Do healing subs fade over time like every other sub?

I was going to send a support ticket for this, but wanted to see what other users thought. So as ive read on this forum overtime results of subs will fade when your no longer running them. Is the same true for healing subs ? Or once it removes the trauma its removed and wont come back?

This may be the recon talkin but I just dont want to be stuck in a healing cycle where im feeling great for 2 months lets say but then results start to fade and i need to heal again… At that point wouldnt it just be smarter to run a alpha/confidence based sub and just play that for a long period of time/forever?


This is one the BEST questions I have encountered in this forum

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Thank you bro haha… Yeah it was something i thought of today and i think alot of people may be wondering the same

From running DR, I think they are removed and/or so muted they feel more like subtle, insignificant background noise.

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And please do this as well, then please post the reply here.

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Okay this i will definitely do

It’s different. Once you begin to heal from a trauma, that progress is permanent (to an extent, if you remain in an abusive situation, for example, it’ll come back). The subliminal’s influence itself, however, will fade over time.

For example, when I used healing subs to destroy my wealth ceiling, that wealth ceiling never came back. The subliminal itself, however, did.


Thank you that helps alot !

Curious coincidence, I am just about to post a question that somehow connects with yours, so I am gonna share my experience.
In Dec - Jan and Feb I ran 3 cycles of Regen ZP + Spartan ZP.
Before of that I was lurking with Qv2 Rebirth which gave me some optimistic results early on.
My goal in listening to those was to get rid of anxieties and fears that I have been dragging for too long.
After the first 2 turbulent cycles and a very rough wash-out period, the third cycle was smooth and my mindset was solid and strong.
I felt its time to move now onto other subs, so I went for Ascencion + Rebirth.
I have been into subs for the 6 months and this was the best combo I have felt so far.
During that period I felt I could fly. Everytihng very smooth and solid. No traces of anxieties, fears etc. Felt very good about me overall.
Last month I decided to replace Rebirth with Chosen.
This was first time of running a stack without and healing subs in it.
And almost instantly I was starting to feel a regression of my improvements towards anxieties and fears. If before I felt 90% improvement in that area, by the time my washout period ended I felt that it diminished to 20%.
Since I haven’t felt an effect from chosen I replaced it with Rebirth and after only 1 listening I am beginning to feel improvements again.
Hope I will reach a point one day where I wont need healing subs in my stack.
Atm I am flirting with DR, read some good things about it.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for sharing! Im curious was their any IRL reason for the regression of your improvements? Or was it the subs?

Perhaps something in your life is still causing those fears/anxiety? All my trauma is from school. So im hoping that dragon will remove these and they will be gone. Kinda like what saint said: How his wealth ceiling left and never came back but the subs effects itself died down. So in your case maybe it did remove trauma forever, but the subs were very uplifting for you and thats the effect that died down. Maybe it also just comes down to finding what subs work best for you and running with them tbh, which is an idea i just got from your post. Life is all about feeling what you said :ike you can fly, just a smooth amazing experience) So perhaps is trial and error to find what stack takes you to that promise land? Unless of course you have specific things you want to attack like ED(diamond) or wealth(rich/mogul)

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From my experience

No they don’t fade

But it’s like SaintSovereign said.
If the problem is over then it’s like healing is in sleeping mode.

I still have the same abilitys when there is a problem.

I still can transform into a surgeon and pick the problem apart ( the Elixir)

I stil can destroy negative energy ( Khan ST1)

I stil can move blockages away and see how useless they are ( DR St3)

I still can give myself liberation from the past (Rebirth)


The thing is, trough repetition of Healing you absorb what worked and then use it again without the subs.

You learned it.

Its like riding a bicycle


But to learn and integrate the techniques is the hard but rewarding part you get when you use healing subs


I’m seeing this in my own journey with DR. I’m almost to 3 months on Stage 1 (3 months per stage) and I’m just starting to consider new choices for handling life after making the same choices for decades. DR’s been purging old habits and beliefs, but doing something new…I’ve been stubborn to change.

It’s happening and it excites me when I take the time to notice.


I had this also.
I was very stubborn but at one point I said : fuck it I have nothing to lose and only to gain

VOILA pure liberation

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Hey man you still running wanted and Primal Seduction?

Yo, nah never have yet… Primal is a future stack im going to hit, or khan actually since it has primal in it.

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Am thinking of adding of adding primal Seduction to my stack because I have limiting beliefs in approaching the feminine sometimes.

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Yeah i have the same problem as you. Last night for example i was out at a bar and these bartenders were checking me out and i literally have no game so i didnt make a move. I kinda freeze up. Not in a nervous way but i just dont really know what to say at times

Khan Stage 4 looks great to me. It includes primal seduction and daredevil both which i think would help us alot

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Have you used primal Seduction before?

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I have not. Healing at the moment to create a strong foundation and then ill build upon that

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