Day 1 of the rest of my life ~ Stark & LME ~

Day 8~
Going to take a rest for the weekend and jump back in on Monday.

Noticed this powerful feeling yesterday as I was teaching others about the Things I’ve studied for almost 2 years relating to manifesting.

I stood there and felt this realization that Stark is taking effect on me!

I’m feeling overwhelmed about how to keep up with everything I am currently doing.

I almost went to try and delete my journal but then decided not to.


What is your listening schedule plan for the next 9 days?

Taking a break for the weekend from subs

Any suggestions going forward?

How about taking a week off, then starting again with 3 minute loop, wait for 4 days, and notice what happens. Then decide what to do next?

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Yeah I’ll take a week off
Have a listen
See how I feel
And go from there!

Thank you :pray:

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I feel pretty embarrassed at the moment…
Wishing I could delete my journals… my Facebook group posts…
The illusion I thought was my reality…
Was I under a spell with lbfh when I manifested the guy I mentioned so much…?

I feel like I just experienced a true narcissist empathy dynamic…

I sit here and question if I am the narcissist…

I notice where I will read about it or anything and my mind automatically takes me to relating to any piece possible that could be a sign that I have that disorder…

I wonder why I am feeling I have attracted a narcissist and that I often attract a narcissist when I am levelling up…
How do you know it’s a narcissist?
Why are they showing up?
How can you tell if they aren’t really a narcissist?

Am I the narcissist :thinking:

I’m a powerful assertive and empowered woman who has often intimated the men I attracted and called bs on their ego…

I see right through peoples bs… but I want to genuinely help them…

I was afraid of my own power… it was rejected by my dad…

And when I embrace it fully

I feel I attract a narcissist…

The man I have been dating for 2 months… since LBFH…

Super intense…quite brilliant… had joined my mentors Facebook group… we’re doing 2 of their courses…
He’s super nice to everyone around him but I see another side of him sometimes… not anger but extreme neediness or validation and praise…
Intense energy…
Spoils me…
Super generous and showers me with gifts
Comes in like the saviour during this transition in my life …
I quit my career to dive in with business and be there for my children…

When I express a concern or something showing up he turns it around on me… asks me what I am doing wrong…

Says I only tell him his faults but not his good qualities… which is bs

Plays this game of passive aggressive where he pretends to be complimenting me but he’s actually jabbing at me

For example: Thanks for pointing out so many of the bad qualities in me. It is loving to do that and I thank you.

He says he is on his way and doesn’t come for so many hours later… knowing it bothers me… then wonders why i am pissed…

He said I am full of myself and not aware of what I am saying… and then says I am beautiful intelligent independent and embody self love and wishes he could be that way…

That me wanting a power couple relationship is something he isn’t mature enough for yet… but has said before that he wants that too… it’s so confusing

I see the good in all… but this is mind fuckery

I’m questioning my sanity and identity

I love him but why the fuck is this happening?

He has also threatened to break up and then comes back…

Right now he has taken our status off Facebook…

I’m trying to see my faults here…

This is disheartening but also a blessing on my journey of ascension :pray:


This is third time this book has popped up in my life recently. I feel like this is a sign I should read it lol. How do you like it so far?

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I am loving it!!!

I highly recommend reading through it…

Take what you want and leave the rest… :raised_hands:

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I relate to this. I’m on my 4th rest day from LBFH, and it is significantly stronger while it activates. A week or two back I considered scrapping my whole LBFH journal and this community since I felt pure shame and self-blame over myself. I grew up with a lot of blame, I’ve turned to it habitually to “correct” myself, and damn… It doesn’t help.

And it’s happened whenever I’ve walked into something which was different from that survivalist training from chiildhood. I’m here learning and experiencing what freedom is using SC subs. But sometimes… yeah, it seems like real hell.

I’m using more rest days purposefully now, as it kicks in clearer during rest days, and thank God it purposely does not push you. Cuz I’ve pushed myself, painfully at times. Loving myself is a new lesson and experience each and every day.

Kudos for your share.


I’m doing 1 week rest right now from my current stack.

Thank you for sharing.

I appreciate this community so very much…

Definitely shame & guilt for me, but I’m not dwelling as long on that pain and misery.

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Me neither :slight_smile:


If he’s a narcissist, why are YOU trying to take fault for this?

If/when he comes back yet again and acts like he’s doing you a favor by doing so, ask yourself if he’s worth sacrificing your own personal integrity.

I’m sure there’s at least one person in the world who wouldn’t require this much effort on your part. Someone who loves and accepts you as you are.

You CANNOT fix or save or rescue a narcissist. They will suck your energy dry, and then make it your fault for being tired.

Seriously, if you love yourself at ALL, stop settling. Decide what your non-negotiables are for relationships.

Let this guy know that you are NOT an easy target. Narcs go for easy targets because that is their only real skill set is with easy targets.

Rant over :joy:


We all have narc traits or tendencies…

This has just been quite a transition for me in my life since leaving the school…

I don’t really believe he is a narcissist, but there are things there that are toxic on my end and on his end.

I am grateful more has come to my awareness to heal in myself…

Space is good and if we were to talk again… I will actually stick to what I say I will do or be…

I will also listen :ear: I myself have my own narc traits to dismantle… and I’m okay admitting that now…

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It sounds like you’re going through a big transition and it’s normal to feel off-kilter – plus there could be some recon. However, if you truly are questioning your sanity and identity, he may be gaslighting you. Just throwing it out there.

Other thoughts ….
You say you love him, but ask yourself if you really love HIM as he is today, or do you love the idea of who he could be if he stopped doing x, y, and z? Because the person he could be doesn’t exist yet – and may never exist. This can be a tough one, and a trap I’ve fallen into myself (more than once). When people show you who they are, believe them.

It might be helpful to think about your must haves in a relationship and ask yourself if this person is capable of being that partner today (and are you)? No one is perfect, but the relationship should meet those basic requirements most days. Respect is at the top of my list. You can’t really love someone you don’t respect (not romantic love anyway) and it doesn’t sounds like he’s respecting you (showing up hours late and the backhanded compliments that are designed to wear away at your self-esteem). Love yourself enough to know you deserve better, maybe that’s the LBH lesson.

Best of luck to you.


This was more of an exaggeration in the moment if I’m being totally honest.

Definitely feeling some recon.

I gaslight myself sometimes. :crazy_face:

I have had a tendency of painting this picture of an ideal partner and attempt to mold someone into that idea in my imagination.

I love him for sure but some of his habits bother me, but I also have my own habits that bother me too.

I see the light and dark side in people.

I’m highly intuitive empathic and have psychic abilities as well.

Sometimes I feel highly sensitive and overwhelmed by this gift and sometimes curse.



Also, in addition to narcissistic traits we also move through narcissistic states.

It’s like lanes on the highway.

Imagine that there are 5 lanes and the one all the way on the left is the Narcissism lane. Some people avoid that lane. Some people go in and out of it based on the conditions. And some people stay in it all the time. It’s the only one that they drive in. Those people are “The Narcissists”. But many other people will get in that lane from time to time. And, occasionally, even “The Narcissists” may get out of that lane temporarily.

This is a simple way of looking at it, but, to me, it kind of comes down to this:

Can you take turns?

It’s a kindergarten lesson.

hahahaha. “Okay honey, it’s Timmy’s turn now. Can you sit the f**k down?” :rofl:

If you can’t; and if all you have are 128 excellent reasons why you can’t…then you may be in that left lane.

On the other hand, if you can’t take your own turn, and are always giving it up? Well, that’s just the same problem in reverse. Narcissism is not the only problem in the world.

Anyway, those are more cents for the penny jar.

The important thing is it sounds like you’re on your journey and are building up strong wisdom.

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It’s been almost a month of rest from any subliminals…

My dreams have been super vivid and powerful…

Having a lot of aha moments…

Major breakthroughs and releases…

Much bolder and confident…

Truly embracing the powerful woman that I am…

I’m debating which subs to go with when I am ready to give them a go again…

I’m not feeling any interest in intense healing subs as I have already done quite a bit of healing in my life… and DR rocked me to the core on every level of my being! :fire:

I’m working at business and artistic goals while raising 1 child full time and 2 part time.

I am in a romantic relationship… noticing where I could probably use some improvements…

Miss you guys :heart:


So it’s been about a months rest without any subliminals…

Is it possible to feel effects this long after listening?

I find more and more comes up to heal as the days go on…

It feels like spiritual ascension!

I keep getting this desire to start a new cycle of subs… but then I feel a little fear because what I experienced from overload last month!

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Could just pick two titles abs do one loop of them each alternating days. And keep them somewhat related to each other so they integrate faster.

Like Heartsong and Seductress.
Ascension for Women and Mogul

Or DR1 and DR2 (kidding about that one)

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I’m going with Stark + LE + Seductress

Starting on Monday :sunglasses: