


Try Seductress if you feel experimental enough. :wink:
It should still be sex-positive, but very different from Khan.

It is currently labeled Unisex, so it is possible that there is a man out there checking it out. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’ll pass.
I’ll just stick to my affirmations supercharger style

how am I so profoundly uncomfortable with sex
why is sex so not ok for me
how am I so not ready for incredible sexual experiences

I’ll be ready for the khan Forge in no time :wink:

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That won’t work. The brain will ignore not.

You will have to use the standard thoughts that nice guys affirm unconsciously all the time…

why are women so intimidating?
how can I avoid any contact with these intimidating creatures?
why am i such a loser with women?

I don’t think I can write any more. It hurts just coming up with these examples. :dizzy_face:



I asked this question to saint about sexual repression and my shame around sex and women etc back in may and he recommend primal out of the options I asked him about. I can vouch for primal helping me overcome my fear of sex and being sexual as a man. My love for women also grew. I can become bitter towards women because of redpill awareness, but man primal will make you sexually free to express yourself and not be ashamed of it. Try reading the description it really does what it says lol Saint also told me sex mastery has sexual healing In regards to sexual repression but to a lower extent than primal