Diagnosis/Controlled Testing with Libertine 2.0

I have been experimenting and carrying out controlled testing with Libertine. For some reason the aura seems to fade on certain days on others days its fine. Perhaps @SaintSovereign @Fire @DarkPhilosopher can provide a diagnosis,

Day 1

4 loops of Stark Ultima - overnight listening
3 Loops of Libertine - early morning listening

Aura kicks in around 2 hours after listening…

Result aura strong during the first 4 hours of the morning. Girls when I chat with them look at me with “fuck me eyes”. No matter what I talk about whether its boring or interesting they listen. I am in a good mood !.

After 4 hours the aura seems to fade…

Day 2

4 loops of Stark Ultima - overnight listening
3 Loops of Libertine - early morning listening

I am in a good mood chatting away and flirting with girls that I know. However the aura is just not there i just not feel it.

Day 3

4 loops of Stark Ultima - overnight listening
3 Loops of Libertine - early morning listening

Aura seems to reappear but not as strong…on talking to some girls I can see libertine doing its job.

Day 4

4 loops of Stark Ultima - overnight listening
3 Loops of Libertine - early morning listening

The aura just isnt there i am still in a good mood but Libertine is not having the same impact it did on previous days.

Wondering how i can make the aura consistent ? any feedback would be appreciated.

Overnight I will run rebirth to give myself a reboot then repeat running Libertine to see what happens.

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Perhaps we could have an aura cleaner ?

Maybe more loops could help with the aura but also different individuals have different results i guess. I only use once per day in the morning …tried two loops once

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@xanderson83 thanks will up the loops Perhaps our conscious minds build a tolerance to the subliminal. Rather like phenibut, which should not be taken more then twice a week. As the brain builds a tolerance.

Saint did mention eating helps replenish the energy needed for the aura. Maybe you should log your “healthy” habits like good food and plenty water intake as well, see if there is a correlation.

I will do that starting from tomorrow thanks. Will also continue to document my testing.

Auras are always going to wane and fade. Not quite sure what causes it other than some kind of natural rhythm, not to mention the energy demands. No one’s been able (as of yet) to create a permanent aura, hence why we recommend running it close to the time when you’re going out, but not TOO close as you’ll need some time to process it.

Eat nutrient rich foods, stay hydrated, etc. Healthy habits will cause the aura to perform better, as you’ll have more energy as a whole.


Thanks I am taking everyone’s feedback onboard :slight_smile:

My guess is that this is more achievable with those long-term mindset shifts provided by such major subs as Khan.

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@SubliminalUser good point mate. Stark is already doing that for me I am going to switch from Stark Ultima to Stark custom (single core) terminus and keep you guys updated. I think both Saint and DarkPhilosopher are right . Auras do require a significant amount of energy.

This morning for breakfast i had

Vitamin D3
Lions Mane
citrulline malate
raw garlic (organic)

2 Glasses of water followed by my electrolytes
3 half boiled eggs
Beef slice in bread
3 slices of toast
Oatmeal with organic milk

Followed by omega 3 !

Will keep you all posted :slight_smile:

Not a lot to report today HAVING SAID THAT I only listened to 1 loop of Libertine did not get time to fit in a second loop.

So it would unwise to report any results as I want to stick to running at least 2 loops or more.

My gym/health club is the best place to test Libertine as all the social places have been shut down. There are mainly female staff working their and lots of young women working out.

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The enigma I’ve noticed about many “aura” products is that there will be a very noticeable effect for a week or so and then nothing. And I mean nothing. It’s not that the results are now normal and I think it’s nothing. It literally is nothing. The results are just gone.

The LU aura is the most consistent. As I mentioned before, there seems to be a cumulative and lingering effect with daily (at least 5 times a week) use.

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@RVconsultant Lingering effect ? do you mean it becomes part of your identity, like it sticks and you no longer have to use it.

The bizzare thing is when I tested Libertine months ago it gave me headaches, bursts of anger and reconciliation. Now I have got over that what might have helped was the use of the healing subs. I would recommend hammering yourself with rebirth every night for 2 weeks before using libertine. If that doesnt work find a way of healing yourself there is always away.

Perhaps it does. What I am confident of is…

I am guessing social norms play into this also which are outside the subs control. I understand why SC were hesitant to release any of the sexual aura subs.


Social norms might be playing into this.

What I can say is that with auras, SC technology has been the most consistent and reliable. I’m very happy with it!

You can thank @SaintSovereign and @Fire for developing the technology and releasing it. I know I do! :grin:

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I’ve wondered if this waxing and waning of the auras might have something to do with the idea in Chinese medicine of chi flow, and certain meridians being more active or vulnerable or stronger or inactive at certain times of the day or night.

I’ve also wondered if the aura might have some sort of screening effect. The women I’m more likely to find likeable tend to respond better, where as women I’m less likely to get along with are more likely to respond less favorably.

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@SaintSovereign i was just reading about the article on What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Reconciliation? And i can feel the symptoms so what do i do whats the solutions?
Thank you.

Take rest days,maybe do a washout.reduce loops or listening days

If SC could up with a " sustainable aura" that would be a huge advance.