Does anyone actually get results?

Come on man, we are all alphas here :angry::angry:

Dunno, it works for Gordon Ramsay…
You DONKEY!!! ¡!

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Kinda late to the party, but all this ” convince me that it works in a way that resonates to me ” is a waste of time. Buy any subliminal and try it for 30 days, if you dont like it then ask for a refund. Simple as that. You may or may not find something that resonates to you but first hand experiance is king. Everyone have different results and that depends on where threy are in life, what other subliminals they have used, what their goal is.

For example. After running Emperor in many various versions i can safly say that unless you are heading towards your goal. Emperor will punosh you untill you give up and switch subs or finally give in and go at it.

If you are sitting and waiting for miracles and using emperor, you will feel the motivation and power the first few days. If you do nothing and hope miracles than you get nothing.


It was a psychological attack
Just to let you know
Don’t even try to argue or prove anything otherwise you end up subconsciously in his frame and it workt
For the next time something like this happen, even in your personal life,deflect them with one word: maybe
Whenever someone is forcing an opinion on you or attacking you with words say: maybe
It works like magic :joy::joy::joy::joy:
Just do a testrun with a Frend and see how fast your opponent looses his power, you deflect every attempt and hold your space free of manipulation :wink:


Maybe :gives you space to look at it without entering your head space (and from there flow down into you system) you stay free of influence.
It even works when you think it ( if you don’t want to say it to a person)
Enjoy your space😊


+1 similar exprience…

completely agree


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Let’s just say that SubClub forced me to see the rotten foundations of my life, laughed at it, then set it on fire.

They then reshaped and rebuilt the framework, decorated with authenticity, sealed it with gold and said, “excellent. Now, go that way”.

Depression to happiness
Doubting to surety
Dumb to smart
Dark to light
False friends to my own best friend
Women using me to I choose me
Abusive childhood to pasts reconcile
Repeatedly rejected to repeatedly blessed

Not the type of testimonial I intended to write or sell to anyone, but you get the point. Blame Beyond Limitless Ultima for the prose.


This is my experience with SubClub subs:

After running EoG last year my mindset regarding wealth has changed drastically. I notice it when I talk to my friends and family.

I’m from a working class neighbourhood with parents from a poor family. (Dad youngest of 14). Their views on wealth seem alien to me nowadays.

And actual results, not just how I feel: My family business is growing to 7 figures this fiscal year. When I took over 3 years ago gross sales was 145k €.

EoG and Emp have accelerated the growth. Last year there were total 6 of us in the business, now 14 and I’m hiring more.

Of course it’s not all SubClub, but the “overdrive” definitely is.


Edit: This all is coming from a lazy ass Olympic level procrastinator who absolutely hates working.


Executive doesn’t do anything for me. I’ve only done three loads of laundry so far and gotten my morning PCA work done. I may have to do more loops. Jeez


I will go straight to the point yes it works why? I will give you before and after results detail by detail of what happened to me so you understand why it works and how it works. First of all, my journey started with Beyond Limitless ultima (I was like you to be honest thinking this is going to be a marketing gimmick but I was desperate to achieve higher intelligence and memory), after my listen I had effects but at first, they’re pretty mild it’s like the gym (most used example in this forum) you work out and you become stronger and stronger day by day, night by night, same with Subliminals, slowly my memory started to become better and better and I started to become smarter and smarter (after two weeks). For example yesterday: I had gym class and I was able to remember every detail of what happened which is weird and amazing to think of that I had this type of power. Read about my theory on blu try it out and who knows maybe you will get eidetic memory too. Anyway besides that, you have hundreds of people giving out results like mine. People talk about depression and anxiety because it’s something that is being reduced/healed by Subliminals (For example Khan Total Breakdown). Now I agree subliminal club isn’t a magic pill you have to actually work for it and it will help you achieve that success (It’s like saying I will become rich without doing anything to become rich). Subliminals don’t work like that it’s more like I will become rich because I have the resources (Subliminals) and the motivation to achieve it and use my ressource to become it.

I will give you another example: My friend used Primal, he was in disbelief that girls were attracted to him and stuff you probably already read about. Anyway I told him it was because primal and as most people who aren’t open-minded just laughed about it and said it doesn’t work. Well a few weeks later (he only listened to a week of it) he went back to his bad habits and is now alone most of lunch and no girl really likes him, I’m not even friends with him anymore because he started to be really negative, toxic and overall immature.

So I hope this helped and this explained my journey to you and the lessons you should learn from if you do decide to go threw with Subliminals.


I agreed with you like @SaintSovereign and @Fire made The Executive Ultima and honestly, I would pay the original subliminal price for it I mean this sub works wonders for productivity and they’re giving it out for FREE.

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you gave your friend a subclub product?

I did not leave him he left himself he hurt me and even after recond he hurt me, even more, he was a fake friend talking behind my back and treating me like I wasn’t a good friend. You call that a good friend?

No I recommended it to him and he decided to buy primal because it was what he thought was better for his goals.

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so you said

so he laughed about it and said it doesn’t work yet he bought it? kinda suspicious?

How is that suspicious and what does that have to do with me? I wanted to helped him by recommending it because I care about him as a friend (By the way he laughed and said it doesn’t work a week later after using it).

Guys lets not waste our time trying to convince people who are not willing to help themselves.
Lets help people who are really interested and accept the help and mot shifting the goal post.

Do you actually get results??no we wasting our time here because we got nothing else to do



Alright so you “recommended” SubClub, and your friend here “bought” primal as it suits him the best…
and so he uses it for a week, then gets all the results mentioned on the product and the girls, BUT when you told him its because primal…
the same program he spent “35 DOLLARS”(he must’ve had a good reason to spend money on something he doesnt believe) and got its results, he laughs and says it doesn’t work?

I may not have phrased this correctly but it truly sounds illogical and I’m not trying to cause any problems here but man I doubt the sincerity behind your words.